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Everything posted by Vantskruv

  1. Did you decrease that sound with 15 decibel aswell? And, to be sure, which file is it may I ask?
  2. Thank you very much, I noticed aswell the wind sound is very loud, getting a tiredness of the sound. Other sounds seems to be muffled by this and disappear or hard to hear. I noticed there are two sliders for sound, cockpit and master, but I do not know which sounds these affect, I've not noticed any difference between them. I confess I do not know how a cockpit sounds when flying in the air, but it feels something is wrong.
  3. I noticed that aswell, no standby tuners. They are a great help, and VOR/VOR is more fun to fly.
  4. I still highly recommend NOAA plugin for me, actually I prefer it over FSGRW. Why is that? With NOAA you get turbulence and with FSGRW you get not. In future time probably FSGRW and X-Plane gives turbulence, but at this time no, and I do not know when.
  5. I was reading here to get sleepy, as I have to go up at two a clock to begin working, time is half past nine now, and now I just cannot sleep. IXEG!! It s your fault!
  6. As of what I read, RWC (in this case) only replaces the clouds position, while winds, temp and pressure stays unaffected.
  7. No only SMP (edit: this make take some more research, as the problem may be more prominent with SMP), and the less of VRAM is a high probability. I.e. when SMP updating the clouds, I guess more VRAM then normally is used, and then you bottleneck. Avheide, I'm confused even if you have so much VRAM totally, you are still probably bottlenecking. I've the HD Mesh Scenery v3 and World2Xplane installed and some airport sceneries, but I guess these extra goodies takes their place in RAM. But maybe you are using some extreme HD sceneries or flying at memory demanding areas? Anyway, just taking from the air now (cannot access my PC for the moment), I think we use almost the same settings except for: X-Plane---- * Resolution, I'm running 2560x1600 (this requires more VRAM, try reducing the resolution) * Antialiasing, I'm running only FXAA, but I do not think this affects VRAM. * Cloud detail, I think I'm running 50-70 percent here. Skymaxx--- * Actually, I'm running the default settings of the Skymaxx Pro, and have increased the cloud area coverage, and therefor I've greater settings than you, with a lesser of GPU.
  8. No of course 300mb feels quite a little as a swayroom in this application. But calculating percent does not matter in this case, as there are cards with more or less total VRAM, and VRAM does not behave like a PSU or car engine. What I want to know here if anyone has, either assumption, or knowledge, of how much swayroom of VRAM SMP prefers/requires. Also this value would be affected by a span between min and max settings.
  9. I am still experiencing hiccups, which makes it unplayable. Though the hiccups is not all the time, but they are very destructive when you do some critical maneouvers, i.e. landing. I had a hiccup of 2 seconds right after touch down. Grrrr! Is this caused by low VRAM or something else? As I am watching I have about 300mb VRAM, which may be a little low buffer, what buffer do you recommend to have? The overall FPS is nice, around 30 FPS. Edit: Running RWC and SMP 3.1.1 with a Nvidia GTX 780Ti 3.5Gb VRAM
  10. Yes, thought it too.
  11. The default setting for overcast (solid stratiform, also the other setting broken stratiform) is totally ugly, setting particles to sparse makes it much better, but it feels like the overcast now is not as "filled in". Though, setting it to dense gives a clear sky. Why? Does the application calculate that maybe my computer is to slow for this setting, or is this a bug, or something I do not understand? Running SkymaxxPro 3.1.1 with: NVidia GTX 780Ti 3.5Gb VRAM and 32GB RAM.
  12. If I steal a 737, i.e. flying from ESSA and want to land at LOWI, wouldn't the airforce threaten to shoot down the airplane? If I say 'pleeeeaaase, can't I just proceed to LOWI for landing there?', what would be their answer? Would it be ok or would I be shot down? Anyway about the fuel, you just need to steal a fueltruck, and that would be the copilot:s job (if you can steal a 737, it is a peace of cake stealing a fueltruck, the problem is just to load the aircraft with the right fuel ). So, who wants to be a copilot?
  13. Maybe not on the humours side, but bery funny, especially when you are a little bonkers.
  14. Damn it! Thought the aircraft was released!
  15. First post is always most important, rest is discussion and venting. That is what forums is for. There is no hate and there is no need to close any thread. Let people discuss, even if it may not be constructive, there is nothing wrong with that. For those people asking for more updates, IXEG is certainly workning hard to get their airplane to their standards, and we cannot speed up the process. It is fun with progress updates, but this is mostly for keeping up the interest and being kind revealing the dev process I guess. While waiting, calm down, don't overhype, and keep on flying with your current favourite airplanes, do not let the desire take over, it is dangerous.
  16. I agree!
  17. No of course, I mean it is alive on our side of twilight zone.
  18. Flap over-speed.
  19. Interesting thread. I will add mine if someone is interested. One of the first flights flying with live ATC, I was departing from ESGG to ESSA with the 737-200. An easy flight which I've trained on, and I felt quite comfortable with the aircraft. Though, as extremely nervous I can be, I remarkably managed to get by clearance and taxing to the runway without the passengers noticing any unusual. Cleared for takeoff at runway 21, I rechecked everything was okay. Pushing the throttle, and when leaving the touch of the runway, I retracted the gears and prepared for a left turn, while checking my speed. Retracting the flaps, and increasing the speed, I felt comfortable on being on the right course and climb. In the climb I activated the autopilot, and I noticed that I hard time getting up to speed. Also the aircraft heading and course differed more than normal, I rechecked the weather, as maybe I interpreted the winds wrong, but the winds was calm. Than I realized the flaps was not full up, I've missed a step! I turned off the autopilot to get a feeling of the aircraft, and I had to strongly compensate with left aileron. I've damaged one of my flaps! I retracted the flaps hoping that it would get better, but no difference. As I did still have a managed control of the aircraft, I did call PAN-PAN-PAN and stated I wanted to return to departed airport. I got vectors and turned the aircraft around, prepared the passengers and approach routines. Though, as a stupid problem-solver you are, trying to make things better but instead making it worse, I extracted the flaps, hoping the aircraft to be more equalized in aileron output, everything got worse! At this time, I was not able to compensate the aileron, aircraft turning right slowly until I was upside down. Seeing the altitude decreasing rapidly, I called MAYDAY, just seconds before hitting the ground. There was no more radio transmissions from this flight.
  20. Their will never be a bugfree program in the world, and a good approach is to just make the code crashsafe, and make it available for user to restart. I.e. in the case if FMC bugs out, pilot should be able to pull the breaker, i.e. restart the FMC. I need to check the first post if breakers for FMC is not implemented.
  21. Thanks for your link, there is something with navigation that calls to me, and I never thought of buying me a sextant myself! You made that inclination, and they are beautiful looking at, and they are also practical. A new obsession will form, but probably it will ebb out just like the feelings you have at this time of year. Spring is dangerous for your mental mind.
  22. Sorry, there are no excuses: http://developer.x-plane.com/?article=astronomical-data-astro-dat-file-format-specification
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