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Everything posted by JGregory

  1. What you're screenshots are showing is that you have moved the manipulator to the ON position, "LES/saab/emg_lights_toggle" = 2, but the guard is in place so the switch will not move. Note the value of the animation DataRef..."LES/saab/emg_lights_toggle_pos" is = 0. The movement is very small, so brute force won't work :). Try moving the switch slowly and only a very small amount. You want to see the manipulator and animation DataRefs = 1.
  2. JGregory


    I need to see your log files, please post them here.
  3. Always post your log files when you are reporting an issue. I just tested the manipulator and it is working as expected.
  4. This is a bug and has been fixed. We will advise on how to get an update.
  5. JGregory


    Different airports?
  6. I just tested it and it is working fine here.
  7. It could be that the window is "off screen". Go to Plugins > Gizmo64 > Gather Windows, and see if that corrects the problem. Glad to hear the other issue is resolved.
  8. JGregory


    Please try other airports and report back.
  9. JGregory


    So you are saying this happens on EVERY landing ????
  10. This (sound) bug was fixed in v1.4.1. Please make sure you have the correct version installed. The GizmoLog.txt file should be showing this.... LES: Load Saab 340A Scripts - v1.5 LES: Load Saab 340A Hot Fix - (None) Your log file does NOT show that.
  11. You have a lot of plugins and there is most likely a conflict. My guess is the culprit is XSB. To test, remove all your plugins (except Gizmo) and then test fly. Put the plugins back one-by-one and test to determine which one is causing the problem.
  12. JGregory


    Does this occur on every approach/landing? Or, is it intermittent?
  13. Actually the tiller should be pushed "in" to activate steering. However, I think we have discovered a bug in the manipulator... stay tuned.
  14. Just to be clear... Version 1.5 will be "universal" for XP v10 and v11. You will be able to choose the version when you install the aircraft.
  15. Your picture does not show anything that helps to diagnose your problem. The user pref window shows that you have scroll wheel manip selected. Turn that off and the try using the standard manip ti change the altitude. In addition, you seem to be running several plugins, one of which may be interfering... remove them and test again.
  16. My guess is you have the scroll wheel option turned on in the user preferences. If so, the manipulator is custom and will not be "highlighted".
  17. This is a known bug, which has been fixed and will be part of the 1.5 update.
  18. Spooky, As you can see in your screenshot, if you hover the mouse over the area you can see the command appear. This problem comes from the way I coded the commands before the new XP v11 UI was available. We won't be changing this for the current version of the Saab, but it will get fixed in v2. Use the mouse hover technique until v2 is available,
  19. SilentV, Are you sure you have version 1.4.1 of the Saab? Your log files show that you have an older version.
  20. in Gizmo, "OnDraw_gauges_3D" tells X-Plane what phase you want to draw in. So, in C/C++, an equivalent would be XPLMDrawingPhase = xplm_Phase_Gauges as Ben described above. Phases in the SDK are defined here.
  21. From the 1.4 release notes... Condition Lever Joystick assignment has been redesigned. Users can now simply assign their joystick(s) to “prop1” for the left condition lever and to “prop2” for the right condition lever.
  22. SHJ, Please take Ben's answer as "words of wisdom". You will save yourself a TON of grief if you just use Gizmo. I respect your wishes to learn C/C++, but it will drive you mad!
  23. Try this.. DataRefs.txt You had a blank line in the file before your custom DataRef, which I think was causing the problem. However, you also you had "spaces" between the data fields which should be one "tab" only.
  24. I have doe this many times without any crashing of the sim. Post the "amended" DataRefs.txt file here and let I will take a look at it.
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