Dude, you've totally missed the point! This is about piracy, plain and simple. That's why I got into the fray. Just happens that he claims he bought it at the org, but he didn't. Just happens it's a Carenado. If it were your MU-2 I think you would do the same diligence and I wouldn't have to. I only jumped in because Dan and Carenado don't have a voice here. I'm well aware why so you don't have to school me on it. If I were to see a similar post about your MU-2 or Goran's DC-3 on another forum, I would do the same thing there. Piracy is a crime and if we let it go, then what good are copyrights? Comes right out of the developers' pockets. The scenario with VMAX and Laminar you mention is a horse of a different color and irrelevant to this thread. That's a case of "he said, she said" yada yada and I don't have a dog in that fight. I'm talking about theft. I'm not trying to defend Carenado or Dan for the way he treated the kid. I'm exposing a thief. When copyright is breached I get mad. I live and die by copyright every day and when I see someone disrespecting copyright, it really chaps me. I'd think it would you, too. I admit I could be wrong in this case, but the evidence thus far leads me to the conclusions I've posted. It's up to the original poster to provide us with REAL documentation if he wants to clear his name.