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Saab 340A update features.


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Great news with the update!!!

Just one question, are there any plans to update ehsi (efis) LRN function so that G530 gps nav points are shown as in the picture?


Best Regards/Nenad



Well, that depends.  If you enter a flight plan on the GPS then no.  If you simply use the NAV1 radio, then yes, as this feature already works with the NAV1 and NAV2 radios.

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Well, that depends.  If you enter a flight plan on the GPS then no.  If you simply use the NAV1 radio, then yes, as this feature already works with the NAV1 and NAV2 radios.


I know that EHSI can show positions of the selected NAV1 an NAV2, but normally in LRN mode EHSI shows 3 closes points from the the FMS(GPS). Do You plan to implement that functionality in the future? It should not be that difficult and that would greatly improve already great product :)

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I know that EHSI can show positions of the selected NAV1 an NAV2, but normally in LRN mode EHSI shows 3 closes points from the the FMS(GPS). Do You plan to implement that functionality in the future? It should not be that difficult and that would greatly improve already great product :)

We have no plans to implement FMS/GPS waypoint display on the EHSI at this time.  It would be somewhat redundant since these waypoints are already displayed on the 430/530.  As far as this being easy to implement, unless you have written some complex navigation algorithms for X-Plane, I wouldn't make any assumptions.

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We have no plans to implement FMS/GPS waypoint display on the EHSI at this time.  It would be somewhat redundant since these waypoints are already displayed on the 430/530.  As far as this being easy to implement, unless you have written some complex navigation algorithms for X-Plane, I wouldn't make any assumptions.


Roger that :-) I agree that it is reduntant, but it will greatly increase realisticity of the plane. Unfortunately, I have not written any complex navigation algorithms for X-Plane, but I assumed (maybe wrongly) that since EHSI in X-Plane can already show VOR position tuned in NAV that it is not that difficult to upgrade code to show GPS nav points.

Otherwise, as real life S340 pilot I can only say that you and your team did really great job with 340!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say how excited about this update I am.  There are definitely some annoyances with the 340A, but thankfully some of these are being addressed.  I don't think it's any secret that the 340A has the worst cockpit interaction of any payware plane on the market today, and thankfully there are solid steps being made to correct an otherwise stellar aircraft.  There are still a few things that need some love:


- Scroll wheel support needs to be implemented across the board, including heading and course knobs.

- The toggle switches need work- specifically the amount of cursor travel required to manipulate them.  Click-to-toggle would be the preferred method but at the very least reduce the distance required to flip a switch.

- The condition levers should be bound to the default joystick prop feather axis and should move as a pair unless manually manipulated with the cursor.  Separately having to bind them every time the craft is loaded is silly.


Scroll wheel support would make this less of an issue:

- Implement hidden course/heading manipulation bugs somewhere near the HSI.


I hate to see this aircraft sitting in the hangar, and hopefully soon it'll be time to bring it back out  :)


Thank you for your time.

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The toggle switches need work- specifically the amount of cursor travel required to manipulate them.  Click-to-toggle would be the preferred method but at the very least reduce the distance required to flip a switch.


I firmly disagree on this one. And, we don't have much interest in moving from drag vs toggle. Sorry to say.




e condition levers should be bound to the default joystick prop feather axis and should move as a pair unless manually manipulated with the cursor.  Separately having to bind them every time the craft is loaded is silly.


It can't be. There's a reason this isn't done already. This aircraft does NOT use X-Plane's standard engine model for everything like you may think. There's a lot that went into this product for realism purposes.




- Implement hidden course/heading manipulation bugs somewhere near the HSI.


Or you could just map them to a couple of key strokes? Or joystick buttons for that matter! Nothing stopping you from doing this now.

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I firmly disagree on this one. And, we don't have much interest in moving from drag vs toggle. Sorry to say.


 I'm talking about just providing the option to let the user decide which method works best.  Why not both?



It can't be. There's a reason this isn't done already. This aircraft does NOT use X-Plane's standard engine model for everything like you may think. There's a lot that went into this product for realism purposes.


Fair enough- Is it possible to save this bind so we don't have to redo it each load?



Or you could just map them to a couple of key strokes? Or joystick buttons for that matter! Nothing stopping you from doing this now.


Mouse manipulation of course and heading select is always preferred.  Interacting with the cockpit is infinitely more interesting than binding important features to random keys.


Thank you for getting back to me. 

Edited by dgall
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Fair enough- Is it possible to save this bind so we don't have to redo it each load?


No. There's discussion on this forum about it if the answer bothers you so you can learn more as to why. :) But there's good reason for it and not us just being lazy.


Mouse manipulation of course and heading select is always preferred.


Preference does not make something unstable or non-flyable. Options exist for this product that are better than what you're evidently doing now. Why not use them?

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Preference does not make something unstable or non-flyable. Options exist for this product that are better than what you're evidently doing now. Why not use them?


To be completely honest, I do the vast majority of the time.  However if I was OK with that I wouldn't be bothered with typing any of this out.  


Like I said the hidden heading/course adjustment wouldn't be a problem provided there was proper scroll wheel support, but for the life of me I can't understand why you wouldn't allow scroll manipulation of those two knobs.


Edit: To be clear the annoyances I have with the plane aren't at all due to it being unstable or un-flyable.  It is 100% minor annoyances with user interaction with the cockpit.  The plane is fantastic apart from these few things.

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Like I said the hidden heading/course adjustment wouldn't be a problem provided there was proper scroll wheel support, but for the life of me I can't understand why you wouldn't allow scroll manipulation of those two knobs.


Hidden sets are not likely to happen. I'm simply answering your questions and providing alternatives assuming you aren't using them now. Bear in mind opinions are different across the board. That's the way of life, as I'm sure you know. :)

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I don't think it's any secret that the 340A has the worst cockpit interaction of any payware plane on the market today, and thankfully there are solid steps being made to correct an otherwise stellar aircraft.

That's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?  I could easily find pay ware aircraft where the interaction is much worse.


Scroll wheel support needs to be implemented across the board, including heading and course knobs.

Across the board is not going to happen. We are going to add scroll wheel manipulators for the OBS1, OBS2, and HDG dials on the center console.


- The toggle switches need work- specifically the amount of cursor travel required to manipulate them.  Click-to-toggle would be the preferred method but at the very least reduce the distance required to flip a switch.

First, you can't have click-to-toggle on a three-way toggle switch,  ie. which way should the switch move if it is in the center position? Second, ALL of the two position toggle switches are currently click-to-toggle.

Third, if the drag on some of the three-position switches is too much, please be specific and we will look into it.


- The condition levers should be bound to the default joystick prop feather axis and should move as a pair unless manually manipulated with the cursor.  Separately having to bind them every time the craft is loaded is silly.

Is it possible to save this bind so we don't have to redo it each load?

As Cameron stated, the answer to this can be found in the forums.  But the short answer is that X-Plane does not always use the same "slot" for assignments between X-Plane sessions, so there is no way to know what the previous assignment was.  Default slots (prop feather) and single manipulation of both condition levers will not work due to the complex programming involved in properly simulating the Saab engines.

Edited by JGregory
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  • 1 month later...

Hi LES team:


How is the beta progressing, any news to share?


I signed on pilotedge a while back, but i started to fly intensively on the past few weeks. I did my VFR ratings on a small piston, now half way on the IFR training flying the Saab 340 which i love. I haven´t had any issue to complete my IFR ratings so far, but getting those new radios shown on the preview will certainly help to speed up fast frequency changes over busy airports and complex procedures.


Thanks for creating this magnificent aircraft :D

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In most cases, if X Plane itself is updated, and it breaks something in an add on, the developer can contact Laminar and give them all the details about what's going on, and Laminar then introduce another update that fixes the problem.  Very rarely would a developer have to fix something in their add on after an x plane update causes some kind of issue.

As far as features or bug issues in the Saab, as it stands at this time, we're considering this update to be the last one.  If, by some chance, X Plane breaks something in an add on through one of their updates, and we cannot get them to fix the problem, then of course, we would take a look at it and fix it ourselves.

Edited by Goran_M
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