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  1. same issue here (but in VR) CL650_Log.txt Log.txt
  2. Departing EDAH, ATS on, reaching VR and the moment i touch the yoke in VR in order to lift nose CTD happens. This happend several times so it seems there´s a pattern leading to one root cause? excerpt CL650 log; 2022-01-14 23:18:45 CL650[except.c:213]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 00007FF7684B6BAC C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000000916BAC () 1 00007FF7684B5FAF C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000000915FAF () 2 00007FF7684BFA7D C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+000000000091FA7D () 3 00007FF7684C99D8 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+00000000009299D8 () 4 00007FF76851B167 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+000000000097B167 () 5 00007FF768528784 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000000988784 () 6 00007FF767C875A3 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+00000000000E75A3 () 7 00007FF7680A33EA C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+00000000005033EA () 8 00007FF7689F22BA C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000000E522BA () 9 00007FF7689E4F16 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000000E44F16 () 10 00007FF768C13B47 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11 New Install\X-Plane.exe+0000000001073B47 () 11 00007FFF3C3054E0 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+00000000000154E0 () 12 00007FFF3D2C485B C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000000485B () Log.txt CL650_Log.txt
  3. Good point, i have created a new clean x-plane installation, copied the CL over and not yet installed new navdata - makes perfect sense. Thanks Toto!
  4. another one, same situation loading a saved state via FBO Log.txt
  5. Have seen this as well but I considered X-Plane to be the guilty one since its overloaded with VR weird artifacts
  6. Hi, having this when trying to enter the FBO since a while - worked before several times without any issue No Plugins except Gizmo installed. Log.txt
  7. With respect to audio I am seeing a special thing with the CL650 as well. Often (not always) when I load a saved state volume is at zero, when bringing it back to higher volume all is fine. This only happens with the CL.
  8. It’s a known issue and Toto is already working on changes to have all airports in for next patch.
  9. And by the way, on my side this def. only comes with the CL. All other AC work fine.
  10. Same issue here in the meantime with every start.. 0:01:39.644 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.655 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.667 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.677 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.688 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.699 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.711 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.722 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.748 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.785 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.810 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.824 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.835 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.835 E/GFX/VK: Memory heap 0 has overstepped its budget! 0:01:39.835 E/GFX/VK: Heap usage is 3905036288, heap budget is 3721461756 0:01:39.835 E/GFX/VK: Sitting at 71 deletions, the defragmenter is running! 0:01:39.843 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.855 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.865 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.877 E/FMOD: C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source_code/app/X-Plane-f/../../engine/sound/soun_fmod.cpp(144): FMOD error 2 - Error trying to allocate a channel. 0:01:39.900 I/OVR: User is leaving the holodeck. 2022-01-11 18:18:03 CL650[except.c:213]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 00007FF62050F370 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+000000000054F370 () 1 00007FF6208DBD0E C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+000000000091BD0E () 2 00007FF6208E5836 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000925836 () 3 00007FF620673AE6 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000006B3AE6 () 4 00007FF620B0AAE2 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000B4AAE2 () 5 00007FF620B04A38 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000B44A38 () 6 00007FF6200AA181 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000000EA181 () 7 00007FF6200A7C35 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000000E7C35 () 8 00007FF6204C33EA C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000005033EA () 9 00007FF620E122BA C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000E522BA () 10 00007FF620E04F16 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000E44F16 () 11 00007FF621033B47 C:\Users\wdr\Desktop\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000001073B47 () 12 00007FFBBC8B54E0 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+00000000000154E0 () 13 00007FFBBD36485B C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000000485B () --=={This application has crashed!}==-- Log.txt
  11. Good point, it would be great in such cases to tell Jenny to have the MRO services to check and fix for next flight (the urgent stuff). The not so orient should go into a scheduled regular check and be fixed then.
  12. Whatever chart I choose to display i can perfectly zoom in Non-VR via the respective zoom knob. Once switching to VR the Zoom button does not react to any kind of clicks. Once switching back to Non-VR all fine again.
  13. @Graeme_77 in real world, is there something like a FLEX effect if the temperature is set to a lower value and if yes, any idea if this is being used/common? Talking about the takeoff.
  14. Hi, seems this is currently not working currently. BR
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