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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. It's always been on your computer since the last version of the CRJ and the MU-2 you purchased require it.
  2. Hello all, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.7.1 update for the CRJ-200. All customers who have purchased the CRJ up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the CRJ from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.7.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original CRJ-200 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: All previosusly released separate patches and hotfixes, e.g. for flying on IVAO network, high resolution cockpit, autopilot stability fix, etc... New plugin architecture from the Steam version, which is more fps friendly and has lower memory footprint Plugin compatibility with newer MacOS systems High memory consumption on Windows systems fixed Extra dependency on MS Visual C++ 2012 removed Navdata update to X-Plane 10 default (1601) Mouse-wheel manipulators added to the cockpit. Supported with latest version of X-Plane 10 Fixed animation of nose gear doors. Now closed when the landing gear is fully deployed Correct times to activate full deflection of trims Added a little of drag with max deployment of flaps to match approach speeds As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  3. Huh? It doesn't discontinue anything. You can use Version 3 for the rest of your life if you want. I don't know what this means? X-Plane 10 to 11 is not free. iPhone 6 to iPhone 7 is not free. Photoshop is not free. MOST software major version upgrades are not free. Nothing has been discontinued. Your license will continue to work. What does this mean? 60 days. Spend it "immediately" or keep using version 3. Or upgrade to version 4 later. Your choice! Most customers are thankful we offer an upgrade discount. I'm sorry if this upsets you. Nothing will change. We've done this every version. We need revenue to make sure we are here for you long in the future.
  4. You did not receive one and will need to e-mail support@x-aviation.com because you opted out of our e-mailing service: This person unsubscribed on Apr 15, 2016 3:22 am After receiving "RWC Discount Offer"Reason: No longer interested
  5. I'm not sure this is even possible. SkyMaxx Pro v4 does not work with older Gizmo.
  6. You are still within the reported window for response time. Please do not make posts here attempting to speed this up.
  7. Well, with the reply time of 3 days, and you sending 3 e-mails in 2 days, that's not helping you. You were not excluded. The system shows it was successfully delivered to you. Take a look in your Gmail Promotional tab inbox, or even spam. Do a search for e-mails from X-Aviation
  8. RWC has now been updated for Sierra users.
  9. Hello, all, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 4.0.1 update for SkyMaxx Pro. All customers who have purchased SkyMaxx Pro v4 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase SkyMaxx Pro v4 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 4.0.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original SkyMaxx Pro 4 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: New installer code fixes issues for Mac OS X Sierra users Fixes texture corruption that gave a "blocky cloud" appearance at times As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  10. Easily solved. Send a request off to support@x-aviation.com
  11. Yes, please see here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/12178-strange-clouds/?do=findComment&comment=115385
  12. Sorry guys, this fix was meant to go out yesterday evening, but we have also had some odd installer issues on the Mac OS Sierra side that I am sorting through first. I think I have a handle on it now, but still waiting for feedback from a few more users who experienced the problem. As soon as they confirm my new code solves this issue we will be releasing the patch for what's seen in the screenshots above.
  13. In all honesty, for the time being all bets for anything in X-Plane 11 are off. It is a moving target beyond control. SkyMaxx Pro v4 is fully compatible and advertised as such, but that does require Laminar to also hold their end of the bargain too, so to speak. Performance tuning is still on Laminar's todo list for XP 11. Otherwise (unless your system is already very constrained), no, an FPS is not expected. For all intents and purposes the clouds and code in SMP 4 is more efficient than 3. I run a gaming machine dedicated only to X-Plane, and have tried vanilla XP 11 with no plugins and both an Nvidia 1080 and Titan X with it and I am less than impressed with performance of 11 straight out of the box. I know Laminar will get there though. We went through the exact same thing with the first few releases of XP 10.
  14. The Always option was created with these networks in mind. They do not write to a METAR format, so this was the solution.
  15. What? I didn't say that. And it's shared rigorously. Laminar knows it, just hasn't figured out the best way to combat it yet. I do not understand this. From what I gather you're a rather older adult, so I'm perplexed by your behavior today. Ben gave you a pretty honest answer in the previous thread and you ran to the hills with it insinuating he was insulting you when he was far from it. That's when it got out of hand. Was it not you who just decided to open yet another thread? Look, the bottom line is we require info for customer registration. It is not only tied into our activation system, but also our transaction fraud management (yes, even if you use PayPal), and our product update system. We do not store any form of payment details on the server. I'm sorry if this does not suit your needs. It's just the way it is, and has been this way since as long as I can remember by now. There's nothing more to be said here. If you don't want to buy anything over this, completely understandable and I wish you the best of fun with X-Plane going forward! By the way...are you not aware that you already registered an account with us on December 4? This all seems really pointless.
  16. No, he gave you insight as to why it's required. It has nothing to do with what you've ever done personally. Come on, dude. Sheesh.
  17. They were given the files prior to all other stores as a "soft launch" to sort out bugs.
  18. Do you have X-Plane 10 around anywhere to try this in? Curious to know if this is possibly even a yet to be figured out issue from Laminar and XP 11.
  19. You sent this support ticket one hour ago. Please don't make forum posts to try and follow up with support tickets, let alone push them ahead of others. We work through these in order received, and as quickly as we can.
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