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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. If you're using Bit Defender it will block the activation.
  2. I'm guessing you have Bit Defender installed. If so, it is blocking the activation.
  3. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.1.8 update for the TBM 900. All customers who have purchased the TBM 900 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the TBM 900 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.1.8 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original TBM 900 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Improvements / New Features: New and much fancier headset model. Bugfixes: Rain effects would cause screen flashing when reflection detail was above Minimal Fixed broken baro minimums entry. Tutorial arrows need to be able to render in VR. When AUX BP AUTO engages, FUEL PRESS should extinguish when the engine driven pump is operating. SVS impact rendering wasn't being drawn. SVS on AMD GPUs was not drawing the sky correctly. Increased propeller blade model twist, the old one was a bit too flat. Intercepting NAV in OBS on the outbound portion of the OBS track didn't work right. As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  4. Cameron


    No, 1.1.6 has been removed from the server.
  5. There will not be a situation where we enable that option. This product is built to be like the real thing with persistent state between X-Plane sessions. Treat it like a real plane. Shut it down properly, start it up correctly. Use the air frame manager to start fresh. This plane is so popular because of these features. You need to baby it as if it were your own. Learn it in and out and you'll be rewarded.
  6. And that's not legal. See my post above highlighted in bold. Someone made a boo boo on your install.
  7. Straight from Garmin's own website: "In basic terms, capability is the differentiator. The G5 for experimental and light sport aircraft is loaded with capabilities. It can be used as a standalone primary or backup flight display and can toggle between two screens – one displaying attitude, airspeed, altitude, barometric pressure, turn coordination (plus ground speed and ground track if GPS equipped), the second displaying a horizontal situation indicator." "... the G5 for certified was designed for two specific purposes – either as an attitude indicator or turn and bank coordinator (one G5 cannot replace both the attitude indicator and the turn coordinator in a traditional six-pack). In order to satisfy the FAA certification requirements, new software needed to be created for the G5 that does not include the HSI/Attitude display toggle capability that the experimental version boasts. Instead, since this unit was intended to replace the vacuum driven attitude indicators and turn coordinators, the software needed to be designed for those specific purposes."
  8. That doesn't make it legal. Go read the STC if you don't believe me. This is one area I am very well educated in (avionics and STC's). Is it a primary PFD replacement, or a DG/HSI replacement?
  9. If you can do that on an STC'd PFD unit then this is an illegal install. The FAA does not want this, and Garmin does not allow this on a legally installed, STC'd G5 PFD unit UNLESS you installed it to replace a primary HSI/DG and left your primary attitude indicator installed. It's also possible that you or someone who did your install updated the software to the latest version via the SD card slot and accidentally (or not ) installed the experimental software, which overrides this limitation on the STC'd units. Either way, having experimental software on the certified install units is also illegal in the eyes of the FAA/Garmin.
  10. There are actually only two. The EFIS/PFD display, and the HSI. Taking it a step further, if you are in a certified airplane only ONE screen exists per the FAA STC. Only when two are installed together can you have that ability with the HSI unit being able to go between both PFD as a backup, and the HSI. The primary PFD can never show the HSI in a certified install, whereas in experimental it can. The magnetometer is simply there for HDG readings rather than TRK. When the G5 gets a GMU11 paired with it then the heading at the top turns from pink to white to indicate you are seeing HDG instead of TRK. In the images above you can see HDG, implying the GMU11 is "installed" on this aircraft.
  11. The functionality of a G5 wired to a GTN vs the internal GPS is 100% the same. There is no difference in data between the two configurations.
  12. Never mind. I went through tickets one by one from today and found your ticket, referencing what seems to be above and found that you have submitted 70 support tickets. The contents of your support ticket message is: "...I still haven't heard from you thieving assholes. I'm an affiliated streamer who only plays X-Plane, and I have a giant banner on my page telling people to ask me why X-Aviation sucks. I can't even count how many times I've recounted my horrible experience with you fucks. You don't even have an option to request a refund. I will continue to spam the shit out of your fucking support tickets until I hear from you. Fuck you and your shitty, thieving company. I hope you go out of business." Is that correct? I think I've seen enough at this point. You go on with whatever self-important Twitch streaming you do, speak from the top of mountains all you want and embarrass yourself by showcasing your immaturity, and I'll leave this here for anyone to see anytime I see mention of you or your stream. For a person like you trying to crack down on insults, you sure do know how to be the King of them yourself. Embarrassing. I am not one to be shy of threats being flung at me. All of this rhetoric is nothing, and your behavior was simply unacceptable from a human to human standpoint. We'll move on now. Best of luck to you and your Twitch affiliated streaming career going forward.
  13. You mean like numerous things you've said including your 5/5 translation attempt? If you'd like to forgo posting your name, you can post your order number. I can obtain your name that way.
  14. I'm starting to think we have a reading problem here. Not surprised now that you did not see the notice of out of office. Let me ask again. "When was the last one you sent? Please find it or provide your name so I may find the grouped "numerous" support tickets and, again, understand what we're dealing with here." I need the latest ticket number. X5F4B is not bringing any valid ticket up, so that can't be it.
  15. Sure. So far we have established: 1. There was a notice of out of office that other customers saw but you did not. 2. You have come weeks later to a support forum explaining you have sent numerous support tickets and seek help. You received a reply here within an hour from an X-Aviation representative seeking to further diagnose and explain everything all at once. So far I see X-Aviation's behavior as satisfactory. I don't know you. I don't know how you've reacted to this situation internally. All I know is you didn't come to an official support forum till now. It was a tongue in cheek comment and a figure of speech wrapped into one, but now I'm starting to think that you actually have likely been either truly spamming the system and there's not just "numerous", or you were a totally rude individual in the process. Thus far I don't know. Poor translation. I see you're wanting to argue, and I won't do that with you. Should you keep venturing down that path you absolutely CAN pound sand. I do NOT have to subject myself to you being rude; and I won't. Should you choose that further we can close this topic and say goodbye to you now. You choose. The system will send you an e-mail with a number for each one. When was the last one you sent? Please find it or provide your name so I may find the grouped "numerous" support tickets and, again, understand what we're dealing with here.
  16. Contrary to your certainty, there absolutely was. It existed till March 9th. Whether you saw it or not is on you. Plenty of other customers understood that enough for me to know it was clearly visible to them. This is definitely something I won't dispute with you. For each ticket you submit, all tickets re-group and move to the bottom of the list. If you have over flooded the system it will also simply "arrest" your tickets from coming through as suspected spam. We do not monitor spam in any way if that becomes the case, and if you reach that threshold then we should probably consider talking about your behavior at that point. I'll reserve judgement till I actually understand who you are and your respective ticket numbers. We do not offer any form of refunds. What is your latest support ticket number so I can understand who you are and what we're dealing with here? And, how many is "numerous" tickets?
  17. How many support tickets have you actually submitted? 3 weeks puts you just around the time we had a support delay banner in place on our website due to out of country travel. Delays were expected, but assuming you kept your cool like everyone else you should have received a reply by now.
  18. Cameron

    Update issue

    Not so much lucky, but when you dumped your preferences you also dumped your X-Plane rendering settings, which defaulted your slider back down. There's no need to go through the extra work of resetting everything.
  19. Cameron

    Update issue

    The blinking issue is directly related to the reflections slider setting in X-Plane. There is no need to dump preferences. Instead, simply lower the reflection setting. A fix is being worked on in the interim.
  20. I don't personally know the answer to that and I'm sure Coop will respond, but when you swap an entire engine out for a PT6 there's pretty much entirely different characteristics at play anyhow.
  21. TorqueSim and X-Aviation are excited to announce the release of the Pocket Rocket will be this Saturday! The Pocket Rocket is a lightweight, PT6 powered beast! We have modeled two variants: a retractable-tricycle configuration and a fixed tailwheel version. Both have empty weights of near 1,000 pounds and are equipped with the 715 ESHP PT6A-28 engine. With the equipped Oxygen system, you can take this plane to FL250 and cruise for hours! In the retract version, cruise speeds of up to Mach 0.6 can be reached! Features: Retractable Tricycle Gear Variant and Fixed Tailwheel Variants Highly detailed 3D model Full PBR 4K Texturing Custom Systems, including: Fully custom electrical system Custom engine start system Custom fuel manager Custom lighting Customized G1000 with: Custom Engine parameter sidebars Custom annunciators Integrated checklists Synthetic Vision - licensed from HotStart Custom G5 Backup Attitude Indicator (PFD only) Custom Tail Number config utility High-fidelity FMOD sound pack Maintenance and Failure simulation Custom Load Manager Persistent systems Fully custom C++ Plugin using the X-Plane SDK Includes 11 liveries, a Blank Livery & Paint-kit The Pocket Rocket will be available starting midnight Saturday morning (Eastern Time Zone) exclusively on X-Aviation. The price will be announced soon. We'll see you this weekend!
  22. X-Plane/Resources/Plugins/SilverLining/SMP_Doc.pdf
  23. This issue was a Linux only one. Please re-download the installer from the server and try again!
  24. Cameron

    Update issue

    Is X-Plane running in the background? You can't be running X-Plane during an update.
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