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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2014 in all areas

  1. 7 points
  2. Everyone´s favorite C300...
    4 points
  3. Title: "Final Frontier" Aircraft: Default Cessna 172 Effects: MAXX FX and SkyMAXX
    4 points
  4. my contribution so far, 94 different house-models in colors, chapes and measures... more to come ;-) Once I get a descent pack I'll put the first bunch online.
    2 points
  5. St. Maarten is the fourth most dangerous airport in the world. When I got home the first thing I did was land there in my sim. Fun. try it. TNCM Princess Juliana, Intl ST Maarten
    1 point
  6. Today's weather at KLFT Mean while in Seattle, Cargo run? Baron of the Skies
    1 point
  7. Back in the days before I started working on World2XPlane and was experimenting with OSM2XP, I would spend 15 minutes a day (or sometimes a few times) with a cup of coffee, adding buildings, roads, forests and correcting items. I would grab a small square area near to an airport I used a lot and did lessons from, and began editing. After a few weeks I'd populated 2 large towns, the surrounding countryside, and almost the entire district (http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/53.4023/-3.0519, practically every single building and forest on the Northern part of this peninsular was done by me, and it looks amazing in OSM). I also populated my entire town in Poland in just over a few days and it wasn't much work at all. My effort in Poland seemed to have caused others to begin mapping surrounding areas, like a knock on effect. What was once two very empty areas in X-Plane, is now full of buildings, accurate roads and forests, and is great to fly in. The problem and point is, nobody else was going to do for me, not LR, Simheaven, etc. So we all have to get our hands dirty. I'm still finding time to contribute to OSM, even though I have a day job, I'm developing World2XPlane, learning a foreign language and a girlfriend ;-). So don't be discouraged if your area is empty, begin editing and it may cause a knock-on effect by others who will step-in and also help out. Remember also, that the changes you make not only benefit flight simulation, but benefit everyone. Because I also added house numbers (which isn't needed for X-Plane), some parts of the towns are now routable (door-to-door) in many free GPS applications. It's a win all round
    1 point
  8. The main problem, AJ, and don't get it wrong, is that every one has such excuses: no time. So if nobody makes an effort it won't advance at all Now in my oponion if you where able to sign in here and post, there's no doubt that you can add houses under openstreet map. There is even a plugin to josm which makes adding buildings in only 2 mouse clicks (you just need to draw rectangles, that's all) for the basic part. So, we all have the same time, just a question on how to use it wisely ...
    1 point
  9. My pleasure. The MU-2 from the link I sent you has become one of my favorite twin-turboprop aircraft.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
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