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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Last I checked iPad can do this.
  2. If you are at version 1.0.0 and want to get to 1.0.2 you ONLY need to do 1.0.2. It will always contain the previous fixes.
  3. I can be humorous with you, just not on the language.
  4. Consider the fact there are younger people here, please. Thank you.
  5. Captains, We are pleased to offer you a free upgrade to version 1.0.2 of the IXEG 737 Classic! Just like with our previous update, we will use the HotFix upgrade system here. Rather than going and re-downloading an entire aircraft package, or having to go through a full re-install process, we will be offering more immediate code changes through this delivery method. In short, it's quick, easy, and kind of fun! Please read below how to install this update! But first, here's what's in it... Version 1.0.2 introduces the following fixes: Solves issue where cockpit windows would not open under certain conditions when they should Entry of high ZFW numbers now accepted and fixed Solves issue where FMC weight entry got changed between kg/lb Fixes an issue where N1 Limit was not going to CRZ during VNAV cruise Clicking on FMC after pulling up MENU now displays INIT REF page Packs now adjustable by a sound slider Vertical Speed Indicator now works in replay mode Strobe lights now work in replay mode Engine fire handles no longer cause soft crash Blinding effect now removed. We will re-consider our approach on this later Fixes soft crash when adding a STAR on right side CDU Fixes soft crash when deleting a "disco" twice while in plan mode Adjusted checklist legibility in dark lit scenarios Solves an issue where Navigraph data cycle information was not displayed correctly Light test fixed to work fully in cold and dark Solves issue where spoilers would come up on touchdown even when not armed LOC and GS flags dont display anymore when station still out of range, instead the deviation pointers are removed from the scales Protection against some soft crashes happening just before touchdown. Removed a way to skip the alignment time of the IRS unit Waypoint altitude speed restriction entry overhaul Swaps inverted the key commands for spoilers To upgrade your aircraft to version 1.0.2 please follow the below steps: Open X-Plane and the 737 Classic as your aircraft In the X-Plane menu bar at top, select Plugins > Gizmo64 > Windows > HotFix You will be asked to enter in your HotFix ID. Copy and paste in the following: 3910e80e1a40dc6b3875d00d95333488 Click 'Update' Once it has downloaded and installed, click 'Reboot' and you'll be done! Thank you for all of your support! Blue Skies, X-Aviation
  6. We're in the process of making this available. I'll update you ASAP...shouldn't be very long at all, and if you've purchased the PDF we can give you a path to upgrade.
  7. Hi Paul, I'm sorry you feel dissatisfied. There has been no hidden agenda here. On the IXEG 737 product page we are quite clear with the following: Documentation • Includes guide for interfacing, minimal pilot handbook, and six comprehensive tutorial guides with matching tutorial videos It's quite transparent, and to this point, you are the only customer of thousands to complain. Sadly, I think I can recall such wording from you multiple times in the past years. Having looked at your support history, you seem to always "shoot from the hip" before giving anyone an opportunity to reply to you. Always...mad, or something. Yes, it is.
  8. You're not getting ripped off. It's going to take time to investigate your case (quite clearly some sharing was going on previously between you and another individual).
  9. It is of interest to me and the team providing support going forward with his posts. He said "our," implying he has purchased. I can find no such purchase record. My questioning is not affecting you. Please do not attempt to derail this with such a silly debate. My questioning is fully acceptable here!
  10. I second this! misterx6 makes some fantastic stuff!
  11. Let me underline the more important part: "I'm 100% sure that sounds in new IXEG could be 300% better! What do you think?" And, I countered your proof to inform you that we do not know all conditions present in the video. This includes technical and atmospheric. Further to that, there are real people, with real experience, and more technical know-how than you and I combined in this particular field. Their advice cannot be ignored! Arguing this more is pointless. I shouldn't engage you, and we're quickly becoming fools. Close up and move along.
  12. Let me make this really simple for you. This comes from your Facebook page for your business: "I'm 100% sure that sounds in new IXEG could be 300% better! What do you think?" No actually. I'm going to be sleeping pretty soundly tonight! I deal with it on a daily basis more than you could ever fathom. There's a conflict of interest with the line of work you are in vs the posts you have decided to create here. How you can't see that is beyond my comprehension.
  13. Really great screenshots!
  14. Were you just schooling me about professionalism with a response like this? If you'd like to discuss some ad space please contact me. I'm sorry, but I just don't "buy" a self-proclaimed sound professional who has the obvious intention to sell sound packs to come in here and do anything but knock the sounds. It's in your better interests to do just that and pad your pockets. As much as you want to knock me, that respect you're talking about goes both ways my friend. I've got thousands of posts here, and plenty helpful. You're 5 posts in and already have an attitude. Leave it at the doorstep next time, please.
  15. As a self-proclaimed sound professional for flight simulators, you should also know the air density, temperature, and more variables plays into this. You simply adding growl at some earlier stage is not going to be accurate. What I'm telling you is you're contradicting the advice and expertise of real professionals intimate with the aircraft. All that aside, sound is subjective. I've heard your sound packs before, so hearing you say it needs to be made better makes me drop my jaw just a little bit. I could easily tell you I feel your sound packs should be improved and corrected too! In the end, I ask that you please not make the IXEG forum area a promotional hotspot for some creation to place money in your pocket. We've got a ways to go yet for that!
  16. I think he's allowed to be excited about the IXEG product in the IXEG forums. We need to steer clear of "what developer did this first" type of talk, please. No need for such type of debates in here. This isn't a 757, 767, or 777 after all.
  17. So you're telling me that a many thousand hour 737-300 rated captain, multiple first officers, and aero engineers who work on or fly the actual aircraft are flying this wrong and have provided the wrong input? No offense, sir, but we're going to have to disagree here.
  18. Your RWC was working fine. You're on a beta license, hence the popup (each 7 days).
  19. Not really. See the first comment in the video by Jan. Anything further would be potentially included in the "not in 1.0" list, which is freely accessible in these forums (I have not watched this video in full). I also notice they are running 1.0.0 and not 1.0.1 Judging by the comments I've read by the guy behind this video, I'd say he's extremely pleased with the product. This was a comment he just made elsewhere: "I love it. So much so I've chucked away 3 days of editing the 777 Cadet Course (which you know, pays the bills) to get Jonny in, do a flight and then edit it all up. And not even a crappy fast edit but with many of the bells and whistles of Airline2Sim full fat course! I've got some suggestions that would make it easier to use, but I'll save those for the forum..." That said, I'm interested by your word of "our." I cannot seem to find a purchase record for you, or a matching activation. Could you please provide your order number? I also note you have signed up with a fake e-mail account. I have a hunch as to who you are, and the troll vibe is strong in this one based on your only three posts here.
  20. Please don't spread false information without positivity to a situation. Your log quite clearly shows X-Plane crashed, and was not caused by a plugin. X-Plane has a "tattle tale" system which will CLEARLY state when a plugin is at fault. The log simply was last written by SkyMaxx Pro for debug purposes. Nothing more, nothing less.
  21. If you did not receive an e-mail almost immediately after the fact, then I would say something went wrong. In this case you can directly e-mail support@x-aviation.com to get one created.
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