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Everything posted by Rodeo

  1. This is a one-time thing, correct? Once you have the file locally you can e.g. do subsequent flights offline and still have GNSS?
  2. I do not see a predicted landing weight in your screenshot though?
  3. I don't have the aircraft but the behavior seems correct -- you probably understood it backwards. When the checkbox is ticked, altitude will not change (because advanced barometric altimetry is always on); when it's unticked (your case: advanced barometric altimetry enabled when offline only), when you lose connection it switches from the online/simplified simulation to the realistic one, hence the altitude change… Some observations for developers: - assuming it isn't already, online networks would probably appreciate if the realistic mode were disabled by default (fewer support headaches) - maybe the realistic system could be on a delay to account for the occasional lost connection, or maybe even remain on the simplified system if the connection is lsot in the air - maybe the transition from the simplified to the advanced simulation could eventually be more gradual to avoid an 800ft-like jump while airborne?
  4. SimBrief lets you share custom airframes now, so here are airframes that match the IXEG model reasonably accurately. Empty weight and fuel tank capacity both come from the .acf file (fuel capacity adjusted slightly to match the popup fuel slider tied to the GRD CALL button on the overhead panel). The maximum ramp/taxi weight is also obtained from the .acf file, and the other weights (MZFW, MLW, MTOW) derived from a weight variant in the official Boeing "Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning" document: https://www.boeing.com/commercial/airports/plan_manuals.page Given how the IXEG models the 737-300 with CFM56-3B1 ENGINES (20,000 LB SLST), that leaves three column to choose from in the 737-300 table (page 18 of document D6-58325-6). It should be noted that the IXEG has the following weights: 35,462lb fuel 72,380lb empty 139,374lb maximum (ramp?) The fuel capacity corresponds to the column with standard tanks (35,584lb usable fuel), the empty weight matches more closely with the column corresponding "AIRPLANE WITH 810 GAL (3,065 L) AUXILIARY FUEL TANK IN AFT CARGO COMPARTMENT " (72,540lb). When you pick the column for the aircraft without extra tanks, you get an MZFW of 105,000 and an MTOW of 124,000lb, giving a maximum payload of: 32,620lb or 141 SimBrief passengers at 230lb each with 19,500lb of takeoff fuel 17,620lb or 76 SimBrief passengers at 230lb each with 34,500lb of takeoff fuel Thus I also include a variant without additional fuel capacity but with the increased weight limits corresponding to that version (MZFW of 106,500 and MTOW of 135,000), for a maximum payload of: 34,120lb or 148 SimBrief passengers at 230lb each with 28,500lb of takeoff fuel 28,120lb or 122 SimBrief passengers at 230lb each with 34,500lb of takeoff fuel Since neither weight variant can accommodate 149 passengers (FAA exit limit) at 230lb, I set the passenger capacity to 134 seats ("typical" capacity for all-economy at 6-abreast). This is easily adjustable in either direction on your end. I also added an intermediate version with an MTOW of 130,000lb (middle column) just because I can. Note: please log in to SimBrief before following the links below. I also recommend opening one link at a time, as opening multiple links in quick succession before saving all airframes at the end may sometimes result in profiles accidentally overwriting each other. IXEG 737-300 (MTOW 124,500) https://www.simbrief.com/system/dispatch.php?sharefleet=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- IXEG 737-300 (MTOW 130,000) https://www.simbrief.com/system/dispatch.php?sharefleet=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- IXEG 737-300 (MTOW 135,000) https://www.simbrief.com/system/dispatch.php?sharefleet=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-
  5. This listing seems wrong to me?
  6. I can get it to work by disabling Gizmo via plugin manager, re-enabling it and then reloading the aircraft.
  7. I think posting once is enough, you must have internet connectivity issues cause you posted it 7 times…
  8. I can't remember where I read this, but apparently sometimes the "packs off" takeoff would be accomplished by turning off the engine bleeds (but leaving the packs themselves on auto), is this a real thing?
  9. Well, if it's the only issue we can find with the whole process, isn't it supposed to be good news? The wink smiley was meant to imply a nice, cheerful note, otherwise (if I had actually meant to complain) I would have used rolling eyes or an angry smiley
  10. …was already in version 1.1 update announcement […] Also, I haven't updated yet, are there two ACF files or does the installer (or the scripts) automatically enable the file based on the X-Plane version?
  11. perhaps you shouldn't look at file whose content you don't understand? This number if set by Plane-Maker, refers to the format of the ACF file itself, and is completely unrelated to IXEG's (or any other developer's) versioning system…
  12. Does this mean version 1.1 is still likely weeks away?
  13. I suggest setting the weights in pounds, as that's what SimBrief uses internally for storage. When you use KGs, every time you make a change to the airframe and save, the weight shifts by one KG or so (compounding rounding errors). I use the following: IIRC, OEW, MTOW and FUEL are taken directly from the X-Plane weight & balance dialog (empty, max allowable and total fuel weights, respectively), MZFW and MLW are taken from a reference PDF somewhere. Also values I use are usually rounded a bit, for example I always adjust MZFW slightly so that (MZFW-OEW) gives me a nice, round number.
  14. You'd have to be more specific? Not sure what you're referring to…
  15. Looks like the survey is dated 1997? I wonder what the results would be in 2016, especially for modern airliners like Embraers and Airbusses.
  16. Under your order history in your X-Aviation account. You may have to request a reset as the link may be expired. Otherwise, copying the aircraft over also works, but you have to also copy Gizmo64.plugin from Resources/plugins/ over to the same folder in X-Plane 11.
  17. It should read Swiss-French -- being Swiss matters more than the language you speak
  18. You can use the original installer, yes.
  19. Rodeo

    Vnav issues

    You do have a knack for explaining this kind of stuff, IMO
  20. Try sim/engines/TOGA_power
  21. It appears to make sense, thanks!
  22. Can you elaborate on that? The difference between an ILS localizer and a VOR beacon are not 100% clear to me, and it seems you know something about it
  23. How would you guys feel about my sharing a modified cockpit .obj adding X-Plane 10.50 mouse wheel support to many manipulators (basically, almost anything with more than two positions)?
  24. Hey Rob, how did you manage to simulate HDR lighting in your full size cockpit?
  25. Half the passengers must have been Lufthansa, and many/most of them must have flown the 737 at some point. I bet the jumpseat was "booked" months in advance!
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