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Everything posted by jonfrederickl

  1. Although it's not really to do with the 737, it ruins my experience with the 737 so it kinda is? Anyway, how do I change my render distance for other people (other planes) in VATSIM? Regards
  2. I still have the bug where some switches don't have any sound with SoundMAXX installed. EDIT: log updated. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  3. Got it- thanks for the info.
  4. oh haha. oops- currently not in sim, will look tomorrow.
  5. When I load up the 737-300, a lot of the failures are set to inoperative and it wont let me change them back.
  6. I'm doing the same, but this time with the steam version. Will it work?
  7. I'm not a big fan of the stick too. Anyway for autopilot disengage (the one that doesn't turn the FD's off) I use the pinky switch on the stick. On the throttle stand, starting from the left-hand side (front): Parking brake -both the switches-, Speedbrake up a notch and down a notch, then landing gear up and down. On the throttle stand, the dials: Mixture and prop. On the throttle stand, the switches above the dials going up towards the back: Flaps up and down a notch, then reverse thrusters toggle- the rest of the switches are: "do nothing at all". On the actual throttle itself, the two dials at the top and bottom: Elevator trim and rudder trim.
  8. Alright point taken
  9. I know Cameron said not to move the planes directory but if you really wanted to, could you? without anything breaking- plane will work as normal.
  10. how do you clean your computer? I'm always seeing "don't use that" or "don't use this" on the web where everyone is contradicting each other. Guessing compressed air and some alcohol.
  11. maybe a conflict?
  12. not sure if it is too do with the 737 or skymaxx, wanted to let you know. x-plane crashed while over frankfurt area, first ever: "X-plane stopped working" crash. Log.txt
  13. @Litjan It handed great under pressure
  14. I don't know if its down to the plane, or x-plane itself but when it strikes dark I have no reflections and just a solid black panel, even if I have a dome light on.
  15. can re-create- forgetting about the log stuff, I started another flight.
  16. oh just realised what you're on about, was watching joshjgibbs stream
  17. if you say so...
  18. I've had the temptation to do this ever since I bought it, sorry IXEG (probably not sorry). I assure you, we landed safely.
  19. btw you can get good engine and wing views from outside the aircraft with a little cheat. Don't know if ou knew, just wanted to tell you:D I much prefer it outside the aircraft myself.
  20. We NEED a force feedback yoke/joystick. Thrustmaster- heads up.
  21. nope, not for me my friend- damn if only:D
  22. alright thanks
  23. So did they announce a release time?- kinda confused because I can't find one.
  24. oh oops,didn't check the latest messages.
  25. the product page is now up:D 75$
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