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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2014 in all areas

  1. A damp afternoon at CYVR... (After I took this I realized I'd gotten distracted by photography, forgot to arm the glide slope, and was coming in way too high... tried to lose some altitude, went overspeed for flaps 35, tore one off, and spiraled into the sea. Oops... )
    3 points
  2. Boeing 777-200 LR EC-175 Airbus A340-600
    2 points
  3. That's correct. X-Plane is a simulator that only allows so much data and access to plugins. Since we (or Frank) do not CREATE X-Plane, we do not have all the access to variables in the sim as a plugin that Laminar does as creators of X-Plane. IF Laminar changes this in the future you can bet that we too will make a change. The goal is always to make SkyMaxx Pro as best as it can be. We have done A LOT to this plugin since the first day it was released, and all in 100% free updates. We won't waiver from that course, but it takes cooperation on multiple fronts. It's very similar to water. We'd love to create a proper ocean/lake/river add-on. Even though Laminar can simulate it themselves, we can't because all the access we need in the SDK to get it done is not shared with plug-ins. I regret that this is the answer, but, we take what we can get, and often times we make good on our word.
    1 point
  4. SkyMAXX, not really. Maybe tiny fractions of a % in theory but nothing in practical use. SkyMAXX is a self contained XPL that only uses Gizmo for DRM license validation. MU-2, DC3, etc. Yes. These products use Gizmo64 for the bulk of their systems and will all improve.
    1 point
  5. File Name: Carenado Beechcraft B200 - EC-LJN Livery File Submitter: Leen de Jager File Submitted: 13 Dec 2014 File Category: General Aviation X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10 Livery For: Click Here For Aircraft EC-LJN livery for Carenado Beechcraft B200 by Leen "Flybike" de Jager This livery depicts ( as far as far as I can achieve ) the Beechcraft B200 operated by the INSTITUT CARTOGRAFIC I GEOLOGIC DE CATALUNYA Customised normal-files including specular layers. Softer (more natural) and corrected bumpmapping with additional surface-undulation, for more realism. These normals can NOT be used in combination with other repaints for this model. Installation: Just unzip into the liveries-folder of the aircraft Enjoy Leen "Flybike" de Jager http://www.flybike-paints.nl Click here to download this file
    1 point
  6. 1 point
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