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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2018 in all areas

  1. http://carsfov.moritzlawitschka.de/
    1 point
  2. Giving the IXEG some love amidst the Zibo B737-800 hype. I keep going back to this aircraft and marvel at what was accomplished with it's creation. Thank you IXEG team.
    1 point
  3. As a longtime Mighty SAAB driver, but also a sometimes P3D user, I looked with at least a bit of interest on Carenado's new 340A for P3d. And, full disclosure, I'm a fan of many of Dan and Joe's X-Plane efforts, grumpy as Dan can be. So, given all that, just for yucks, even knowing that Carenado's non-XP planes have a somewhat patchy reputation, I tried the P3D 340A. Bottom line, no one here should lose any sleep over it. No one. Really. Truly. Now, Laminar, fix the ground-handling! And LES, keep up the superior work on this soulful airplane! Best, Marshall
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.2


    NOW WITH PRINTABLE EXTENDED VERSION! B737-300 Checklist for IXEG 733 Available at x-plane.org and x-pilot.com This document was taken from an original B737-300 checklist from 1998. I have re-typed up the checklist into a nice pdf format for easy download download. If you require any other format then please let me know. It may be possible that some items may not yet be simulated. DO NOT re-upload anywhere else. FOR SIMULATION USE ONLY!
    1 point
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