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Everything posted by sundog

  1. Mie scattering means something different in this context. It won't interfere with RTH at all is the short story. In the context of RTH, "Mie scattering" applies to scattering of light through the atmosphere as it goes from distant terrain to your eye. In the context of SkyMaxx Pro 3, Mie scattering refers only to how light is scattered by our new stratiform clouds. There is a very complicated "Mie function" that we simulate down to 0.1-degree precision at three different wavelengths in order to produce the most realistic looking stratus clouds we can. Ever notice a faint, circular rainbow on top of flat stratus clouds when viewed from above? That's a result of Mie scattering within the cloud, and you'll see that in SMP3.
  2. Like Cameron said, we don't have one handy. I'm sure users will post some once it's out pretty quickly. It's just not the sort of thing you can squeeze into a ten second clip, so it didn't make it into our promo video. Transitions through the new stratiform clouds and ground fog use a completely new, and different approach than SMP 2's clouds. I think you'll like it.
  3. Here's what's happening. SkyMaxx Pro keeps two copies of the cloud layers around; one for the current weather conditions, and another for the previous weather conditions encountered. This is so it can blend between the two smoothly. Once the current conditions are fully blended in, the previous conditions are disabled - but they are still present in memory. So, you may be tight on memory. Reducing the cloud draw distance may help, or use the workaround you already identified - load up clear conditions, then stratus / overcast, so the previous conditions have nothing in them. I think the next version of SkyMaxx Pro will handle this case better once it's out, but I'll double check.
  4. Post your log.txt please.
  5. Who knows, perhaps some flight was on its way to France or something. I still think it's worth temporarily removing your custom scenery and see if that improves the stability of X-Plane for you. You clearly crashed on something ATC-related, and there are ATC-related errors reported in your custom scenery. If that does help, I'd start just re-installing the areas you care about the most.
  6. Well, the ATC system is reporting a lot of conflicts between your various custom scenery packages in your log file. Could be you just flew over an area that the ATC system couldn't handle as a result. We found a duplicate runway 00/18 vs 18/36 at airport YPDN (Custom Scenery/NYEXPRO/Earth nav data/apt.dat0:00:00.000 E/APT: Found a bad-location ramp start: OMAD0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJCJ and RJCC!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at RJCJ and RJCC!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KTTS and X68!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KTTS and X68!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 12190 to 11800 for being in conflict!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Rewrote RJCJ atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 12620 to 11802 for being in conflict!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Rewrote KTTS atc_ControllerRole_Gnd's freq: 12175 to 11800 for being in conflict!0:00:00.000 W/ATC: Rewrote KTTS atc_ControllerRole_Twr's freq: 12855 to 11802 for being in conflict!I don't know if that helps narrow down what the culprit might be. You should probably start by removing all of your custom scenery, and confirming that makes X-Plane stable again.
  7. The log says pretty clearly that X-Plane crashed due to some ATC error: Thread 3 Crashed:0 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x000000010032e6c0 ATCNetwork::SplitEdgeAt(ATCNetwork_halfedge*, int) + 321 com.laminar_research.X-Plane 0x00000001003328d9 ATCNetwork::SnapNodesToRunways(vec_rwy_struct*, double, double) + 2649 I'm not sure why they told you SkyMaxx Pro was to blame. Some people just like blaming us, it seems! I think we'd need to see your log.txt to speculate on what add-on may have caused this. To answer your question directly however, if you disable the "SilverLining" plugin from the Plugin admin menu, that will disable SkyMaxx Pro for testing purposes.
  8. I can almost promise you that you just ran out of video memory, or maybe even system memory, with that much photoscenery and an ultra-hi-res mesh loaded up. X-Plane, or any other application, will be prone to crash in that situation. You are just running with too many add-ons, and it seems Skymaxx Pro is the straw that broke the camel's back. This is not a bug with Skymaxx Pro nor an incompatibility between SkyMaxx Pro and any other plugin. You just can't run infinite amounts of add-ons at once.
  9. If you want to be constructive, attach your log.txt after one of these crashes so we can diagnose what's going on.
  10. I'm 99% sure you're running out of memory on your video card. From what I could find out, your card has 2 GB of RAM - but you're trying to run SkyMaxx Pro along with a bunch of HD photo-scenery. Photo-scenery can eat memory alive and chew through 2 GB without blinking. Try removing your photo-scenery or flying in an area without it, and see if X-Plane becomes more stable.
  11. Oh fine, I'll bite. > 1. Can you mute those sounds you do not like or even replace them? Have a close look at the picture of the SoundMaxx control panel on the product page: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/soundmaxx-p-112.html You can disable classes of sounds (ie, improved default sounds, airport ambient sounds, nature ambient sounds, etc.) But we chose not to expose a UI for individual sound effects. There are far too many of them and it would get too complicated. It would be possible to hack SoundMaxx's internal sound files to do what you want, but I'm not going to go there... > 2. Can you level the sound? Again, look at the control panel. There are volume sliders for pretty much everything. > My question is however, how come you hear bird like sounds in the midle of the ocean, sounds like you are walking in the forrest lol. You'll hear birds if you're near the shoreline. SoundMaxx actually issues terrain probes to X-Plane sampling the area around you to try and figure out if you're in open ocean, near a coastline, or near a lake. And it then chooses the appropriate ambient sound, after also taking into consideration the season and time of day. > 3. Do you hear ambient sound inside the cockpit? Only if the engines are off, and the canopy or door is open. > 4. Seems you do not have any doppler effect or do you? Any SFX that X-Plane applies doppler effects to with default sounds will also be applied to our replacement sounds.
  12. Hm. Well, I could dig up which datarefs we use to see if you're outside, but the SoundMaxx controls aren't exposed via datarefs I'm afraid. So there's no way to adjust them from a script. Do you think ambient sound should be around 30% lower when inside in general? If so that's good feedback, and certainly something I can work into any SoundMaxx updates we might do in the future.
  13. While I don't know for sure where those files came from, they are installers for the Visual Studio runtime libraries. If SkyMaxx Pro is working OK on your system already, then SkyMaxx Pro has no need for them.
  14. I think it's just Visual Studio runtime library installers that have already been installed into your system, so probably safe to delete. I'd wait for someone from X-Aviation to chime in to be sure though.
  15. That would be awesome. SoundMaxx considers the door to be open if either sim/cockpit/warnings/annunciators/cabin_door_open or sim/cockpit2/switches/canopy_open is not 0.
  16. Thanks Bernardo. SkyMaxx Pro is a very popular product, and when you have that many copies of a piece of software out there, you're bound to encounter some PC's with messed up X-Plane installations, old graphics drivers, bad filesystems, settings too high for their hardware, etc. Although many "problems" get reported and dealt with in this support forum, the reality is they represent a very small number of our customers - less than 1%. Everyone else is having a great experience with SkyMaxx Pro, as evidenced by our reviews & ratings.
  17. SkyMaxx Pro doesn't read the METAR's directly; it uses datarefs provided to it by X-Plane that indicate the weather conditions at your plane's position. I don't know what X-Plane does under the hood to go from METAR data to "what's the weather right here," but the answer probably lies there (assuming you don't have a weather add-on or VATSIM going on).
  18. It says pretty clearly that your license failed to authenticate for some reason, which will result in no clouds. I would first try re-installing Skymaxx Pro to ensure you have to proper version of Gizmo installed for it. Also make sure your computer is connected OK to the Internet so the initial license check can proceed. If that's not it, you'll need to contact X-Aviation via email or their support form so they can look into the status of your license. It's possible you used it on too many systems too soon or something, or that there is some backend issue only they can identify.
  19. What is your video driver version? Also if you have HDR rendering enabled, does disabling it make a difference? I noticed your plugin menu has a "next" button... did you disable everything on the next page as well? I am grasping at straws; never heard of anything like this before.
  20. Your results just don't make sense. With your settings, SkyMaxx Pro is doing practically nothing. There has to be more to the picture here. Like I said earlier, try disabling all add-ons other than Gizmo and Skymaxx Pro. Make sure your drivers are up to date. And try temporarily removing custom scenery. Failing that, try re-installing Skymaxx Pro. Perhaps you have the wrong version of Gizmo installed, which Skymaxx Pro uses. If so, reinstalling should clear it up.
  21. I'm not really sure; almost everyone reports better framerates with SkyMaxx Pro than without it, when measuring apples to apples for the same weather conditions. The only exceptions I've ever seen has been when GPU memory is exhausted. All I can recommend is the usual troubleshooting stuff: - Make sure your video drivers are up to date - Try disabling all other add-ons to see if it's some weird conflict - Try temporarily removing custom scenery
  22. Everything I could find online says your video card has 1.5 GB of onboard memory, not 3 GB. Still, unless you're running at some crazy-high 4K resolution or something or some insanely high definition custom scenery, that should be plenty. Nothing looks obviously wrong in your log to me. Do you have problems if you fly with a default aircraft? I do recall there being an issue with some older version of SASL that was packaged with some third party aircraft. Wait a minute- you said above your minimum screen resolution is 1924 x 768, which is actually pretty high. Are you in fact running on 4K monitor? If so, 1.5GB might be cutting things close. Swapping video memory would certainly explain what you're seeing. Thanks for your purchase - hope we can figure this out.
  23. It depends. The thing is, once you run out of VRAM and start swapping memory, you're pretty much done from a performance standpoint. A lot of people are running close to that wall as it is, especially when you're running with custom scenery. Fill rate can be the bottleneck before you hit that point, but it's nowhere near as bad of a penalty. And from what I understand, Metal can't really do anything about fill rate.
  24. Your video card and drivers look recent enough. I'd bet that the issue has to do with the custom scenery you are flying over. If you remove the custom scenery package you're using in this location, or fly somewhere else, does the problem still happen? If so, try flying with a default plane or disabling XSquawkBox. See if you can narrow down what might be conflicting.
  25. Post your log.txt. Sounds like bad drivers or even bad video hardware to me - or you might be running out of video memory.
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