In 2003 a DHL Airbus 300 was hit by a missile after departure at Baghdad airport. All 3 hydraulic systems, and thus the elevator, aileron and rudder failed. Nevertheless, the pilots managed to control and land the plane only by applying asymetric thrust. A different disaster was Japan Airlines flight 123, also with failing hydraulics similar to the DHL flight. Unfortunately in the Japan Airlines flight, only 4 out of 524 people survived. As I don't have a (virtual) A300 and don't claim being able to do such things with an A300, I tried this with the default Beech Baron of X-Plane - admittedly not in Baghdad, but in Santorini (a runway is a runway though, independant where it is located). In the first attempt, I crashed about 150 m before the runway, in the second attempt I crashed 2-3 meters near the runway, in the third attempt I crashed on the runway and finally in the fourth attempt ... but see for yourself - watch the yoke and the pedals, they don't move, only the engine levers. Who would like to try this oneself? It's fun, which I don't want to have in reality, only in the sim ...
P.S. Due to video driver issues the water reflections look a bit weird and I had 2 slight stutters