I fly A320 on real life and the thing the most impressed me on the IXEG is the feeling that you actually landing a jet.
There are a lot of factors you must take account on your landings, things like your weight (heavier aircrafts are easier to land), the runway`s characteristics, the weather, etc. When you are flying an airliner, you must leave your ego at home, so a super smooth landing is in the end of the list of the things that you are aiming for. So always land on the touchdown zone, don`t scratch your tail on the runway, keep the G forces in the aircrafts limits and stop within the runway limits (with a good margin, please!!).
Back to your question: If you do always the same thing on a landing, the result will be always different! Try to feel how is your aircraft behaving and time your yoke and throtle inputs on that, after some landings you`ll be closer to your expactations, for sure!