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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. I'm not sure I understand this post. What are you talking about, exactly? LNAV and VNAV are pretty significant. What stuff are you thinking we are "delaying" to put in that people will hardly use? I think you're confused as to the status at the moment.
  2. The most important parts of the aircraft in a flight simulator are in a cockpit. Nothing has been left out there in the least. A cabin, of all things, is hardly a strike. It doesn't really matter either, considering it'll get done one day.
  3. I see sales. You do not. Anybody who knows you knows about your desire for simple aircraft. You, sir, are in a massive minority of the market, and if planes were made that way all the time there would be no business here. Don't let your bias/desires fool you.
  4. You clearly do not understand the X-Plane payware market. If you want developers like IXEG to stay around then let the people who know what they're doing do it. The cabin is not going to be used by 100% of customers.
  5. @pilot12345678 Yes, that is the same as the billboards rotating as described. If you look closely you'll see the texture of the cloud rotate with the camera. While X-Plane 10 generates "puffs", these puffs still rotate with the camera to trick your eye. The other big difference in these videos (and likely a lot of XP 10 default clouds) is they are very THIN clouds. No real depth to them, thus the lack of mass is giving a perception of quick in and out.
  6. This is not a feature request or support thread, guys. I've also gone through comparing videos of real flying to SkyMaxx Pro 3 and vs. the default cloud video you posted before with regards to "speed". I have to say I find the current SkyMaxx Pro 3 representation of this quite accurate, and believe some of the "speed" you see is actually X-Plane's camera system trying to rotate the billboards of clouds around the camera quickly. This is just not realistic at all, and in the posted video almost seemed like the clouds were in "fast forward!" So, for the time being there are no intentions to change these items.
  7. Cameron


    At this time it's not possible to do so due to some limitations in the X-Plane SDK.
  8. Thanks...this is actually the first time I've seen people question or mention this, and while we'll note this request I can't make any promises. I have to say some of the quick movement in this video wasn't true to what I feel I see when flying in real life, but maybe perception is different for others in flight simming.
  9. Someone willing to show a video of what you're talking about?
  10. It sounds like you guys are actually not in agreement. He wasn't saying anything about default being better other than the chosen shots in the initial post did not do a "job well done" to what he's even normally used to seeing with SkyMaxx Pro 3. Later shots posted in other topics have shown this off better. I think you'll really enjoy what we have coming to you in your free upgrade to SkyMaxx Pro v3.1. As for overcast, you are aware there are multiple types for you to choose from, right?
  11. Disable SilverLining in the plugins admin menu.
  12. I'm removing the inciteful posts here. Please keep it civil and on topic folks.
  13. It is Jan modeled in one of the seats. I have to say he's a lot uglier in real life though.
  14. Not even in the same league. Sorry to those who made the aircraft, and also sorry (kind of) for even saying it when I probably shouldn't...but I just did. Uncalled for, Tom. SkyMaxx is easily the most successful and used add on in the X-Plane payware market to date. The fact they gave version 1 to 2 free of charge , and version 3 two years later at 50% discount was more than generous. Don't even bother replying to this in here. You're on an edge that will eventually lead to suspension if you keep it up, and I'm very serious about that. This is your one and only warning. Behave.
  15. Sometimes I wish I could agree with this statement, but I cannot. There have now been numerous releases across several platforms which have somehow convinced people products are "study sim" and majority of people are none the wiser. They will literally fight to the death to defend their purchase after the fact too if anyone dare point out deficiencies. One man's study level sim is another man's piece of garbage. In other words, Tom is absolutely right in saying the term is subjective, and as someone who deals with customers on and off these forums more than anyone, I say such with great certainty and confidence. In the end this aircraft is summed up simply for me: Even as a version 1.0 release it is the most immersive, fun, detailed, and truthfully simulated product ever put out for X-Plane. It would remain that way for quite a while if IXEG chose to never touch it again after release. Luckily, the drive is there to continue forward beyond 1.0.
  16. We are not seeking beta testers for this product.
  17. This alone is worth its weight in gold you cannot comprehend my intentions. Perhaps you just love to debate, don't know...don't care. I stated nothing to indicate a study level sim will not and should not have specific features. I stated for a version 1.0 release, these items are non-consequential. You are definitely making a bunch of nothing, and given the actual usefulness of the features (or lack thereof) in day-to-day life as Jan has so eloquently pointed out, these are really not enough to be making a big party about...especially knowing the commitment IXEG has to implementing them. If you're a nerd and want to use these features, great. They'll come. But, it's apparent some people assume some features are or would be used more in real life than they are. That's my point. It has zero to do with whether they should or will be implemented. You're quite educated on this product, Eddie. Let's stop debating. It's wasteful in the context of time.
  18. Please stop trying to make a bunch of nothing, Eddie. You're being ridiculous. You're not oblivious as to the intentions of this project in the future. Don't blow this out of proportion more than Mr. Knudsen already has. Thank you.
  19. Jan's post above addresses this armchair pilot assumption quite nicely.
  20. @jonathan To be clear, our team of testers has had various versions over the course of the last year, so this has not by any means been a short beta. It is how we've dealt with this entire development cycle which will make the final beta version a short test (hopefully).
  21. @jonathan, We will definitely have some marketing time in there somewhere, but that's only allowed while our group of beta testers is doing their job. We only issue installers to our beta group in stages, with specific tasks to follow/test. I would say when we're done with the product at 1.0, we'd hand it off to the beta group and they would at MINIMUM have it for 2 weeks or possibly more. There's no telling what happens in that timeline. Keep in mind, the team tests things heavily prior to the beta team getting stuff (Jan especially tests a lot), so while we don't anticipate issues we can never say never.
  22. short·com·ing: a fault or failure to meet a certain standard It's not hard to see what @frumpy found to be badmouth-like language. If you fail to see how your post could have ever felt that way then I too am confused. Truth be told, most everything Jan has listed is non-consequential. He went out of his way to list items that in all reality have zero bearing on daily flying life of a 737-300. As a captain with thousands of hours experience, I would trust his word. Your post was indeed a slight. One that came about a LONG time after this thread had been made, on a forum you visit practically daily, and only after you were found in a spat in another topic. Let it go, man. Quit arguing, acting like you have no idea what other people are talking about, and move on.
  23. Tom, Please consider being a positive example and contributor to this topic rather than continue to attempt to derail it. I am not interested in your games. I am interested in releasing one of the greatest products ever created for X-Plane. Thank you.
  24. Cameron

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