My response was not directed at you.
Since I am one of the developers of the Saab, I can assure you that we are still supporting the aircraft. All you have to do is browse these forums for proof of that. We are active here and have let everyone know that an update is in the works. The autopilot will be tested and adjusted (if necessary) as part of the update.
Not sure why you think anything I've said was an "unhealthy" discussion. I'd be happy to review the EXACT steps (in order) that cause you these problems. A paragraph full of descriptive text that "generally" describes what is going on and what you are doing is not good enough. ie. stating that you .... ", set the desired altitude and preset the climb option." is too vague. What SPECIFIC altitude? What SPECIFIC climb option? What SPECIFIC buttons, switches, or dials did you press, and in what order? What EXACTLY happened after each step? Stating that "...all hell breaks loose." is not helpful.
Not everyone is reporting this issue so you need to be precise in your reporting in order to help us determine if there is a problem and where the problem is coming from.