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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2022 in all areas

  1. Sounds like your throttle quadrant disconnected...a common issue is the USB port powering itself down after a long period of inactivity. Check all your USB hubs in Device Manager and make sure the "allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option is unticked on the Power Management tab.
    1 point
  2. So just an FYI update. I've been working on IXEG stuffs while Laminar tweaks the Release Candidates. I've held off updating the Moo further yet because 1)....I've worked for Laminar...and I know the kinds of changes that can be made in the early RC runs and 2)...it actually runs tolerably in V12. Once Laminar and most devs are suitably confident the lighting settings are stabilized or close to final, I'll turn some focus back to the Moo to see where things stand and what needs attention. The lack of liveries isn't lost on me, I know its a tough UV layout. That will get addressed in some fashion also. -tkyler
    1 point
  3. Every developer/store has its own policies, or just thinking about how to do stuff. We (the developers) know, since we are in daily contact with Laminar, that X-Plane 12 is in a phase that some things will change in the near future. If a developer choose to ship an aircraft now, and have to redo some stuff, when the changes will arrive, good for him/her. Though, in the meanwhile, something might not work right, until the developer patch it, and the user experience is not going to be great. Another developer might choose to postpone the release, until he/she has the confidence that the product will perform (almost) perfect as intended, and give the user a much better experience. In both cases, will be user that will complain for the one or the other. You can't satisfy all. But if you are 'anxious' that no one here cares about bringing our aircraft up to XP12 standards, you should not. Beyond that there are many new aircraft under development from all the teams having product in X-Aviation store, that have not hit the market yet, almost all existing ones, are actively being in the works for that. For example, a few days ago I announced the first LES aircraft getting ready for XP12.
    1 point
  4. Hi @quereataro, I'm only 62, but I feel like I'm catching you up! I apologise for the lack of quality/timely responses to your post; there was a time when things were different around here (very different), but TBM 900 support appears - for all intents and purposes - to have all but dried up completely, which is a pity because in my opinion it's still the best all-round aircraft for folks wanting a realistic experience when operating out of smaller fields. To answer your question, engine motoring refers to turning the engine over using the starter, but keeping the ignitors off and fuel flow shut off. If you engage the starter with the ignitors and fuel off it runs (off memory) for 30 or 60 seconds and then cuts off - or you can shut the starter off manually by pressing the starter switch to the lower position ("abort"). The procedure is necessary in 2 scenarios: 1. If your're wantng to start the engine again shortly after stopping it when the ITT (Inter Turbine Termperature) is still above 150 degrees C (ie the engine is too hot to start normally), or 2. The combustors are flooded with fuel (eg the throttle has been opened with the Aux Boost Pump turned on, but the starter and/or ignitors not turned on) which would result in an excessively hot start if ignition were to occur. In both cases simply turn ignitors off - keep the throttle in the cut-off position - and engage the starter for about 30 seconds. Wait 1 minute for the starter to cool a little - then attempt a normal start. It's a complex aircraft to master - and it's modelled very accuratly - so "if in doubt" download the actual flight crew manual for the aircraft (which detaiils the motoring procedure - and every other procedure). There are also some excellent YouTube videos from a chap called JasonTBM (who is the owner of the aircraft this model was designed against); one in particular shows the correct starting, taxi, takeoff, and climbout of the sim. If you can't find it let me know and I'll look for it for you. Cheers, Colin
    1 point
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