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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2016 in all areas

  1. There have been many bug fixes in the 1.0.8 if I am not mistaken right? - So I would imagine you guys did not have the time to add new features correct? So my question is: When will we "estimated" see those features added that were lefte out of version 1 as described in this thread Are you guys shooting for version 2 or implementing these in future updates one by one? Parsing data should be easy enough to do if you have an server hosted somewhere. Perhaps you @Ben Russell could elaborate on the posibility of such with in GIZMO, is it possible or is this out of the scope of what GIZMO can do? In any case I would imagine (without have seen the code) think that if you do parse data back and forth, it should be able to work within the gui of the FMS CDU. For example for the weather? Parsing raw Metar Data from X-Plane's Metar.rwx file - is it possible to have that then redirected to the CDU screen upon request For example for the ATIS data? Parsing data via the VATSIM statistic api - It should returns an XML file which you may or may not be able to use in the plane. Read more about this in the api here http://api.vateud.net/ For example for the ACARS data? This can be parsed via an third party client. I do believe this is a feature most suited for i.e. Virtual Airlines and such, groups that can host an server based solution which i.e. the plane can benefit from, pull data from. Not sure if the 737 have ACARS, perhaps you can answer that @Litjan - Anyway, read somthing about that there http://www.hoppie.nl/acars/ I do belive many of these features are hard to harder to implement and would serve more as eyecandy for horny equipment and feature addics in X-Plane. Nice to have but not essential. But if I would pick as an semi-addicted x-planer for soon to be implemented new features it would for sure be (excuse me if this is alredy in, been away for a while) Pilot entered HOLDS TCAS EGPWS GPWS IRS last position in the FMC CDU Different TEST features like i.e. the Comm TEST This is just top of my head, but in retrospect we need those minor things working if possible to make it more realistic (kinda like getting A+ instead of A's he he). I am extremely happy with the plane so far, it works and it works good. So basically it can only get better, but I would not want a better plane if it boils down to the fact that such new features will impact the performance. Performance is allways the no.uno feature to have!!! Last but at least, thank you to all the team from GIZMO to IXEG to X-Pilot for every dedicated hour of your time
    1 point
  2. Short final to Innsbruck, Austria (LOWI) after the famous LOC DME EAST approach 737 resting on the apron
    1 point
  3. I stopped using FSX due to continuous OOM when combining glass cockpit jets, add-on weather, and a frame-rate-eating scenery package.. When I moved to X-Plane I immediately entered a relatively stable platform, excellent scenery, the opportunity to build my own world via mostly free (and very well created) airports and scenery and, best of all, the IXEG 737-300.. I have never had a problem with system resourses.. I fly every day, and my circuit is all over north america, sometimes also to Europe. Everything functions better than I could hope.. And the 737 is absolutely amazing.. Like Jan said a while back, this experience is sure a lot more immersive than watching TV.
    1 point
  4. Hello everybody, I want to know if it's normal to expect 1 week for an answer of x-aviation for the activation of my add-on. In fact, I just change my computer and because of 3 crashs, I was obliged to reinstall all of my add-on. For the 4th time, we need to activate by x-aviation. This is scandalous, I'm still waiting and no answer about x-aviation. What's wrong with this company? I will never ordering at x-aviation Regards from France :-)
    1 point
  5. No, that is not related. We expect our plane to keep working in XP11 - but I am sure there will be a thing or two that needs to be adjusted - or some new features that we can make use of. I don´t think there will be a 1.0.8 - we have enough new content and fixes ready on the sideline to warrant calling the next one 1.1 - we are "just" waiting to get some more FMS fixes in. Once those are done we will need to do a thorough flight-testing, we would like to avoid the "fix two things, break one new" we used to have during the frantic hot-fix run. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  6. They are planning to release 1.0.8 when it is ready, not before, this hopefuly will avoid you from complaining that this or that doesn't work. and that they shouldn't have released it if it was not ready.
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Here's a basic X-Camera config file for the IXEG 737 Classic. It has: - 15 Cockpit views - 4 Wing views - 15 External views - 2 Orbits - 1 Flyby - a "walk around" type category that takes you around various areas of the aircraft TrackIR or HeadShake users will have to enable these in the X-Camera settings. No View IDs have been assigned, do this to your liking/need. If you are unsure about what this or X-Camera does, please refer to the X-Camera website. It is an essentially free camera control plugin that provides advanced camera options. It lets you set up a huge number of different views with smooth transitions and other snazzy features, like an orbit or flyby camera. Installation instructions: 1. Make sure you have a recent/current version of X-Camera installed (such as 2.1.1 as of April 2016) 2. Go to your X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic folder 3. Copy this downloaded X-Camera_B733.csv to the IXEG 737 Classic folder 4. Enjoy (or adjust to your liking in the X-Camera settings) If you have any comments or gripes, they belong here or to me via PM. I can also be contacted at doctornerdrage@gmail.com. Safe flying!
    1 point
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