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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/02/2014 in all areas

  1. Courtesy of EPORT aviation Graphics.
    5 points
  2. Got Grass? ...and that concludes my posting about grass! Go mow your lawn. (Scenery is fictional scenery for 6TN9. Will be uploaded to mediafire WITHOUT GRASS [since everyone gets errors using it except me] ASAP and link posted.)
    2 points
  3. average speed during this was 35-40mph...
    1 point
  4. The interaction we have implemented is very much designed to mimic reality in a cognitive fashion as Jan describes above...it IS a PITA, no shortcuts here. A real knob, you turn as far as your hands allow, then reset your hand, turn again, over and over and over. In our sim, you grab-drag, reset, grab-drag, reset, over and over and over again...it is very much the same action to the brain. There is no magic button in reality for these knobs so we've left it out. I can guarantee it gets to be 2nd nature in no time...you can see in the videos how fluid Jan is with the controls. We are interested in presenting what we believe is a more accurate and natural paradigm provided us by modern methods...and we think folks will like it.
    1 point
  5. Hi, I am not using TrackIR in my videos, and I find it perfectly ok to manipulate the MCP with my mouse. I am using mouse-look, so holding down the right button will move the view with the mouse, when I let it go, the mouse moves the cursor again and its easy to "grab" buttons that way. The sensitivity of the knobs is tuned to the task, so more sensitive for larger selection range (like altitude), smaller for small ones (like VOR frequencies). Turning it one "unit" is fixed to a certain distance in space, so if you really want to finetune you can do so by "zooming in" with the mousewheel, then a certain on-screen-distance translates to a much smaller "distance in virtual space" to give you better resolution. Do the opposite when running out of space - move the viewpoint back, so a certain distance on your screen translates to a bigger distance in the virtual cockpit. There is still some trouble with these grab and drag manipulators at certain strange angles, but we are working on that. On the whole I find this a much more realistic and practical way of adjusting values - escpecially when using a head-tracker, where the view will wobble slightly and move the mouse-cursor off the sensitive spot. Also keep in mind that many knobs in the real airplane can not be turned through the whole range without doing a sommersault in the cockpit, either. Especially the FLT ALT selection knob is notorious for being a PITA to turn through the whole range, many grabs and turns... Usually it stays at typical cruising levels, only in the simulator we like to set it to 3000 or so, so we don´t get bothered by the OFF SCHED DESC so much. Thats when your wrist hurts from twisting that one (in realitiy you also have to push it in while turning...) Jan
    1 point
  6. the known problem with NOAA plugin is with the python version on mavericks. and I am just thinking that the crashes I got, happen only when I am on long haul flights and always after 6 or 7 hours or so flying. So probably the crash is occuring when NOAA plugin is failing to update the NOAA data and is sending non-coherent weather data to x-plane / silverlining ... So somehow I agree with you. What I will do is to use NOAA plugin only for short or medium haul flights.... and hope we will see soon a more robust plugin to get real weather ! thanks again
    1 point
  7. As i mentioned before, I saved the files and renamed them to .lua. They didn't work in X Plane. Well it works now so no need to further discuss, but thanks for your help
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. "Monday Mail Run" Flights out of CYVR, up Johnston Straight. ACF: Grand Caravan C208B Super Cargo Master No special effects, just the Carenado Purchase ACF. Enjoy!
    1 point
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