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SkyMaxx Pro v3.1.2 Has Been Released!


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Hello, all,

This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 3.1.2 update for SkyMaxx Pro. All customers who have purchased SkyMaxx Pro v3 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase SkyMaxx Pro v3 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 3.1.2 for you.

What if I didn't get the update e-mail?

If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do:

1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviati...talog/login.php

2. View your past order history invoice that contains SkyMaxx Pro purchase on it.

3. At the bottom of the invoice you will find a link to your update that says: "SkyMaxx Pro v3".

There are some important fixes and requests implemented in this update.

The following is a list of additions/fixes included:
What's New / Changed:

  • Fix synchronization of clouds on multi-PC setups
  • Edges of cloud formations have more natural shapes with Real Weather Connector
  • Cumulus clouds are brighter
  • Cirrus clouds no longer reduce visibility when flying through them with Real Weather Connector


As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!

Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.

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....this is really great, exempt that I has spent 2 downloads of 3 possible, with  zero success of download. For the third time I scare to press the download button. Maybe good thing to wait until x-aviation server wake up after IXEG realize convulsion, then find anybody from support with request for reset of download quantity.

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8 minutes ago, Kapitonas said:

....this is really great, exempt that I has spent 2 downloads of 3 possible, with  zero success of download. For the third time I scare to press the download button. Maybe good thing to wait until x-aviation server wake up after IXEG realize convulsion, then find anybody from support with request for reset of download quantity.

Just send an e-mail to support@x-aviation.com if it doesn't work the third time. We can reset no problem.

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Quick report back

Uninstalled via the new installer, then installed, all worked fine

Went into game, egll to uudd just to start kind of wasting time until you know what gets released

From my initial very dreary overcast dank cloudy heathrow, it seems my fps is better

I stress that it's an eyeball on fps check, no testing done, but seems to be better on the fps-front

Who knows though, take my eyeball findings lightly, can test tomorrow in my spanking new minty 737 hehe



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3.1.2 could in fact be a bit faster in terms of FPS when Real Weather Connector is used with it. The "more natural shapes" of cloud formations means a few less clouds need to be drawn than before.

So, you might not be imagining it, Tony!


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Heya sundog,

It's great to know i haven't totally lost it thus far then lol

Still amazing for me, i love eye-candy and realism effects in any sim, and these clouds just are utterly astounding, i tried about every cloud variation of the org, massive fps drops, whereas smp 3 (march i got it at v3) not only fills my fov with the fluffy critters my fps doesn't suffer unless it's wall to wall and then it's simple enough to load a lower cloud radius config i've saved

Not to mention the fps is better than stock clouds !

Got off to a rocky noob start, but man, i love the clouds



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5 hours ago, Defiance_co said:


Quick report back

Uninstalled via the new installer, then installed, all worked fine

Went into game, egll to uudd just to start kind of wasting time until you know what gets released

From my initial very dreary overcast dank cloudy heathrow, it seems my fps is better

I stress that it's an eyeball on fps check, no testing done, but seems to be better on the fps-front

Who knows though, take my eyeball findings lightly, can test tomorrow in my spanking new minty 737 hehe



Keen to know if fps increase is confirmed on testing.  For me it seems noticeably slower.


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After i settle in with the new plane i'll try and test best i can and double check

Not much longer to wait :)


ps : did you reset your settings to like for like before the update ? (i bet you did, but sometimes the obvious can get missed, i should know lol)

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1 hour ago, rickdeckard said:

Hi all,


Just purchased today skymaxxx but the downloadable version for me is 3.1.1 I think there's something wrong..


You're right! I've fixed this, so if you try downloading again it should be 3.1.2.


This only affected NEW customers since the 3.1.2 release.

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I noticed, that there is a problem with Skymax pro 3.1.2 and the new IXEG 737 (version 1.0.2). After takeoff sometimes the framrate drops from 25fps to about 2fps. Sometimes it recovers, sometime it doesn´t. This always happens within 10min after takeoff. Other planes, like the FlightFactorv757, 777 work well.

During the last four fps hickups, I disabled the Skymaxx pro plugin and the framerate came backt to 25fps. But he overhead panel, the pedestrial did not work anymore on the IXEG 737.

I am using a Mac Pro 2015, Yosemite with 64GB RAM and 3GB VRAM (during fps hickups the VRAM reads 1100MB left. Temperaturevis definitely not an issue...

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Might help if you could post your log.txt, Dirk. What you're describing certainly has the symptoms of just running out of resources, as the IXEG is a fairly demanding aircraft on memory - but that's at odds with what your free VRAM seems to be. The way MacOS reports VRAM usage is very odd, so that number could be misleading. Your log.txt may shed some light on it though.


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