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  1. Work with lights proceed, this time concerns the cockpit: here you can see some screenshots regarding pilot and copilot fluorescent lights only, pilot and copilot incandescent lights only, all flood lights but the cockpit flood and alternate thunderstorm, and last but not the least flood lights pilot + copilot + pedestal + central instrument panel + overhead. As the spill lights are somewhat ‘heavy’ with the frame rate we’re still working about their optimization in order to keep the frame rate as high as possible.
    4 points
  2. Faithful to our commitments, not only to deliver the highest quality products, but also by continuing supporting them, and update them to the latest developments of X-Plane, we started today testing our airports with the new WED 1.5 and X-Plane 10.50. As you already see in the image, the airport is already populated with the 10.50 new feature, static aircrafts at the gates. This is our very early works on the next update that will come relative soon, by implementing the new features of X-Plane. Still though, there are a lot of adjustments required. After Manchester, we are going to take care Mykonos too! Another good thing is that the new WED allows to mark the airport for flattening, which seems work for Manchester. That means that, probably, the extra mesh will not be needed! That means, no more conflicts with other airports in the area, and that you will be able to use orthophotos or other packages (Simheaven, Zonephoto, UK VFR, etc.) up to the airport fence! We need a few days to verify the results and hopefully the new update will be ready soon! Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. Eastwest Australia View File Eastwest Airlines Australia, a domestic carrier in the 80-90's,operating F27, F28 and 727 aircraft. They were acquired by Ansett Australia Airlines, which ceased operations in 2001. Submitter SteveS Submitted 07/13/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    1 point
  4. Before......[emoji1] [emoji1] Inviato dal mio SM-G900F utilizzando Tapatalk
    1 point
  5. hey cameron that's cool this 737 is the most realistic airplane in x plane. now you got ground crew and stuff like that! so it will be nice doors opening!
    1 point
  6. Work on the MCDU proceed, APPROACH REF page completed:
    1 point
  7. Two shots taken quickly, custom lights only HDR on.
    1 point
  8. I did some experimentation in 10.50 this morning. KFDK was showing real world METAR with OVC013. I took off from KFDK and reached 2000 ft. without any decrease in visibility. The Cloud Area Covered in SMP was set to 10137 sq. km. I then decreased the Cloud Area Covered to 5192 sq. km and I was then in zero/zero visibility at 2380 ft. So far so good. This was with solid stratiform. However, when I climb above the stratus deck, the weather goes CAVU, i.e. I can see straight through to the ground. When I test this in 10.45, I correctly see a stratus deck underneath me. Note that I double checked 10.45 and the SMP plugin shows ver 3.2.1. Sparse particles works correctly as well even at 10137 sq. km, i.e. zero/zero visibility. However, when I set it on dense particles, the weather goes CAVU. As an instrument rated pilot practicing instrument approaches in x-plane, I'm trying to get the most realistic entry and exit into cloud decks.
    1 point
  9. -1 points
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