Faithful to our commitments, not only to deliver the highest quality products, but also by continuing supporting them, and update them to the latest developments of X-Plane, we started today testing our airports with the new WED 1.5 and X-Plane 10.50.
As you already see in the image, the airport is already populated with the 10.50 new feature, static aircrafts at the gates. This is our very early works on the next update that will come relative soon, by implementing the new features of X-Plane. Still though, there are a lot of adjustments required. After Manchester, we are going to take care Mykonos too!
Another good thing is that the new WED allows to mark the airport for flattening, which seems work for Manchester. That means that, probably, the extra mesh will not be needed! That means, no more conflicts with other airports in the area, and that you will be able to use orthophotos or other packages (Simheaven, Zonephoto, UK VFR, etc.) up to the airport fence!
We need a few days to verify the results and hopefully the new update will be ready soon!