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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2017 in all areas

  1. Laminar Research are soon gonna release version 11.10 for beta-testing. 11.10 is the first major release since the initial release. There is a good post about the beta at the x-plane developer site. And you really should read that post if you are planning to participate in the beta. So expect it to be unstable and buggy, especially for the first few beta releases. http://developer.x-plane.com/2017/10/beta-testing-101/
    1 point
  2. Seriously? I've done numerous test over the last few days with mixed results. I noticed that the severity depends on the aircraft but almost all of the aircraft had the tendency to nose drop on to the runway. The planes I tested were IXEG, FlyTeAir Piper Arrow 3, Cherokee140 and stock Cessna 172. IXEG and the arrow 3 feared the worse and it literally felt as if there was a wall blocking my pitch on a flare. The others felt better but the nose drop was still felt and it still requires too much back pressure on a yoke. Those are just my observations.
    1 point
  3. I've solved the problem ! I've selected IXEG 737 from the XP10 aircraft in NavDataPro ( even if I have only XP11 on my PC ) and I've put the XP11 path in the path selection. Then I've selected "Update and download" for the IXEG
    1 point
  4. PFPX is strange sometimes with flight levels.. But check if FL130 is only the initial flightlevel. Your flightplan may suggest higher altitude duing the route.
    1 point
  5. Well you can look up real flights using flightaware & co: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/EZY8247/history/20170925/1255Z/EGKK/ELLX/tracklog (that's EGKK to EGLX which is not that far away) That said, 370 is much more realistic although I think that's for a light 737 (for me the FMC usually recommends around 350 for optimal crz altitude)- 130 would be for a really short hop.
    1 point
  6. You can make/download flightplans and coroutes with/from simbrief.com. They are supporting the ixeg file format- works perfektly fine!
    1 point
  7. Right, and from an IXEG point of view, please don't flood us with bugreports from using early betas. Most likely it is LR that has broken something temporary, so report to them.
    1 point
  8. No 'fan boy' here, just giving a bit of support to the Devs when ignorant people post their garbage, nothing more, nothing less.
    1 point
  9. No offence intended, its seems some devs were behind the eight ball with the release of XP11 and are playing catch up. Whether this is the fault of Laminar or the devs themselves it dosent matter now. This is a whole new era in flight sim and semi professional just does not cut it anymore. What ever you got away with in the past wont help you now and alot of old xplane devs are finding this out the hard way as now your customer base includes alot of P3D users who are used to a certain level of professionalism, which is found lacking with a lot of Xplane devs. Some have stepped up and taken their products to the next level while others are still trying to find the On button to their workstations. One of this sites biggest sellers should have been ready to roll in XP11 as soon as it came out of Beta but you are still trying to fix things for the XP10 version.. Really? and your next release will work in Xp11 but it wont really work.. Double really ? and then you will release V2 maybe in a couple of months. No no no !! Tell me you sacked this person who came up with this idea.
    -1 points
  10. I sort of guessed some might get offended and fan boys would white knight themselves but i bet one thing my post would have definitely put a rocket up some butts and made some rethink about what they perceived as an intelligent idea. As for my people skills yeah maybe im blunt and straight to the point but thats me and i get paid quite well for making people rethink about whats achievable or a good idea,so im not changing anytime soon. You are right i dont know much about the development process of a sim aircraft all i know is about the consumer side of flight sim, actually 25 years of buying, installing and deleting products, so maybe you dont think a consumers point of view (even an arrogant,opinionated like mine) is valid well good on ya mate, you have just failed basic business 101.We all want a quality product at the end of the day and what ever time it takes now Que' sera sera,, so i will go back into my troll cave and fly someone elses products for awhile and let you get back to do what you guys do best. No hard feelings as all is fair in Love,War and Flight Sim Software development. Cheers Val .G
    -1 points
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