Hey folks! Lanai is underway. A few updates on university to give you an idea of what non-X-Plane stuff is on my plate and how it affects my X-Plane performance: Calculus is a b... ad and difficult course. It will consume the majority of my free time this semester. So is biology, but other than that, all my courses are cruisers - my university decided that chemistry this semester would be a review of the last year of high school and that psychology would be a friendly discussion about mullets. I have no events that will take away entire weekends of development other than a ski trip in January (eh?). Free moose included and the polar bear was only $5 extra if you rented the deluxe igloo. My new computer allows me to get hooked in unhealthy quantities on X-Plane development in the evening without getting frustrated because it crashes every five minutes. Because it doesn't. The roads around here are ugly enough (as are the people) that going anywhere with the girlfriend for trips is out of the question. The bad news is that my friends at University of British Columbia are attempting to get me addicted to online games such as Civ. Fortunately, in my books, John gets my dollar before Sid Meier. I need SkyMAXX. One more donation and I'm there.Anyways, I doubt you bothered reading any of that, but if you did, I'm sure your mind tuned out the word monkey thrown in there as individual letters in a typos. The screenshot you've all been waiting for: