Well, there is a work around for the bank angle issue. The fix is a pain in the ass, especially when you're flying online, while operating this aircraft designed to be flown by two pilots. Your yoke/joystick can override the roll function of the autopilot, without the AP disconnecting. So, if you're being vectored to a localizer intercept, you can "help" the autopilot by increasing the roll with your yoke to a 30ish degree bank angle. The downside to this work around is that you're already likely doing 3 other things when you need to "help" the autopilot make a turn.
When the update gets released is out of my control, so there's no use complaining about it. But, I can see how people are upset about the AP issue. Prior to the 1.5.1 update, the autopilot bank angle worked. After the 1.5.1 update, the autopilot bank angle doesn't work. I think a lot of people expected a mea culpa attitude, followed by an autopilot fix within a few days after breaking the bank angle function.
In any event, the autopilot is usable with some extra effort.
Hopefully, soon means soon.