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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. At the end of the day everything is constrained by resources. Some have better computers than others. It's clear @leinstersis hitting a limit. This is just reality. We're all just in X-Plane's sandbox. It's possible to overload it in many ways. It's also possible to use SkyMaxx Pro flawlessly without overloading things. This goes right in line with John's point on managing expectations. The more you ask your sim to do, the more it's going to do for you at a cost.
  2. No. You may purchase it and install it into STEAM. It is not sold anywhere else.
  3. Honestly, I don't know what to believe or not to believe with you. It's similar to the boy who cried wolf. You're the one that tried to bring your real life experience to this. You're the one that said "I’m a pilot IRL". You're the one that came in here raising hell for no reason other than your own short fuse. All of these things are not my problem. You are trying to seemingly make them mine by giving a story to go with being caught up in not truly being a pilot in IRL. You've already made it evident you're willing to go to great lengths to create drama through stories, so I'm not going to fall victim to another. You would have been better off just being a polite adult seeking assistance. Not once did you attempt such. Not here, not in a support ticket, not in the news article comment section. You went guns blazing from the get-go. I think you need to reflect back on how you started things here, then we can talk about short fuses. Did you really get the impression that I, as a human, should just take your garbage behavior and be okay with it? Do you really think most any person would? I certainly don't. This is basic human interactions 101. As a business owner yourself, I imagine you would know this first hand. Our refund policy is here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/refund_policy.php I do not have a desire, need or thrill in removing your posts and creating some out of context thing. In the grand scheme of things, this whole interaction is insignificant to me. People can see your posts and judge for themselves. This is honestly just deflection. At the end of the day, businesses all over the world reserve the right to refuse service. They do this for the very reason that taking a customer's abusive behavior is not going to be tolerated. I certainly won't tolerate it here either. This is simple. Be civil, get a civil response. Be an ass, and I'll help you to the door. I'm sure you're fully capable of being a rational adult. Try it every now and again. You might be surprised at the results.
  4. This topic is now closed. We have to listen to our market majority in situations like this, and that's what we've done.
  5. There is no open beta. You will receive a notice when the update is out!
  6. I don't know the relevancy of you being a pilot is, but since you made it a topic of discussion, the FAA seems to think you're not. I guess we can discuss that if you really want. Oh, I don't know. It probably goes along the lines of being a respectable human seeking help from users and developers instead of making a spectacle of yourself. Should we try this again?
  7. I owe you nothing for being an a$$. Shape up and be an adult, or you'll get the boot. Respect goes both ways. Be a decent human.
  8. This site has nothing to do with xPilot client. Their site is here: http://xpilot-project.org
  9. That's incorrect. Both stable and beta versions are compatible with X-Plane 11.
  10. Darn it. I was hoping you were going to be more pessimistic.
  11. See my previous post.
  12. For starters, I think the location you have X-Plane in is causing problems. You should try moving your X-Plane 11 folder to your Applications folder.
  13. Try the beta version of Gizmo: https://www.x-aviation.com/downloads/Gizmo_Updater.zip
  14. We would need to see your log.txt.
  15. This website has nothing to do with the poorly named xPilot plugin. We've been here for 10 years. You'll need to find out where to seek support from them.
  16. Cameron

    TorqueSim SR22 Development Update 6

  17. In the actual support forums, not in a news article: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/forum/243-sr22-series/ You're likely flooding the engine, or not cracking the throttle enough. Cool your attitude or you'll be gone pretty quick. That wasn't with sarcasm.
  18. That's not a valid answer. We don't do things by guesses.
  19. Please provide the blueprints you have to show that our blueprints are inaccurate. A photo with lens distortion is not valid. Then we'll change it.
  20. You don't have Gizmo installed, which is part of the package from the installer for SkyMaxx and required.
  21. @LaneSR22 are you getting some kind of information on screen mentioning activation at all? Your license file is empty. Have you been prompted to activate in the first place?
  22. This isn't an attitude war or about egos. You're showing your ego by attempting to command authority on others on how this topic is going to go, as well as finding it necessary to waste your time making posts like the one linked here (a thread from 2018 and a last reply from 11 months ago) with trash talk because you're "a real nice person in life and behind (your) screen and a cool guy"....ego much? The reality is you're very contradictory of your own words. I'm just correcting misinformation you're spreading about Librain. You, on the other hand, are just making a real spectacle. Discontinue this or be removed. First, and only warning.
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