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Everything posted by Coop

  1. In the X-Plane menu bar, under the "SR22" dropdown, toggle the "Aircraft Window" In there, under the maintenance tab, you can perform maintenance on the aircraft to see if something there is going askew. Alternatively, you can reset the state of the aircraft to new by (when X-Plane is not running), delete the contents of X-Plane 11/Output/SR22 Looking at the frame rate, 30fps shouldn't be causing issues on that setup, but I would recommend considering slightly lower settings in X-Plane to increase the frame rate (60fps is the ideal target, 20fps is the absolute minimum).
  2. That behavior is typical with most autopilots, though I can't confirm that is exact DFC90 behavior. If someone has evidence to the contrary, I'd definitely take a look.
  3. I don't believe there is a default joystick binding for this, it would most likely need to be custom programmed for your hardware. The dataref that drives the inertial separator is sim/cockpit/switches/anti_ice_engine_air[0]
  4. Hi, no the AFM version is not, but we are working on the TorqueSim version of the aircraft, as we outlined over here: AFM M20 customers will receive a discount on the TorqueSim M20 when it releases (no timeline on release).
  5. That is great news! Thanks for circling back and letting me know.
  6. Hi Valery, The SR22 weight and balance is controlled through a custom weight and balance interface. In the X-Plane menu bar, under the SR22 dropdown, toggle the "Aircraft" window. In there, select the "Load Manager" tab where weight and balance can be finely controlled. If you prefer using the generic X-Plane weight and balance interface instead, on the Load Manager tab, turn the setting "FSE Override" on, this will revert back to the native X-Plane w/b logic.
  7. If you hover over the top right corner of the G500 popup window and click so that it pops up as its own window outside of the simulator, is it still blurry there? Based on the screenshots you sent I am guessing the blurriness is just due to the resolution set in X-Plane settings being very low.
  8. Hi, The S&L button on the DFC should command ±2° pitch when pushed (it is not a vertical speed nor altitude hold mode). I haven't seen it go to 5° before. Are you able to record a video of this behavior?
  9. We have an integration guide that describes the config process (I've attached it here). For the usage of the unit, we'd recommend using the real G500 manual to gain an understanding of the system. RealSimGear G500 Integration Guide.pdf
  10. The generator fail message would display if the engine isn't currently running. Does the message persist post-start?
  11. You'll want a high-end CPU with ideally many cores and a modern 20 or 30 series NVIDIA GPU. You can definitely build a computer yourself, or get one prebuilt from a wide variety of companies, for an idea of specs, this would run X-Plane and our aircraft great: https://xforcepc.com/super.html
  12. Yeah, with that CPU you are on the absolute minimum to even potentially be viable. The Entegra system uses ~1-2 threads just to run itself. The physics model for the aircraft also uses ~1 thread. This is even before considering X-Plane and the operating system's needs. With modern CPUs with tons of cores this isn't an issue, but when you are running on a 4 thread total system, its going to be difficult to get running smoothly. We have seen other users find success through closing all other problems and minimizing X-Plane's graphics settings to minimum for ones that relate to CPU, as well as removing additional third party addons/plugins.
  13. I think @Pils advice should get it sorted for activation. The FMOD warnings are known (we haven't done the FMOD XP12 upgrade process yet). Regarding the object missing, if it persists after activation, please file that bug. https://torques.im/bugs
  14. We don't have a precise ETA on the CJ yet.
  15. Yes the G500 will be getting updates for XP12, the current version should be largely functional in XP12 for the time being.
  16. Yes, if the G500 displays themselves are low resolution, that is going to be something else in the stack beyond our control causing that.
  17. We are working on preparing our X-Plane 12 versions of our aircraft and will be making them available to customers through a public beta process. All customers have access the XP12 version of their product for free. If you would like to take part in the public beta's, please fill out this form here: https://torques.im/tsxp12pb and we'll get you added once the beta starts on the various products. With X-Plane 12, there are many bugs that could crop up. To report bugs, the only place to ensure bugs get properly recorded is through our bug reporter form at https://torques.im/bugs. We will triage all reports that come in through here. More to come soon
  18. It depends on how the aircraft was setup and configured for prioritization. I'm not sure how this aircraft setup its panel objects.
  19. That is showing the optional RealityXP GTN integration. The GTN750/650 from RealityXP is purchased separately from their own site for X-Plane.
  20. X-Plane autoscales texture resolution based on available VRAM and the texture resolution slider, it isn't something in our control.
  21. In X-Plane settings -> Data Output, there is a checkbox to show the FPS in the main window. It will then show in the top left of the X-Plane screen.
  22. Initial testing shows that they largely do currently work unofficially, but we will be doing proper XP12 (free) updates for both.
  23. What framerate is your sim running at? I can't get a great look from that video but it appears that it might be quite low. This is dependent on the X-Plane graphical settings. If the CPU is fully saturated, it can block our engine model from running causing the engine oscillations.
  24. Those error messages regarding the Earth orbit textures should be unrelated to any CTD experienced (they are common for tiles of exclusively water). Regarding CTD, unfortunately in both log.txts I am not seeing any obvious culprit and we aren't currently tracking any common CTDs on this product. We'll look into this to see if anything further comes up to give us a better idea.
  25. The TorqueSim Islanders have both G5 and G500 integrations. You would need to re-run the TorqueSim Islander (BN-2B and/or BN-2T) installer to grab the G500 variant if you haven't ran it since purchasing the G500.
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