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  1. Well...My technique is to use Flaps 30... I have heard that Flaps 40 is hard to control and even some airlines disabled the Flaps 40 setting.
  2. Holy...both X-Aviation and X-pilot site went down for a few minutes. still not available for purchase.
  3. Is there someone keep refreshing the cart page hoping the three little stars to disappear? LOL
  4. OMG OMG OMG OMG Finally!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Most of the time, ground personnel are wearing noise-cancelling headsets, and it is hard visually determine whether the engines are running or not. The spinners patterns are used to make sure ground personnel stay away from running engine. I don't know about the theory of scaring birds, can they actually focus on the small engine spinners instead of the huge airplane?
  6. Totally forgot to mention the Airbus... There are good Airbus addons in market, such as the Jardesign airbus and Aerosoft airbus for FSX, however, JARDesign got a full "Jar" of bugs, and the Aerosoft airbus could only simulate normal flight and only basic switches are operative. The Flight Sim Labs is making an in-depth A320 for FSX, and it has already taken almost six years to enter beta testing since they announced the project in May 2010. It just takes too long and too much work to do in order to precisely represent a modern airplane, and the profits from selling Flight simulations software is just too low due to the low demand... All we need to do is to wait, hopefully by the time most of us become captains in real airlines, for sure there will be much more quality simulations.
  7. The work looks awesome! I am wondering if this would be a study-level sim?
  8. Even though I love the 737MAX, B787 and A380, the modern EFIS and avionics are just too complex and too much work to do, and the database(Charts .etc) might require license from other companies. Even the 777 and 747-400 might take longer than 5 years to be developed in IXEG's detail level.
  9. Hi Jan, what aircraft would you be flying next year?
  10. Could we use SPD INTV button on MCP?
  11. What about MD-10/MD-11 or Boeing 717?
  12. By the way, It seems that all of the 737-300 and 500 fleets in Southwest have HUD system installed...I don't know if IXEG has programmed this function.
  13. Southwest had many 737-200, when the old planes phased out, there are a lot of 737-200 pilots. Instead of providing a massive amount of training to the EFIS, they just covered the new Autopilot functions and Autothrottle (737OG does not have AT) and marked as INOP. Pilots are not allowed to use Autothrottle (not sure if they still do) and VNAV. Only basic Autopilot functions. Even the DUs in some of the NG aircraft are displaying "Analogy instruments".
  14. Thanks for the replying! Nice job IXEG team, all the details of the aircraft and systems are perfectly programmed and modeled, this is gonna be the most accurate simulation addon ever Can't wait to fly it.
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