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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2017 in all areas

  1. We are starting to get questions about this so I thought I'd start a topic to explain and clarify how things work in XP and what you can expect ahead. As you know all of us at IXEG are old timers and have been developing aircraft since XPv5 or so, (like 15-20 years ago) and have been through this process many times before. Since it's been years since XP10 got released we assume a big portion of the current user base have not experienced a new XP version run change and what this actually MEANS to your favorite aircrafts. Basically, in a new XP run, it is "tradition" for Austin to implement lots new flight model stuff. Some new stuff, some big stuff, some minor tuning here and there of various things. Typical ones are; Thrust (engine) Lift Drag Ground model Controls etc. Also, this usually takes place throughout the entire beta phase (where we are now), and by experience will continue through to at least XP 11.1 when things start to stabilize. During this phase, XP11 is a moving target flight model wise, and attempts by the designers to chase austin's tail and "fix" flight model related stuff is a waist of time because chances are big things will change again in the next beta. So designers tend to hold off for a while before we start looking at it. THEN at some point we start looking at it, and usually we discover more errors/bugs/new stuff in the new FM, which again leads to debates with Austin and hunt for documentation. Also, it is tradition for Austin to tune stuff that he does not mention in the release notes, so there are usually a few surprises. Further, LR policy is that the designers have to prove they are right, and LR is wrong, not opposite... So sending Austin emails like "Hey, the thrust has changed 20%, fix it!" is not going to change anything. So basically you have 3 choices as a designer; Prove to Austin you are right (takes a lot of time, knowledge, effort and documentation) Reverse engineer your own flight model (Also takes a lot of time and effort) Pretend your aircraft is performing just fine, ignore user reports, and do nothing So basically, as it looks today, all quality aircraft will have issues that needs to get fixed moving from 10 to 11. For those aiming at the highest level of accuracy in the FM (like IXEG) designers *might* need to do a complete recalibration of the aircraft. This is not a trivial task as you can imagine, XP's FM is far more complex than e.g. FSX SOOOoooooo, what do we know at this point about XP11 PB8 that might/will affect us; Drag has changed Ground model has changed Engine model has changed As we digg deeper into XP11 we might find more things, but we'll see. Like I said, this is perfectly normal It is just a phase everyone has to go through and everyone needs to be patient. Kind of like moving from FSX to P3D from a designer point of view. There is no "quick fix", this is hardcore engineering and programming. The good news is we will do all this work for free, and in the mean time, we recommend using XP10 if flight model is important to you M
    1 point
  2. Hey y'all, I recorded a new sound for the fire bell. Heres a quick video demonstration. Much better than the original. Jan, if you want me to send it to you to include in the next version, PM me. How to install: Drop the firebell.wav into X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\sounds\custom firebell.wav
    1 point
  3. The default 747 could be the comparison link between xp10 and 11. Although I fear that Austin keeps experimenting with GA planes and does not care too much about tubeliners. [emoji20] If you notice the default jets on pb10 and 11 start to taxi at 50% N1 isn't it weird?
    1 point
  4. Right, Austin is still tinkering with the fuselage/body drag and other things, probably breaking other stuff, so it's too early for us to digg into this. It is important that everyone reports obvious FM errors to Austin at this point to get things back into the ballpark (austinATx-plane.com). We will take it from there. Important when reporting FM issues, use one of the default aircraft as a reference (that also was in v10 for comparison). Not the IXEG 737.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for your effort! You can always attach the file to your post with a how-to instruction
    1 point
  6. I was referring to the IXEG lol, that's the only aircraft worth flying on xplane, haven't flown anything else so far Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. It is not, don´t worry. We are just trying to give an insight into why we as developers are a bit surprised about the fascination with and the desire for a perfectly working VNAV. Coming from a real airliner pilot´s perspective it was suprising for me. From an economical point of view (factoring in development time and return of investment) we felt that it was a less critical item than some other things. But I personally have learned a lot about the different needs of simmers and pilots in the course of the release of this plane (wingflex, passenger window view, cough ). I think the fascination our plane holds on many people comes from the fact that it was closely modeled along the experience that a real 737 pilot would have when flying a real 737-300. For those not interested so much in that we will continue to flesh out the experience with adding a more profound VNAV/FMS modeling and secondary 3D/texture work in the future. I am not saying that the real 737 does not have good (I am not saying perfect, mind you) VNAV, and it certainly has a passenger wing view and wingflex. It was just a matter of priorities, but we aspire to go the whole 9 yards, eventually. Jan
    1 point
  8. Ok, took a few shots for you guys - so you know that we are not making this stuff up : Distance to go and ETA for next active waypoint displayed on top line of EHSI: Improved symbology when IRS units not aligned: INOP labeling on the TERRAIN button of First Officer (yes, we are working on having it display on his side, too). Also new EGPWS control panel: INOP label on logo light switch if winglets are fitted: lbs labeling on the fuel gauges if imperial units are chosen: Opening cockpit door (note that the cabin is still WIP and will improve in the future (better 3D/textures/lighting): TERRAIN ON DISPLAY button, and TCAS symbology (showing a proximity traffic): Cheers, Jan
    1 point
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