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Everything posted by Iridium

  1. I added a bit more, but all of the writing right now is only bender text objects, so my next step is to make a set of textures for everything and put the writing onto the textures. Once the clean textures are finished, I'll make a set of worn textures.
  2. To achieve the physical effect of rotating the dials, I opted to simply construct a couple cylinders with some numbers placed on them.
  3. This is a vintage comm/nav radio that I began working on last week. I decided I'd like to make a (relatively) simple component that any other X-Plane developer/user could implement into any aircraft of his/her choosing. This will be a 100% free add-on, but you will be free to use this in payware if you would like. I have essentially no previous x-plane development background, and I honestly don't really know what I'm doing, but I know the desired result I'm after. Which brings me to why I'm even starting this thread; I can model things in 3D, but like I said, I have virtually no experience actually implementing my creations into X-Plane. I have the most basic understanding of X-Plane development (I kind of understand the whole dataref thing), and I have spent a total of approximately 70 minutes importing Blender 3D objects into X-Plane. So, I am looking for hints, thoughts, opinions, etc. on how to produce something like this. All it needs to be able to do is show physical movement of the numbers when the knobs are turned, and (obviously) actually change the radio frequencies in X-plane. This is an extremely simple radio system compared to more contemporary systems, which means it should be fairly easy to make this radio fully simulated (every knob does what it should). As you can see, the 3D modeling is not complete, but I hope to have it finished soon. I'll also be tweaking the textures to make it look worn, but I'll include "factory new" textures as well. To summarize the plan here, I want to make a radio that can (in theory) be used in any X-Plane aircraft. It must look and behave realistically. And it will be free, but can be included in payware. Thank you, Clayton Davis
  4. When you attempt to engage LNAV or VNAV and it fails, do you get a message on the MCDU that says something to the effect of, "VNAV/PERF UNAVAILABLE?"
  5. As far as I'm aware, this is not currently implemented, but some of the framework for it is in place and will be implemented in an update. But I may be wrong, so I'm going to defer any real answer to the developers.
  6. My post is a request, not a showcase. I'm hoping someone can make a house livery of the bare metal and white versions.
  7. An installer allows for a more reliable and simple installation of complicated packages. It helps ensure that people don't mess anything up. I'm not sure why an installer would be a bad thing, even if it reminds you of FSX.
  8. Actually, no, not really. At least not here in the US. Airport security is laughable. It's an ineffective inconvenience on the passenger side and it is barely effective on employee side (yet very easy to bypass). In the U.S., security very much needs an overhaul. It's amazing that we haven't implemented more effective means of preventing unlawful entry to aerodromes/aircraft, but I guess people like the idea and look of security rather than actual, effective security. That's not to say that it is necessarily easy to unlawfully enter a ramp, but it sure could be made a lot harder, and it should be made a lot harder.
  9. I can't say for sure when it comes to the 737s since I've never flown one, but I can say for sure that the CRJs have no such feature. If you manage to get into the flight deck and you know what you're doing, there's nothing to stop you. The hardest part, though, is opening the door. CRJs can sometimes be tricky to get into if you've not got much experience letting down the door. But as far as I'm aware, no large aircraft have keys or anything of the sort.
  10. I'm sure it is imminent, that really only confirms that it will be released, not necessarily that it will be released soon. It can mean soon (and even if release is another 5 months out, it's still soon relative to the full length of development), but it can also just vaguely mean "forthcoming" or "in the pipeline." Given that it is in testing right now, it's probably safe to assume that we shan't have to wait much longer, but it could still be a ways from done.
  11. Hello, I have a question that I haven't seen anywhere else, and it relates to the process of aircraft development for X-Plane and how to go about accomplishing complex and ambitious projects. My question is simple; how best should one go about finding a team of developers to begin work on a project for X-Plane? I ask this because I have, for a very long time, been longing to create something for X-Plane and satisfy my desire to create as well as give back to a community that has provided me with much fun and learning. I have quite a bit of (non-professional and non-formal) experience with 3D modeling software (i.e. Blender) and I've always wanted to put my skills to use in developing aircraft for X-Plane. But my skill set is far too limited and my free time far too short for me to take on anything near as ambitious as I would like. For this reason, I'm wanting to search for a development team, people with skills other than just modeling in 3D, but I've never put together such a team, nor have I ever really been very vocal within the X-Plane community. This is not me asking for team members, but rather, how and where would you (other developers) suggest one go about finding people capable of working together on ambitious add ons? If you have any personal stories or opinions of working with others for X-Plane development, especially strangers you've never met, I'd very much like to hear. Of everyone I interact with regularly in my studies, I know nobody who is both willing and able to work with me on anything relating to X-Plane. Btw, I'm a pilot in the real world, and a university student, which is why I cannot spend the time to work on projects alone; if I did, they'd never get done.
  12. Just installed it and it all works. Sorry about the confusion, and thanks for the help. Looks like I was suffering from the ID10T error. hahaha Thanks, Clayton
  13. I've run into an issue with the iGoDispatch apps (Saab and CRJ) on my iPad. I just updated them to the latest versions and now I am unable to input anything in the flight plan section. For example, if I type in "KPDX" into the "Departure" field and press the "+" button, in gives me a loading wheel and remains in this loading phase indefinitely. I can get it to connect to X-Plane under the ACARS tab, and it will show my location, but I can't manage to actually use the apps as the first section won't work. I also tried the load section, and I couldn't load cargo in the Saab for the cargo variant. This may also be an issue. I'm running iOS 9.2.1 (the latest version). Everything worked prior to updating the iGoDispatch apps. I appreciate all your work and I'm happy to provide more information on this issue as necessary. Thank you, Clayton
  14. I'm guessing it's probably already been discussed in depth in some other thread, so before I annoyingly ask if one of the IXEG team could explain in detail what the Wx radar will entail, might I be directed to any such topic already discussed? I've seen small bits of your radar, but I'm very anxious to know more. In the couple videos in which I saw it, it looked astounding!
  15. I'm only guessing here, but there's a good chance this wouldn't be a viable/practical solution due to the fact that 1) X-FMC is a thing, and it's free (although understandably nowhere near as complete as IXEG's) and 2) there's also a payware modular FMS already on the market, specifically designed for use in nearly any aircraft add-on. I would imagine that IXEG built their FMS specifically for this aircraft (at least the details of the system, maybe not the architecture itself), meaning that they would have to put too much extra effort into making it universal throughout x-plane. I find myself longing for more accurate FMS systems in various add ons, and the lack-there-of is exactly why I've chosen not to purchase certain planes (yet). But it is an extremely difficult and complicated process to build an FMS for even just one aircraft in x-plane, let alone all of them. I'm perfectly happy to enjoy this aircraft with an FMS, and if others don't, I'll either enjoy them regardless or not purchase them (yet).
  16. Icing between about -40˚C to about -1˚ (like you said), in visible moisture (could be freezing rain, SLD, clouds, fog, freezing fog, etc. but not snow or hail or solid forms of water). I did, however, fly with the ice accumulation output display up last night in the conditions listed, and I did see that it indicated buildup (very small due to brief encounter with such conditions). It could be that I've just not noticed it, but I have purposely tried to test out what it is like and have had a tough time. But again, I'm thinking that may be user error since I could see the output display indicating accumulation. I am used to icing conditions in the real world as I fly (IRL) in the Pacific Northwest US and have dealt with these conditions a lot in the last couple years. So I must just be oblivious when it happens in the sim. And I do believe that you are correct in thinking XP does *not* model icing in poor visibility, but it does in clouds. On a side-note, I recently had a pitot/static failure shortly after takeoff due to ice buildup in the pitot tube, despite the pitot tube being turned on and working (tested during preflight) prior to takeoff and there being no visible moisture in the area. It made it very difficult to comprehend what was going on, but once I figured it out, all was good. After the flight, inspection revealed that nothing was lodged in the system, so I can't be 100% sure it was ice, but I'm about 99.9% sure. Temp was -18˚C at the time. Thanks
  17. Hmm... I'll try it with those displays up, but I intentionally flew around icing conditions (just at and below 0˚C) in liquid precipitation, adjusting the weather to specifically cause icing. But maybe I did something wrong. I was flying without any de-ice/anti-ice. Maybe I missed it, but I'll try testing it with those displays and see what I get. But I'm sure it's probably just me suffering from an id.10.t error (idiot error).
  18. I agree, I've tried my hardest to test out icing conditions in various aircraft, and I cannot, for the life of me, get the slightest indication of ice accretion. I've been flying my C210T through conditions that, in reality, would bring the plane down within moments, yet I get nothing in the sim. It's really a shame. I would imagine it is not something you can affect as it may simply be a simulator limitation, but if it's possible to make the icing effects more realistic and present, I would greatly appreciate it. One shouldn't be able to fly through visible moisture (clouds, fog, freezing rain, etc.) without any change to fly dynamics. Regardless of this, I am so excited to fly your guys' bird, and I greatly appreciate all the work you are putting into it. Thanks, Clayton
  19. Just as when flying an aircraft in real life, takeoff is not something you make the airplane do by pulling back on the stick/yoke, but rather what the airplane wants to do on its own when it achieves enough lift. When we "rotate" upon reaching Vr (rotate speed), we are simply assisting the takeoff process by slightly increasing AoA, which in turn spikes the lift, lifting the plane into the air (but still in ground effect) and reducing drag/friction caused by ground contact. This all happens very quickly, making it seem like a pilot just yanks the stick/yoke at a certain airspeed and tries to pull the plane into the air. Regardless of your indicated airspeed, if the aircraft isn't lifting itself off the ground with a slight increase in AoA (or with no increase in AoA), then you will not fly. A tail strike should never occur so long as you don't force the aircraft into the air before it is ready. Hope this helped a bit.
  20. I am absolutely astonished by the incredible work you (the IXEG team) have put into developing this aircraft. The attention to detail you are putting into this is mind-boggling. I cannot wait until this thing gets released (but I'll patiently wait anyway). Thank you
  21. I'm getting the exact same error as well and I'm still using mavericks. I'm also running the latest x-plane version (10.36) and it gave me this error in 10.32 as well. I'm going to try troubleshooting a bit and report my results.
  22. Upon loading the aircraft, I keep getting an error that the "C172WidePanel engn1" sound file has no "data chunk" (I have no idea what that means), but it keeps crashing immediately afterwards. I'm running 10.32r1 on OSX Mavericks. I'm not sure what this issue really is, so I thought I'd bring it to your attention. I looked at the panel in PM, though, and it looks awesome. I am really excited to fly this plane. It looks awesome. Thank you
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