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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Pilatus PC-12 departing Nassau.
    2 points
  2. Departing Atlanta heading to the Bahamas.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. We already do that. We just do it so well that you can't even tell Any clouds beyond 50km are rendered to a ring of 2D textures.
    1 point
  5. As a private pilot and Hawaii resident of many years, I am thoroughly enjoying the addition of Hawaii Photo Real Scenery in X-Plane. Kahoolawe, while not particularly beautiful to look at, is interesting in that as an uninhabited island, it was once used as a military bombing and gunnery range. During my Navy service, I spent many hours aboard ship doing live fire exercises on Kahoolawe. I am very much looking forward to the release of Big Island scenery and hope to see that soon. Mahalo and keep up the outstanding work.
    1 point
  6. seth, if this problem occurs, try to deactivate RWC first and SMP second and have a look what happens. After that, activate again RWC first and SMP second. Perhaps you have to set the weather options again in XP. I expect your fps performance is back again after this. The solution which helped tolix does not work for me, unfortunately. It looks like a kind of buffering is filled after some time and is never cleared. I hope one of the dev's has this on his list already. EDIT: Deleted filepage.sys to ensure XP is using the whole physical memory without paging and I hoped it would improve the performance a bit, but the sim was running out of memory (even with 16GB!). I went back and working again with pagefile (on SSD). I don't use W2XP any longer, that gives me fps 12-30 with setting objects to "tons" , distance "low" , "extended DSF" . I still use HD-mesh. Sometimes I have even higher rates, depending on the plane (new SSG E170 Evolution is consuming much fps in flightdeck view). I always telling about flying in big city areas with busy airports and medium to high settings. So my conclusion: Skymaxx is not the mainly reason for fps drop(it is also) - rather the scenery and amount of objects are (HD_mesh, oms). by the way:_ flying over water(sea) in clear sky pushes fps going through the ceyling - and now set weather so SMP has to draw many clouds and compare the fps you get what you have over land. You lose some rates of course - this is what SMP is consuming. And water is also a texture in XP but without objects !
    1 point
  7. Many thanks to all of you! There're a lot of good chances that quality level will be better than our MD-82: actually we're learning some more techniques that years ago were not known at the begin of the project so regarding the MD-11 we'll start in a totally different, and much better, way.
    1 point
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