Check the log. I've been having issues too and seeing errors like this in the TBM log:
2018-12-08 00:06:07 TBM900[chart_prov_common.c:182]: Error downloading chart index HTTP error 404
2018-12-08 00:06:08 TBM900[odb.c:476]: Downloading new obstacle data from "" for region "US"
2018-12-08 00:06:08 TBM900[odb.c:514]: Error updating obstacle database from Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)
something clearly is amiss.
A complete reinstall of X-Plane (including manual deleting the X-Plane folder in Steam\commons) doesn't solve the issue. What worked for me, was to reset the shader-cache in the AMD display settings.
So the hijacked thread is solved again.
Thanks for your support.