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Everything posted by LPNils

  1. So how about a nice and small SAAB Safir as a side project? Something entirely different from the big jets.
  2. They probably have some manuals. My guess. Do you guys? b737.org.uk also had some manuals for sale some time back. Haven't checked in a while. So expensive. Plus, I have quite a lot of digital manuals. But even the books sometimes do not tell the whole story. Or they sometimes are ambiguous as to what the actual situation will be.
  3. So what does it mean?
  4. My computer isn't sweating at all! The grass loads only when you view it up close. Besides, usually the amount of grass rendered depends on your tree rendering settings. Nice scenery. Guetersloh is a nice looking field as well. Had to create new exclusions in WED, though, to make it work with W2XP. But it should work just fine in default scenery.
  5. Components have their own warranty. Components are designed to function with other components. If they do not perform the way they are supposed to -> usually warranty. I also have a homebuilt PC, upgraded some components. Had it for a couple of years now and never had any hardware trouble. And homebuilt PCs are usually much cheaper than prefabs. If something fails and warranty has expired? Well, I'll just buy a new component. So no biggie.
  6. 354 GB at this time. That is with photoscenery in the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern France, Germany, Austria and half of Czech Rep. Great for long VFR trips.
  7. Fun to see people are starting to see signs in everything.
  8. In the case of turboprops the prop probably is spinning at the same RPM all the time. Once you slow down considerably the prop will eventually decrease in RPM at lower power settings. If you listen carefully you can in fact hear the actual engine itself change power. So, what aircraft were you flying? Does this happen for all aircraft?
  9. Explains a lot. Was frustrated looking for this aircraft for at least half an hour
  10. What Mig-21 is that? Looks stunning.
  11. Thanks for editing the post and approving the uploads, Cameron.
  12. File Name: ETSB Buchel Air Base File Submitter: LPNils File Submitted: 13 Jan 2016 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. This is a relatively small airbase in the Eifel in Germany, in between Koblenz and Spangdahlem. It is home to the Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader (TaktLwG) 33, operating the Panavia Tornado, and the USAF 702 Munitions Support Squadron. Since 2007 this base is the only German base hosting nuclear weapons (B61). The base consists of a main runway (2500x45 excl stopway & displaced thrsh) and a parallel taxiway. The main apron is quite small and suits fighters and general aviation. Large aircraft usually park on the parallel taxiway, for example at the run-up bay at the northern end. The fighters based here use the "loops" of dispersals on the south-east and south-west sides of the base. The QRA area is located in the northern loop. (I have named the ATC TaxiRoutes for the loops LE LW and LN, parallel taxiway is P, and the other taxiways A to F from north to south.) This scenery is partly a conversion of my own MSFS version, however it was expanded and edited big time for x-plane 10. Required libraries: Flags of the World, RuScenery, OpenSceneryX, Handy Objects Library, 3D People Library, RE Library, RD Library, BS2001. If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). The Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon by org user MKiii is included in this package. Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: EDLV Niederrhein Weeze Airport File Submitter: LPNils File Submitted: 13 Jan 2016 File Category: DSF Scenery Packages X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 10 A rebuilt scenery of Niederrhein airport in Northrhein Westfalia, Germany. Located just along the border with the Netherlands this airfield started its life in 1953 as RAF Laarbruch, supporting the Royal Air Force's defense of western Europe during the cold war. The RAF left the base in 1999 and preparation began for reopening as Airport Niederrhein in 2003. The old main hangar (used as aircraft factory in the 30s and 40s) is nowadays used as the terminal. Most of the old RAF 4 Squadron dispersal area is in use as general aviation parking. This scenery comes with many custom buildings, library objects and a big orthophoto. I will continue to add or modify details over time. Required Libraries OpenScenery X Handy Objects Library RD_Library RE_Library 3D People Library AutoGate Plugin Ru_Scenery If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). Included Objects by other developers Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon Mkiii Eurpean Airport Objects BS2001 (now also available as a library) I welcome feedback. Happy landings! Click here to download this file
  14. SMS Beaver, on network with a mate. Started from EHOW Oostwold, flew all the way to Hamburg via Nordholz, and via Hannover, quick stop at Melle, and then via Rheine, Meppen back to EHOW. Long flight, great scenery on the way.
  15. There was a 737NG simulator advert in the Berliner Zeitung of 19 & 20 December. Can't find it at the moment but I think the price was much better than E160 an hour, in the city of Berlin somewhere. But still, E160 is quite cheap here in western Europe. Full motion sims usually start at at least E400 per hour. AH! Found it. So.. this sim is also motion equipped.
  16. I have uploaded the files, they show as red and cannot be found using the search function. I think the moderators have to check the files first. The files themselves are all good, since uploading at the x-plane.org site shows no issues. But it definitely is taking a while now..
  17. Hi there folks. A while ago I built a big, detailed rendition of Niederrhein/Weeze. It started out as an MSFS conversion which I modded heavily to make it work for Xp10. At some point I decided to rebuild the field using new custom buildings, textures and a heavy orthophoto. It was already available at x-plane.org but I think this community could use some more add-ons. (So if this works out well I'll add my sceneries for The Netherlands later). Same story for ETSB Buechel. However it is less detailed than Niederrhein (EDLV is my favourite ). At this point in time the uploads still show in red. Does this mean the admins still have to check the uploads?Does this community have a page with all required library links or is it cool to link to the .org (my solution for now)?Upload information: EDLV Niederrhein / Weeze Northrhein Westfalia http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/776-edlv-niederrhein-weeze-airport/ A rebuilt scenery of Niederrhein airport in Northrhein Westfalia, Germany. Located just along the border with the Netherlands this airfield started its life in 1953 as RAF Laarbruch, supporting the Royal Air Force's defense of western Europe during the cold war. The RAF left the base in 1999 and preparation began for reopening as Airport Niederrhein in 2003. The old main hangar (used as aircraft factory in the 30s and 40s) is nowadays used as the terminal. Most of the old RAF 4 Squadron dispersal area is in use as general aviation parking. This scenery comes with many custom buildings, library objects and a big orthophoto. I will continue to add or modify details over time. Required Libraries: OpenScenery X Handy Objects Library RD_Library RE_Library 3D People Library AutoGate Plugin Ru_Scenery If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). Included Objects by other developers - Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon Mkiii - Eurpean Airport Objects (RVR detectors etc) BS2001 (now also available as a library) ETSB Buechel Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/777-etsb-buchel-air-base/ This is a relatively small airbase in the Eifel in Germany, in between Koblenz and Spangdahlem. It is home to the Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader (TaktLwG) 33, operating the Panavia Tornado, and the USAF 702 Munitions Support Squadron. Since 2007 this base is the only German base hosting nuclear weapons (B61). The base consists of a main runway (2500x45 excl stopway & displaced thrsh) and a parallel taxiway. The main apron is quite small and suits fighters and general aviation. Large aircraft usually park on the parallel taxiway, for example at the run-up bay at the northern end. The fighters based here use the "loops" of dispersals on the south-east and south-west sides of the base. The QRA area is located in the northern loop. (I have named the ATC TaxiRoutes for the loops LE LW and LN, parallel taxiway is P, and the other taxiways A to F from north to south.) This scenery is partly a conversion of my own MSFS version, however it was expanded and edited big time for x-plane 10. Required libraries: Flags of the World, RuScenery, OpenSceneryX, Handy Objects Library, 3D People Library, RE Library, RD Library, BS2001. If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). The Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon by org user MKiii is included in this package. Cheers!
  18. In a proper 733.. It's about the very first flight, mate. My short Niederrhein - Cologne flight will probably also be VFR. Getting the feel of the aircraft. Plenty of time left to do programmed flying.
  19. Version 1.1


    Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. This is a relatively small airbase in the Eifel in Germany, in between Koblenz and Spangdahlem. It is home to the Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader (TaktLwG) 33, operating the Panavia Tornado, and the USAF 702 Munitions Support Squadron. Since 2007 this base is the only German base hosting nuclear weapons (B61). The base consists of a main runway (2500x45 excl stopway & displaced thrsh) and a parallel taxiway. The main apron is quite small and suits fighters and general aviation. Large aircraft usually park on the parallel taxiway, for example at the run-up bay at the northern end. The fighters based here use the "loops" of dispersals on the south-east and south-west sides of the base. The QRA area is located in the northern loop. (I have named the ATC TaxiRoutes for the loops LE LW and LN, parallel taxiway is P, and the other taxiways A to F from north to south.) This scenery is partly a conversion of my own MSFS version, however it was expanded and edited big time for x-plane 10. Required libraries: Flags of the World, RuScenery, OpenSceneryX, Handy Objects Library, 3D People Library, RE Library, RD Library, BS2001. If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). The Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon by org user MKiii is included in this package.
  20. Version 4.27


    A rebuilt scenery of Niederrhein airport in Northrhein Westfalia, Germany. Located just along the border with the Netherlands this airfield started its life in 1953 as RAF Laarbruch, supporting the Royal Air Force's defense of western Europe during the cold war. The RAF left the base in 1999 and preparation began for reopening as Airport Niederrhein in 2003. The old main hangar (used as aircraft factory in the 30s and 40s) is nowadays used as the terminal. Most of the old RAF 4 Squadron dispersal area is in use as general aviation parking. This scenery comes with many custom buildings, library objects and a big orthophoto. I will continue to add or modify details over time. Required Libraries OpenScenery X Handy Objects Library RD_Library RE_Library 3D People Library AutoGate Plugin Ru_Scenery If you do not have these libraries installed, or if they have not been updated in a while, take a look here (click). Included Objects by other developers Cooper Airport Rotating Beacon Mkiii Eurpean Airport Objects BS2001 (now also available as a library) I welcome feedback. Happy landings!
  21. EDLV - EDDK Or the other way round. Just a short flight first!
  22. Just over 200GB. Looks like I will get myself some more photoscenery.
  23. That's why I mentioned pulling the stick slowly. The tailstrike happened to me in the full motion 738 sim doing a rotation during touch and go on a relatively short runway. It's so long and so easy to tip over. Rookie mistake. 733 was indeed much easier. Lot of fun flying by hand. 738 felt just too heavy & long.
  24. The sound of a bang and/or scraping. Just make sure you have enough speed and pull the stick gently. As long as you have enough speed you will lift-off before the tail strikes the runway. Depending on the aircraft you can also keep an eye on your pitch using the artificial horizon. But speed is key.
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