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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2014 in all areas

  1. 9, fully extended and modified
    4 points
  2. Fear not, the plane will remain in V9 for now, mostly because i'm to lazy to make the move, however this will be the last V9 compatible jet that this team makes, after this, all projects will be V10 only. 787-9 being built.
    2 points
  3. Sunday Beaver Update 6 Hi all, A new update today, however this week was a little slow. Lots of things going on besides X-Plane development, but there was progress. Tuning of the cockpit lighting is still ongoing and you will see the current state in the screenshots below. Maybe the post lamps have to shine a little brighter on the panel, but this needs to be checked. Some re-work on the external 3D model had to be done, because one of the animations did not work properly due to the mesh setup. However, this seemingly tiny change affected 4 obj files and was more work in the end than expected, but it is fixed now. I also had a look into supporting external hardware like the Saitek switch panel, radio stack and the GoFlight equipment. I figured that XP is not really supported by this hardware and that one always needs a plugin to make it work, which is a pitty. I also got the impression that this external hardware works most of the time, if the developer of an add-on aircraft is using the standard XP datarefs and commands. Custom commands or datarefs always involves some extra work. Well, I try to support this as much as possible, but I won't limit myself to standard XP datarefs and commands, just to make external hardware work, because it would limit me in my development, because a lot of things will be custom without using XP standard. What I will do though is that I will provide a list of custom datarefs and commands and also what they are used for in the cockpit, so users will have the ability to customize the hardware plugin scripts from Sparker for example. I also did some coding, but it was more cleaning up a few things, because I like tidy and maintainable code. That's all for this week and I hope you like the following screenshots:
    2 points
  4. Hey guys, for me you really can take your time ;-) Because i have the feeling that right now there are already too much complex aircrafts that need so much time to learn. I have them all: Q400, CRJ200, B727, A320 Jar, B757 FF, Saab 340...i just printed out about 900 pages of the manual of the B757. My God....i will need some months to learn most of this complex aircraft. And when i am flying another one i need once again some time to remember how it works ;-) The actual X-Plane 10 experience is just incredible ! Since a few weeks i am just totally euphoric :-) So a release during summer of this wonderful 737 would be fine for me ;-) Cheers François
    1 point
  5. File Name: J32 FSM Performance File Submitter: Cooley File Submitted: 18 Feb 2013 File Category: Plugins and Utilities Jetstream 32 FSM Performance Per the request from several members, attached is a copy of the Jetstream 32 regional airline performance chapter published from the Flight Standards Manual. J32 Flight Standards Manual Performance - Chapter 15 Note: Performance data provided for training purposes only and should not be used for real world flight operations Takeoff Performance: Precomputed Takeoff Data Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) Reduced Power Takeoffs Enroute Performance: Single Engine Operations Precomputed Enroute Performance Data Cruise Power Settings Long Range Cruise Power Settings Landing Performance: Precomputed Landing Data Land and Hold Short Operations Click here to download this file
    1 point
  6. U2 Dragonlady.. blasting up to 70k like a rocket. Spying on Vancouver.. what I imagine the Americans do with their spy planes
    1 point
  7. Naw. Not yet. That was something I'm hacking together as a test. Here's where I'm going to kill your FPS: Batch Image conversion, Colour Correction and PNG2DDS conversion...... Grind Grind Grind...... (with all 12 cores going flat out) And the result: Still much work to be done. - CK.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Hi, new video of Air Traffic at LaGuardia Airport (KLGA) (by Butnaru). I hope you like
    1 point
  10. Because I really like this plane, and thanks to design commonality with the 787 in many areas, it won't be very hard to create it either. At this point, it's mostly just blueprints and photos, but it'll get better eventually
    1 point
  11. You probably don't hear this enough from satisfied end-users John/Sundog/Ben, When this product was announced, I was going to buy it anyways just to help support XP-development and give my $0.02c towards you guys whether I ended up using the product or not..... but I must say that I am highly impressed by SkyMAXX. I've had endless fun on VATSIM over Australia for the past 2 days, darting in and out of clouds and being 'gobsmacked' (as they say down here) on numerous occasions when the right combination of cloud, sun, and time of day all conspire to produce a breathtaking and photo-realistic experience. Thanks for bringing this wonderful add-on to X-Plane 10. & Keep up the good work. - CK. a.k.a. "a satisfied customer, who has no issues installing, running, or operating it."... aka. the 99% =)
    1 point
  12. The illustrious SkyMAXX Pro 1.1 update shots. See my sig for system specs. Enjoy cause I did. 4xFXAA+FSAA all the way, very high tex, high distance view. HD mesh v2 and photoscenery from Interlaken, Switz. SkyMAXX Pro settings are maxed out. Im SkyMAXXED for real. (except puff rotation is default like 5% and god ray 80%) I dont know if this really happened or not. Is this actually real life? I cant.. I doesnt seem.. could it possibly? No, there isnt.. how can it... but it is! ALL PROPS TO JOHNMAXX As always click to enlarge to full resolution. Shaking in my slippers. (fyi this no more than 10 minutes worth of flying and tweaking) No vis 30 FPS wot m8? This is where I really started to lose it.. Ya'll are now baskin' in the god rays of the magnificent JohnMAXX (man crush, so what?) You really need to see a comparison of God Rays on and off. Here is OFF. Here is ON. Like 80% intensity. Its like bright in my eyes and stings and stuff cause Im looking right at the sun And now my eyes dont hurt because Im not looking at the sun, instead Im seeing nice mountains and a wing .
    1 point
  13. No one's doing anything for xp9 any more. We don't count.
    1 point
  14. As another FedEx guy +1
    1 point
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