I think it looks superb and genuinely refreshing. Its nice to see another company having a go, it reminds me of our hobby's golden age when there was more than two flight simulators on the market, such as Fly!, MSFS, Sierra ProPilot, Flight Unlimited, countless combat flight sims as well as X-plane (of course). Unfortunately, it feels these days (and this is my personal view) that it's such a hostile market to be in, I'm surprised developers have the patience. On most of the forums that I have been reading about Aerofly FS, the AVsim Flight forum, Aerosoft forum (where I posted about it), Simouthouse forum etc etc... Some people seem to be quick to judge it's short comings as a simulator and pronounce it dead before it even hits the market. It seems to be the usual thing, if it isn't FSX then it's next to no use. To be honest, I remember the above simulators struggling with the same view years ago with a pretty lack lustre FS2000 at the time. Sad really, you'd think that given that our hobby caters for such a niche market, that people would welcome a new simulator with an open mind, but it seems the exact opposite. I just read a comment on the Simouthouse forum, 'why would pay ware or freeware developers bother learning to build in a new sim', I find it a shame that people think way. I'll be happy to support it when they release an English version. Be wary of turbulence AeroFly FS, because this market is a bumpy ride. Rhydian