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Everything posted by SUAS14
Thanks for replying Jan. I raised a support issue with the SkyMaXX boys but am relaxed about it all given we're in a beta environment. I will do some more testing too. Hope you and yours are all keeping safe and well. Best, Gareth
Having lost sight of my objective I decided to redoubled my efforts ... and I believe I'm getting there ;-) In the attempt to get to the bottom of my crashes and clashes (with SkyMaXX) I tried every trick in the book with plugins and prefs, and even installed a 2nd copy of XP11.50 to do it all over. But regardless, when flying the IXEG the only way to avoid a graceful 'XP crash' a few minutes into the flight was to delete SilverLining from plugins. As long as i did that the flights were all sweetness and light, albeit with the absence of the wonderful SkyMaxx visuals. So, next step was to do some straw-grabbing and reinstall IXEG v.1.3. This time I would try and load the fancy beta Gizmo (previously it had scuppered the install). Presto, the classy interface followed by a clean install. No more crashes! Methinks some serious tweaking has been done here. I mean ever the mouse can count upwards now ;-) Whatever the team did - thanks. Now, my only issue is relatively minor. A few minutes after setting up a new IXEG flight a green text message top of screen tells me Lua had been disabled. I lose a few helpful things like 3jFPS but no crash. But when I instruct Lua to 'reinstall all scrips' the error message disappears and we're back in business. It might do it again or it might not. Compared to the earlier hassled this is a minor irritation which I pass on to all in the hope it help, or rings some bells. Or, perhaps like myself, enjoy tweaking XP more that playing some mindless game on their tablet. Cheers GizmoLog.txt
Hello, as it is, I stay well away from shaders! Well I have done quite extensive testing after removing 84Gb of custom scenery, and considerably lowered my GPU-side settings - even updated XPUIC a- but all to no avail it seems. I have attached some GPU-Z screen captures in case they are of interest. The readings seem normal enough. One of the crashes happened the moment I brought up FS Global Real Wx (all the related software is current btw) Not sure if that means anything. We already tried removing all the other plugins. I have appreciated all the help and feedback gentlemen. I am happy to leave it for now with my goodwill. I might try a couple of other tests later. Kind regards Gareth
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Sorry, forgot to ask if you could enlarge a bit on what you mean by my SkyMaX configuration. Do you mean my settings in the SMP' drop-down plugin menu? If so is there a file that contains my settings that I could send you. If not I will send manually.
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Some good analysis and things to try there - thanks very much. Great support. SkyMAXX is clearly an excellent piece of work and I'm motivated to follow through on your observations. At some point in the exercise my problem may simply go away. Yes, I'm aware that my custom scenery folder needs a serious attention and some 'gutting'. Sounds like good 'lock-down' therapy. When I decided to install 11.50+ I hardly recognised my custom scenery, especially the order of things. Is there such a things as a service (commercial is fine) whereby a scenery.ini file can be checked over by an expert eye? Including optimum ordering? If I have any 'eureka moments' regarding my problem you will be the first to know. Kind regards, Gareth
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Greetings, I wonder if you can help me here. By a process of trial and error I found that having the silverlining plugin in my XP Vulcan beta (via latest SkyMaXX installation) causes my XP11.50b9 to exit within a few minutes of setting up a flight e.g C172 REP or IXEG 1.3. Not a crash, XP simply vanishes withput any fuss as if the PC had run out of memory or the CPU had given up the ghost. But it wasn't either of those things. I say that because by simply removing the silverlining plugin the problem goes away. 40-45 fps, not a pause or a stutter - even with the IXEG, in heavy duty scenery like Orbx EGHI (Southampton, UK), and the Orbx South Scenery, plus high HP settings including max scenery detail . Process Lasso reports just over 50% RAM usage and about the same CPU. Not an overloaded PC. I have 24Gb RAM, and a 1070ti GPU 8Gb. These performance results are pretty much the same with or without the silverlining plugin installed. It's simply that in the latter case XP shuts down for some reason. I have attached the log, of which I personally have but a basic understanding. If more information would be of helpful just ask. Yes, it's a beta version of XP but I'm assured that SkyMaxx/silverlining has no problems with Vulkan. If anyone can throw any light on this I would be grateful. Thanks, Gareth Log.txt
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Hi Jan My RAM tested 100% OK. The 'offending' plugin proved to be X-ATC Chatter. After a more careful reinstall all now seems to be well with the IXEG and I take all the blame naturally. So, I'm struck all over again at the sheer integrity of this simulation. Thanks again for creating it for us and supporting it the way you do. You can't beat a labour of love, right? We look forward greatly to the results of the IXEG development work you and the team have under way. Cheers! Gareth (Ex Southampton Uni Air Squadron, UK, Hampshire 1963-5)
Hi Jan, I appreciate your speedy and helpful response. I hadn't thought of RAM. Interesting. I must admit I do cane my system :-) It's 5 years since I put it together, pus a RAM upgrade 2 years ago to 24Gb.. At this stage I've reinstalled a second copy of XP 11.41rc1 and a fresh install of the IXEG. No improvement. Hmm, it does feel like a memory crash for XP - with Win 10 staying up albeit a bit shaky, prompting a reboot. My RAM is not clocked, while CPU is (4.4Ghz from 3.7 stock). I'll be sure to report back to you. Thanks again. Yours Gareth
Hi, after a a bit of time out from the sim I fired up the IXEG today only to have it crash on me after a matter of minutes. Same with multiple restarts. No particular mouse or other input was involved. I downloaded and reinstalled the plane but to no avail. I see that I have 11.41rc1 installed (why did I do this?) and wonder if therein might lie the problem. Log.txt was of no help btw. Anyone able to throw a bit of light on this? I have done a reasonably extensive search on the Forums but found nothing, which would seem to eliminate the current XP release as the culprit. Regards
Hi Goran, sympathies, This clearly is a dilemma for HotStart and for developers in general. It has a kind of bad practice, bad smell to it. 1. The obvious answer, to me at least, is for LM to make available previous release versions in unusual / special situations. If they are indeed secure enough to be that flexible. 2. They rejig to work more closely with developers. In concert even. Or least be less gung-ho about beta updates that offer minor or dubious 'improvements' but in fact prove to be destructive. 3. They put a mature, experienced businessman man on the board who doesn't think like a 'boy'. No offence intended - at 76 I still often think like a boy. Goal being to review their development model and perhaps some other things. Personally, I am grateful for this hiccup as it has prompted me to try using my GTN 750. So far so good, though I gather there may be limitations. Also it has reminded me of the wisdom of saving a working XP release in the future, as a contingency measure. Regards
Goran you're a gentleman and 'well said' RobertC. This plane is the cat's pyjamas. Looking forward to the fix.
Thank you Goran. Still running 4b. It's fine. Is there a note as to what was changed, or needn't we be concerned?
Thanks boredtechie ... Using the Access lights then a couple of the ceiling lights works fine for me! As for the HUD I am familiar with the one you mentioned but there are a couple of pics in another TBM thread showing a regular Boeing style HUD. I'll try and find it again in case I got the wrong of the stick. Lastly I just installed the very latest update 1.1.4b. Two updates in two days? No supporting release notes. Yet. My FPS have dropped noticeably. I'll run a clean check in the morning and may revert to 1.1.4. Cheers
Interesting thread so far. But I always have HDR active yet the cabin lights make no discernible difference to cabin visibility or operability. The roof light comes on so I assume it must be operational as designed The access light does help. I have checked for damage and all is AOK in the lighting maintenance section. Trouble is I seem to be forever tweaking the NVidia Desktop Colour Settings to find a happy marriage between internal and external (scenery) lighting. Even in daylight it's an issue for me to get a really clear and clear view of the panel. Thank goodness for the pop-ups. Except early and late afternoon flights when the low sun provides more than enough natural light to show up the panel in all its texture and colour glory. I see one forum member showing off the HUD! I have no idea how he did that, can someone help? Apologies if I just plain missed it in the docs. In the same vein, is there any formal guidance as to the correct use of the small pop-up device on the glareshield? Through usage I've seen that a single green seems to indicate you're pretty much 'on the money' in the approach. But perhaps there more to it? This is such a brilliant sim. Up with the best if not the best I've come across. Support likewise. Many thanks to all concerned for this classic. Not having being a lover of the pre-GTN Garmin units (too tricky for me in a sim, which as many of us know, is a darn sight harder to fly than the real thing.) Still, in this case, it has been a privilege getting to grips with the G1000 manipulation protocols so as to be able to operate this thing. A bit frustrating getting my head around the places where the HotStart G1000 might deviate from the real aircraft (as described in the huge Published TBM Garmin Guide). Trial and error, contributed videos and coffee were all a great help. Long shot. Is there such a thing as Hotstart G1000 idiots guide or list of tips? Maybe someone has recorded such a thing for their own use that they might care to share? Then again, the number of departures from the real one may be too few to bother. Regards
Just getting to grips with this amazing, complex a/c simulation ... not for the fainthearted. At moment seeking to optimise quick and easy access to key controls. In this regard I echo sd-flyer's comment re cursor disappearing over (autopilot) popup. I'm confident a fix will be in the pipeline. Best money I ever spent on an X-plane. Well neck and neck with the Classic 733 anyway :-)
I'm glad I stumbled across this thread, throttle control has been a major source of frustration. I can now control the throttle much better on the ground. Now I recognise the audible click, can move the Saitek X52 throttle forward to capture the graphic, and then back to the stop but i wont then jet me move it backwards into the feather/reverse range. I may be missing the 'lockout'? Is there a click-spot to release that? Thanks in advance!
'You pays your money and you takes your choice.' I purchased it to speed up the flight-planning process in the IXEG FMC which I have found to be a bottleneck. Maybe I'll use it a lot maybe I won't. Hardly tried it yet. Goodness, it' only cost loose change, and in the end it's only a game. I know a bit about planes. Retired now but did my early training in the RAF in the UK. That wasn't a game of course. I also completed a 10-week CPL course at the College of Air Training in Motueka, New Zealand. Speaking of New Zealand I know of no kiwi airfield NZWW. But, being curious I did find a reference to New Zealand Womans' Weekly. Regards.
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Greetings all. I was delighted to discover the iGoDespatch utility today. Installed it along with the latest IXEG plugin 2.30.6. All appears ok thus far except I can't work out how to map it to Navigraph AIRAC (updated yesterday to 1809/R1.) Could someone kindly put me right? I haven't got around to other fine points such as setting TCP but will once I get the AIRACs to sync. Great looking tool, well done, can't wait to get seriously into it. Regards
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Many thanks, good enough for me! Cheers, Gareth
Hi Jan, Indeed, no problem if the IXEG is the first a/c loaded in a given session. Only if I switch from another plane to the IXEG in the same session do I get the anomalies. To be sure, it's a minor irritation but confident you'll solve. In case it helps, my XP 11 / IXEG installation resides on a dedicated SSD immune from potential contamination by lesser programs ;-) Best, Gareth
I steer clear of the betas these days and still use XP 11.11. I don't have click-spot issue, but I do get the same XEG load-up problem: error window showing some lua issue; back of pilots head; scrambled instruments on engine panel. Again, it's fine if it's 1st flight of the day ... So for me the load-up bug remains. It has led me to reinstall the IXEG 3 times, and always appears as 'problem solved' of course, since for testing purposes you go straight to the offending a/c and don't go off for a casual spin in say the Carenado B58/REP. My apologies btw for the use of the term 'offending' in connection with the IXEG. Please do not bar me from the forum ;-) Best, Gareth
Has current major Win 10 update broken IXEG 734?
SUAS14 replied to SUAS14's topic in General Discussion
For any who might be interested the problem is solved. It was due to corruption in my IXEG install. Automatic reinstalling didn't fix it. I had to manually remove it from my drive and do a clean install. Win 10 may well have caused it. Who knows. -
Has current major Win 10 update broken IXEG 734?
SUAS14 replied to SUAS14's topic in General Discussion
As the attached log explains the UDP network failed to initialise. You will no doubt find other things as well! No second copy of XP was running. I reinstalled the IXEG and it accepted the licence Many thanks for your helpful reply log.docx -
Greetings all, this one's for Litjan I guess. I hope! My PC was subjected to a ferocious Win64 update this morning. Too soon to pass judgement on that, but a few issues did appear straightaway with the IXEG B374. Btw, it has run like a Swiss watch until now. 1. the 'clockwork' engine gauges. Overlaps / duplication / distortion in VC panel 2. Not a problem but two 'zombie' pilots <grin> suddenly appeared at the controls. (Never knew it was an option). 3. all auto slide-out panels left of screen inop. I use a freshly installed copy of the IXEG, the latest nVidia driver for GTX 780 3Gb, 24Gb RAM, X-Plane 11.11 r1. Just me, or an update bug? I suspect the latter. Either way, hopeful of a solution. Regards
Roger that ...