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mishaikin last won the day on June 7 2017

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  1. For the nullzone the Dataref editor can be used to set a custom nullzone (it must be re-set after each calibration of the rudders however), XP11.05r2:
  2. It sounds more like the way XP11 depicts passing through clouds, it is like cockpit filling with fumes.... Were you passing through a cloud? Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
  3. Actually navdata changes the localizers but it is not always for good. I've been agonizing for almost a year with Navigraph about the localizers of LBSF. Finally they changed the data to match the AIP and the newly developed scenery. But at least on two occasions they broke the ILS approaches after reverting back to the old localizers coordinates. So, navaids coordinates might not match sceneries. Usually there is a good match between default navdata and default sceneries. Default navdata is manipulated on purpose to match the default sceneries even if the sceneries are not well aligned with real data. Navigraph also prefers to match the default xplane sceneries when it comes to navaids, so if you are using a payware one you might be in trouble. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. 3) often reason would be incorrect coordinates of the localizer in the nav data, i. e. navdata is not corresponding to the scenery. So, the invisible localizer in the sim would not be where it should be in relation to the rwy. Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
  5. I am so grateful for that. The variable (fast rotating) wind madness in xp (came in 10.41 maybe) should really be put to an end. I have shown with videos to other users (tried reporting it to LR as well) how unrealistic is to have big jets behave as roller coasters in 5-7 kt variable wind, but never succeeded. People just wanted fun and "turbulence", and were so happy to experience dutch roll they couldn't get in fsx. A friend of mine once told me that when he sees the letter "v" in the metar he either cancels his flight in vatsim or changes the simulator. I hope you, as professional, will be heard by Austin and s.th. good will come out of this. Thank you! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/71-x737-support/ Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I think he means this:
  8. I sent a support request on the day after 1.2 was out, but the developer hasn't replied so far. Who knows, maybe he is on vacation. For some people it is summer now Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
  9. I really hope, you won't make them stronger. I showed this video - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/160083962 to a cousin who is also 737-300 FO and the first thing he saw were the finger prints with the reflections and he said that he always cleans them before flight and wants to brake the fingers of those who touch the displays
  10. Am I then the only one getting those reflections ? Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
  11. I think the light source and viewing angle is what matters. But after all could you imagine what fun would be to fly if your displays were not usable all the time Sent from my VKY-L29 using Tapatalk
  12. And here is another video showing that when you manage to get a direct reflection of the sun itself, not just a light on the panels, then you moving through the cockpit can give all those reflections:
  13. It really depends on the angle of the lightening (and the viewing position in the cockpit). So, probably there is no bug, just you have to find the exact conditions to get those reflections. XP11.02r2, linux mint 18.1, GTX980Ti
  14. Though this is a bug coming from XP11 itself, I think s.th. could be done as workaround in the plane to hide this visual annoyance:
  15. Another solution of the pushback in XP11 is to use this brand new and nice animated pushback plugin created by one of the users here (skiselkov) - https://github.com/skiselkov/BetterPushbackC/releases Here is a video demonstration of a pushback of 737 v1.2 with this plugin:
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