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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2014 in all areas

  1. 737 over Beauvais, France.
    9 points
  2. Isn't it great? I'm rediscovering JARDesign A320 along with SkyMaxx Pro 2.0. Both are impressive! X-Plane is getting better and better.
    8 points
  3. Most of the sky over Poland is covered with huge thunderstorm front today. And that means... CB !! Countless weather avoidance actions, tons of holdings and some diversions. Came back home from work and thought "let's take a look at how things are in X-Plane", on a short night flight from Krakow (EPKK) to Warszawa (EPWA). It's 1:35 am LT already and it's hard not to fall asleep inside this cozy cockpit ;] Our plane is barely recognizable on the dark, cloudy sky. On short final runway 11, overflying southeastern Warszawa. Apparently the thunderstorms have moved to the east already. Safely on the ground and taxing slowly towards the terminal. Yaaaawn... Proof that i didn't lie
    6 points
  4. It seems like i found a new toy Jardesign A320neo from Montreal to Toronto
    5 points
  5. DR400 Soissons, France - Beauvais, France.
    4 points
  6. While we're on the topic of 737, let's take a look at it's older brother ... must refrain from taking screenshots!
    3 points
  7. Made my 50th flight today for Qantas Virtual. Having a great time as this truly is a brilliant Virtual Airline. After lots of time in the 777, went back to basics and took the Q400 up to Mildura.
    2 points
  8. Only 3 gals of fuel remaining ...
    2 points
  9. Yes it is converting EDDF
    1 point
  10. Don't we know you... Starting again with disliking posts, eh?
    1 point
  11. And yet again more Skymaxx porn...
    1 point
  12. Fort Lauderdale --> Key West
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. I thought I'd hop on the bandwagon and add my own section of SkyMaxx porn. I'm astonished at how incredible it looks... Awesome job guys! King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France King Air C90 over France
    1 point
  15. Aerobask's DA 42 v2.0 (with my G1000 mod v1.5) from Innsbruck to Salzburg: Unfortunately the weather was too good for SkyMaxx showing its abilities And I love that lens flare... About the aircraft: It's a strange thing. The real Diamond DA-42 is, for my taste, not a very beautiful aircraft; it looks as if somebody has attached two overpowered engines to a small glider. However, I like Aerobask's rendition of this aircraft very much. It does not look photorealistic, not the style like Carenado and others have. Instead, it looks like from a glossy brochure, where everything is just too shiny to be real. Also, the avionics are X-Plane standard and therefore have only superficial similarities with a real G1000 (not even with my modifications). But still: This is a good X-Plane model. Flies fine and I might say (from what I've read about the real DA-42) quite believable for me.
    1 point
  16. Just got my Skymaxx fresh and hot of the Barbecue
    1 point
  17. Pretty. Un-modified SkyMaxx Pro 2.0, GlacierMaxx, XP 10.30Beta8, Heinz Dziurowitz Beech 18 VOLPAR, Thanks to all of those developers.
    1 point
  18. Yes the NOAA-plugin works very well and the winds accurate. But the upper winds from EFASS are completely wrong.
    1 point
  19. Some information. The person invloved was banned and removed for several reasons. He offered various skinsets for illegally converted freeware planes for MSFS ( Project Opensky.) including the illegal base model. ( Project Oblivion ) These paints were NOT made by himself , he just published them under his own name. Guys like him should be banned everywhere. His personal website still exists ( just checked it a moment ago ) No need to say I cannot give the link to it, that would be advertising illegal actions.
    1 point
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