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Gizmo / X-plane crash when sending datarefs


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Hi I'm trying to map the FD switches to the Goflight MCP pro

I can't use the custom command toggle as it is a physical on/off switch as in the real aircraft

sent it:

ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_plt_fd_act  it looks like a 0 will turn the switch off and a 1 will turn the switch on. It works for a few cycles then xplane crashes.

Any ideas?

edit: Tested again, I think it's something to do with Gizmo 

a console window popup has the following:

690.634 Callback_Dref_Hooked_setDataf: mcp_plt_fd_act_OnWrite: 6.3910641622945e-312




Edited by Slayer
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On the occasion I listed in the first post after 3 tries of it totally crashing XPX the 4th try I got that Gizmo console window, the sim didn't crash and I used the little reboot icon for gizmo and continued on.

Edited by Slayer
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Standard x-plane datarefs that don't use manipulators don't cause any crashing.

So if I use sim/autopilot/heading_up for the heading dial it works ok, but the knob also will not move in the VC

There is a good amount of standard stuff that can be used but still a lot that can only be accessed through their datarefs. (FD switches for example)

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I'm not sure I can help since I know next to zilch about todays coding. (copy and paste anyone lol) I have the MCP-Pro and EFIS and the MCP works remarkably well in this ac by using the default json file in the ac root. The only things not working are the ap engage and cmd a and b, and vert speed, vs and I 'think' the AT arm. Tho it's not 100%, it's fairly good as is.

As far as the EFIS (2nd release), the range and map modes..well, actually most of it does not work..only on my XHSI monitors.

Be cool if I could help and then in exchange, I can get some input to get me to nearer 100% working as well.

Let me know

Edited by TimeTraveler
dyslectic correction :cool:
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3 hours ago, Slayer said:

You must be using xpgoflight. Im using a new program from pollypot software called Goflight interface tool for x-plane.

OK, I'll check it out. For most ac, the json works well except for Jars ac. pollypot works good for you?

3 hours ago, Ben Russell said:


The dataref subsystems are highly optimized for X-Planes OBJ8 rendering engine. This was responsible for massive speed increases last year (20%~) with the Saab.

You're going to need to be patient with me on this one.

Thanks for reporting and exploring.


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So far so good. It just came out this past weekend but I've been using the FSX/P3D version of his software for a while. You can sniff out datarefs which puts it way ahead of other methods. Don't need to do that for the IXEG as they provide a list in the documentation so it was a copy paste.

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So here we go, I was just writing a LUA-Script to get my Warthog working.

If you set the datarefs with "do_every_frame", X-Plane will crash with some stack overflows in the Gizmo-Log. After changing the interval to "do_often", no problems on the last few flights. In case s.o. is interested:

-- ############################################################################################ -
-- IXEG B733
-- ############################################################################################ -
if PLANE_ICAO == "B733" then

	-- Datarefs
	dataref("TRANSPONDER", "ixeg/733/xpdr/xpdr_stby_act", "writable")
	--dataref("TRANSPONDERSEL", "1-sim/transponder/systemMode", "writable")
	dataref("STROBELIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/strobe_lt_act", "writable")
	dataref("NAVLOGOLIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/position_lt_act", "writable")
	dataref("BEACONLIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/anti_col_lt_act", "writable")
	dataref("TAXILIGHT", "ixeg/733/lighting/taxi_lt_act", "writable")

	dataref("LANDINGLIGHT1", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_outboard_ll_act", "writable")
	dataref("LANDINGLIGHT2", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_outboard_ll_act", "writable")
	dataref("LANDINGLIGHT3", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_inboard_ll_act", "writable")
	dataref("LANDINGLIGHT4", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_inboard_ll_act", "writable")
	dataref("RWYTURNOFF1", "ixeg/733/lighting/l_rwy_turnoff_act", "writable")
	dataref("RWYTURNOFF2", "ixeg/733/lighting/r_rwy_turnoff_act", "writable")

	function b733functions()
		if button(HotasThrottle+24) then
			-- Schalter oben (Squawk C, Strobes an) [BTN 145]
			if STROBELIGHT ~= 1 then STROBELIGHT = 1 end
			if TRANSPONDER ~= 2 then TRANSPONDER = 2 end
			-- Schalter unten (Squawk Stby, Strobes aus)
			if STROBELIGHT ~=  then STROBELIGHT =  end
			if TRANSPONDER ~= 1 then TRANSPONDER = 1 end
		if button(HotasThrottle+23) then 
			-- Schalter oben (Nav und Beacon an) [BTN 144]
			if NAVLOGOLIGHT ~= 1 then NAVLOGOLIGHT = 1 end
			if BEACONLIGHT ~= 1 then BEACONLIGHT = 1 end
			-- Schalter unten (Nav und Beacon aus)
			if BEACONLIGHT ~=  then BEACONLIGHT =  end
		if button(HotasThrottle+27) then
			-- Schalter unten (Beleuchtung aus) [BTN 148]
			if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT1 =  end
			if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT2 =  end
			if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT3 =  end
			if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT4 =  end
			if RWYTURNOFF1 ~= then RWYTURNOFF1 =  end
			if RWYTURNOFF2 ~= then RWYTURNOFF2 =  end
			if TAXILIGHT ~= then TAXILIGHT =  end
			if not button(HotasThrottle+26) and not button(HotasThrottle+27) then
				-- Schalter Mitte (Nose auf Taxi)
				if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT1 =  end
				if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT2 =  end
				if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT3 =  end
				if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~= then LANDINGLIGHT4 =  end
				if RWYTURNOFF1 ~= then RWYTURNOFF1 =  end
				if RWYTURNOFF2 ~= then RWYTURNOFF2 =  end
				if TAXILIGHT ~=1 then TAXILIGHT = 1 end
				-- Schalter Oben (Nose auf TO, Landing Lights, RW Turnoff Lights) [BTN 147]
				if LANDINGLIGHT1 ~=2 then LANDINGLIGHT1 = 2 end
				if LANDINGLIGHT2 ~=2 then LANDINGLIGHT2 = 2 end
				if LANDINGLIGHT3 ~=1 then LANDINGLIGHT3 = 1 end
				if LANDINGLIGHT4 ~=1 then LANDINGLIGHT4 = 1 end
				if RWYTURNOFF1 ~=1 then RWYTURNOFF1 = 1 end
				if RWYTURNOFF2 ~=1 then RWYTURNOFF2 = 1 end
				if TAXILIGHT ~=1 then TAXILIGHT = 1 end

	do_often ("b733functions()")

I know it's not the best solution - so many IF-Statements - I added them to lower the rate of setting new dataref values.

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I am also trying to get my MCP PRO getting to work with the IXEG 737 using the POLLYPOT goflight for xplane.


These are my findings


1. Documentation. A small mistake, the dataref "ixeg/733/MCP/mcp_vs_dial_ann" is not listed on the PDF but is required to display the current aircraft VS profile (the default xp will not work, i chased it down via datarefeditor). Works great.


2. As Slayer said, FDs & A/T switches provided custom commands are type "toggle", depending what your physical position on the mcp is upon starting up they may get desynchronized quickly.

Trying to write the ixeg FDs & A/T corresponding "_act" datarefs crashes xplane after 2 or 3 flips always.

An alternative could be ixeg providing more custom commands?? i.e. FD_L_ON / FD_L_OFF / FD_R_ON / FD_R_OFF and so on...


3. Vertical speed. Custom commands for VS_UP and VS_DOWN are not provided, trying to write its corresponding ixeg VS dataref will also crash the sim. So i am stuck here.

Can you please consider providing missing custom commands for vs_up and vs_down?


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On 4/26/2016 at 3:16 PM, 737NUT said:

Interesting find but true not a great way.  I can put delay's in my program but then you risk missing events.  I hope Ben can get it sorted out.  I have 20+ USB devices trying to talk to the 733 and Gizmo says get lost, to much for me to handle  lol  

It's a bit more complicated than that. If it's too much to handle why are the FPS rates so high. ;)

Gizmo is heavily optimised for the OBJ8 rendering engine. It works perfect in that context.

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