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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Thanks @Jerry Airplanes! We appreciate the kind words.
  2. I think this ultimately comes down to: 1. Do you want 3D volumetric clouds that are not based on billboard 2D graphics (like default), look realistic as you fly through them, and dynamically interact with sun and moonlight? 2. Do you want more cloud layers for real weather than X-Plane can provide by default (limited to 3)? 3. Do you want to be able to see sun rays and have a custom sky box atmosphere model? 4. Do you want to see cloud types not offered by X-Plane (requires FSGRW or ASXP to see these added cloud types)? If you answered yes, then it's worth your consideration. If you're happy with default and don't find value in these things, then you're probably right. These aren't for you. Regardless, you have the option, and that's a great thing!
  3. I'd say judging by @sundog's 1070, you'll be okay. Yes! Nothing changes there. Full integration for FSGRW and ASXP.
  4. Hi @Fab10, Thanks for sharing your excitement with us. Old cloud types are not going away. Cumulus based clouds is the focus of volumetric, but you can still expect to find the old types as well. And, you can select to turn volumetric fully off. We also let you select between volumetric and our other cloud styles for overcast as well. I'll let @sundog expand on this more(he's likely asleep right now). So far we've tested these on a GTX 1070, 5700XT, and a RTX2800. All of these yielded good results. The above shots were all taken on a 5700XT in OpenGL on a Mac. I loaded it up with the hi res ORBX NORCAL, medium object, full cloud draw, HDR high setting. Even on this side (Macs can be known to underperform in OpenGL), I achieved an average of 40-45 fps in these flights. These clouds perform faster than previous versions of SkyMaxx Pro. I can certainly hear my GPU working harder though. What kind of GPU are you working with? Frank sent me some shots on his 1070 achieving 60fps, but I need to also be clear that I'm not trying to make claims, just references. This is why I loaded my Mac up with scenery people would use.
  5. Hi @smidhe, See the details right below the last preview image!
  6. Much appreciated @Shafs64! We're excited to get this in your hands.
  7. Thanks @alexcolka! And, Happy Birthday!
  8. Captains, It is with a lot of enthusiasm and excitement that I get the opportunity to announce SkyMaxx Pro v5 to you today! Version 4.0 was our longest major version run, and it's time to turn the page to Chapter 5. A release date is at the bottom of this post. We have wanted to bring what v5 has in it for years, but it just wasn't feasible till now. With that said, SkyMaxx Pro v5 brings GPU ray-casted clouds. Internally, we attempted GPU ray-casted clouds many versions ago, but the performance was just not there. However, they will now be the fastest clouds we offer (you read that right...faster than v4!), and they also feature the most complex, realistic lighting effects of any cumulus cloud layer offered (you will still have the option to run v4 style particle-based clouds). It is now possible to draw volumetric cloud formations to the horizon with v5. These are true 3D, voxel-based clouds with physically-based cloud growth. 3D textures do consume a fair amount of video memory, but modern video cards generally can handle the load without a problem. Technology has finally caught up with this approach, and thus SkyMaxx Pro v5 is here. These new volumetric clouds use a novel approach to split the computational load of lighting between the GPU and CPU in an optimal manner, resulting in framerates we never thought possible for true 3D voxel clouds. We’ve also come up with some clever ways to minimize the complexity of the shaders without introducing visible banding or slicing effects in the process. Our approach also minimizes texture lookups within the cloud shaders, which is also key to maintaining fast performance. Volumetric, ray-casted clouds are especially valuable in VR setups, where the rotation of particle billboards can be very distracting while flying near a cloud. Volumetric clouds do away with billboards entirely, leading to a smooth experience as you approach and fly through them. And the per-fragment lighting, including full Henyey-Greenstein phase effects, leads to stunning details both outside of the clouds and within – especially at dawn and dusk. So, to re-cap, SkyMaxx Pro v5 brings: GPU ray-casted clouds The fastest performing clouds we have offered The most complex, realistic lighting effects of any cumulus cloud layer offered in the SkyMaxx Pro series It is now possible to draw complex volumetric cloud formations to the horizon with v5 True 3D, voxel-based clouds with physically-based cloud growth No more rotating clouds, where the rotation of particle billboards can be very distracting while flying near a cloud (especially in VR) Virtually unlimited layers are still possible with Real Weather Connector in use With SkyMaxx Pro v5 we will be introducing an updated version of Real Weather Connector to go with it. This update will be free of charge to existing Real Weather Connector users. Some previews. Be sure to click on the image for full size! Clicking them once more in the popup will allow you to view the image in original size form. I have elected to do a series of flights with real world weather, and am including a series from each of these flights... Flight 1: KACV - KSFO An easy flight down the coast, and while KACV was overcast (as it usually is), the weather did start to break around Santa Rosa, CA. This provided a nice variety of clouds on the way down to San Francisco. I really enjoy how the sunlight interacts with the clouds, especially ascending up through the layers. Between the new per-pixel lighting and the lack of billboard rotation, flying through these is a really nice experience! For reference, cruising altitude in these shots is 36,000ft. Important for those who used to complain about feeling like SkyMaxx Pro v4 was not acceptable at high altitudes. Flight 2: KSFO - KFAT This flight I decided to fly into the Central Valley of California. There were some weather fronts in and out of various areas of the flight, and they were pretty cool to fly through! Having Real Weather Connector installed allows me to see the distant layers and fronts I'll be flying over, and makes for some scenic cloud boundary lines. Not much else to add, so enjoy! Flight 3: Random Shots I am including these images because I just liked the perspectives they provided. Slightly different than what I've shown here, some nice mountain blending included. I just liked them, so why not? Low Light For good measure I wanted to provide some evening and morning pictures. These show a little bit of the per-pixel lighting playing with the clouds from the direction of the sun. While more subtle in these shots, there are moments where this can be more pronounced and spectacular! It's especially cool in sim, and where the sun is lower (rising or setting). Intensity changes based on sun angle. The first picture is the sun rising, the second is setting. Though the sun is behind the mountains, you can see how clouds closest to the mountains are lit brighter than the others. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Information on upgrade eligibility: SkyMaxx Pro v5 will be a paid upgrade for all current SkyMaxx Pro v4 owners. Those of you who qualify will receive a 50% off ($19.95 instead of $39.95) upgrade discount which will be valid for 60 days from the time SkyMaxx Pro v5 goes on sale. After this, the product will go to full price for all customers. We do not make exceptions to this, so if you want the promotional pricing, you need to get in on it while the 60 day window is in effect! Information on release: SkyMaxx Pro v5 will be released next week on Friday, January 22nd, 2021 @ 12PM Eastern (USA - New York Time)! Vulkan & Open GL: We will support both Vulkan & Open GL. There will not be a separate cost for these products. What about Metal? Mac users will be able to run SkyMaxx Pro v5 in OpenGL, as has also been the case with v4. When it comes to Metal, we have no viable option to bring custom cloud rendering. Laminar has looked at this previously, and the bridge we need to allow this is just not made available by Apple. Additionally, Laminar Research is not yet prepared to open up an API for Metal. As such, we can only offer OpenGL use until this changes (if at all). If it's any consolation, every screenshot above was taken on a Mac, and I am happy with the performance. SkyMaxx Pro v5 is enough to make me not fly in Metal, which says something (as much as it pains me to wish we had Metal support). Thanks to everyone for their continued support in this amazing product! See you in the skies...next week!
  9. Cameron


    That's not how this works (and as a person who has filed chargebacks on things with AMEX that failed). AMEX is cheap insurance for tangible items of value that may be damaged or stolen, but they are TOUGH on the consumer with these things that are more black and white, as much as I love them for the cards I have (trust me, I know having just gone through an $800 dispute for 7 months and many re-tries with something that was legitimately disputable). I still lost. That said, they will simply allow us the opportunity to speak our side, and our posted refund policy is VERY clear: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/refund_policy.php They do tend to adhere to Terms & Conditions of a sale from a vendor. And that very question has been answered numerous times with detail. It is related to that if you take the time to read previous replies regarding why the update could not be separated as a hot fix. I don't consider Navigraph outdated, and I am not aware of any aircraft being rendered useless by using the workarounds provided. It would be one thing if this team were sitting around twiddling thumbs. Such is not the case, and as of now this situation is being blown way out of proportion, especially given the workarounds that exist; even for the current AIRAC cycle. As this thread is just further convoluting the issue, I am now closing this one as well.
  10. @tpwpny wish I could help you more! Unfortunately when it comes to Apple, we're at the mercy of their developers updating drivers unlike in the Windows and Linux worlds. I suppose the only chance you have is to upgrade, which I wouldn't blame you for not doing either (not that I've had any issues with Big Sur).
  11. Five support tickets open by you. Our contact page clearly states not to do this. Each time you do, you push yourself to the bottom of the queue. Don't do that. All that aside, licensing issues are not handled on the forums. Topic closed.
  12. I can confirm that SkyMaxx Pro is working with HDR off as expected. I am running a Mac with an AMD 5700XT on the latest Big Sur. @tpwpny as drivers for GPUs are a part of the operating system with Mac, can you clarify which version of Mac OS X you're running?
  13. Sounds like you didn't run the installer that came in your download.
  14. Hello, This is considered piracy and is cause for termination of your accounts (both you and your friend). Per Section 6 of our Terms & Conditions: If you are found to be sharing software or committing piracy with any other individual who has not purchased software, your account is subject to termination without refund.
  15. Move your mouse to the right side of the screen. Click the key icon. Update your license.
  16. Cameron

    ILS no CDI

    You are already running the latest version of the TBM.
  17. You're more familiar with doin data from the FAA than we are, so I'm afraid aside from what I gave you in the previous topic, you're on your own there.
  18. You may nab the ILS files out of this one if Navigraph does not apply to you:
  19. Theoretically files that have been altered since your initial install should not be affected. But yes, it's in the output folder.
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