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REX for X-Plane !!!  ;D Very good news !


It definitely looks promising... let's just hope they are targeting all users and not just windows user  :-\

I also hope their software will work for Linux and Mac users. At least for the texture engine...


It definitely looks promising... let's just hope they are targeting all users and not just windows user  :-\

Hi, Dan,

There will be some more news and announcements regarding this, including some clarification to your concerns in the coming days.

In the interim, enjoy the screenshots provided on the REX page! :)



i had REX for FSX, and i liked it for the most part. as everything in FSX, it just hurt frame rates, lol, but i am sure that wont happen in X-plane.

I am sure this will really boost people coming over to X-plane.


good point Jack. Although I only got it when the guys in the fsbreak podcast said it improved fps for fsx and I think they were right, I didn't notice a hit. OK Orbx, where are you? 'come join us' he says, in best Darth Vader voice


REX will hurt your frame rates and on computers like mine (modern day toasters have more technology in them than this thing), it will hurt your frames quite a bit. I know this as i've done my own cloud pack. And i had to upsize mine from the defualt 512px to 2048 for it too look anything like REX

This is what i had.

Not as good as REX but when I made those clouds my frames dropped by %25ish... Modern day computers will still have a hit of maybe 1 or two frames but its not such a big deal




Is this only improving the weather in x-plane? Because with only the weather it's still really awesome, but there are some things that I would like to see in the future. I'd like to see groundwater when it rains, better lights, better taxiways, better looking runways, better ocean water, and coral reefs.


I've said it a year ago and I'll say it again. FSX is dying.  

X Plane is going to explode with lifelike visuals very very soon leaving FSX in the dust.

I wouldn't say that FSX is dying as there are still plenty of new products coming out.  The good thing about FSX now is that the FSX "platform" is stable so developers know exactly the capabilities/limitations when developer their addon.

However XPlane10 has a real opportunity to eclipse the FSX platform in what it can offer developers and users alike.


Hi Matthew,

I think what the mighty Captain is trying to say is that the dedicated FS developers are seeing that FSX is no longer being supported by MS and as such the development of FS has "died". There will still be developers creating content for FS for years to come, but when a developer that "only" developed addons for FS starts to develop addons for another flight sim, in this case XPlane, then its safe to say that FS is dying. In a way I am glad to have the developers of FS start to see XP as a serious alternative to flight simming, we might even see more scenery come out for XP as well :)

I havent used FS since I installed XPlane 7....and that has been a few years now, and I dont forsee myself going back to FS anytime soon either. I enjoyed FS2004 but the scenery addons were killing my system (FS uses BGL files which are basically .BMP files...very large and messy....), so I made the decision to try the demo of XP7. The rest as they say is history.

Thats my take and I could be wrong ;)





MSFS is dead because development is stopped and the current version is as good as it will ever be. It will not be able to take advantage of any new technologies which evolve over the next few years, so any new eye candy or increases in performance other than those based solely on more efficient processor performance will bypass it altogether. X-Plane, on the other hand, will keep going.

Given that Austin's stated changes to X-Plane 10 are a list of things X-Plane lacks that MSFS has--realistic ATC, AI planes at airports--or things which many claim MSFS does better--clouds, weather, etc.--I don't expect any huge move towards X-Plane in the next year or so. But, as X-Plane continues to develop, and the MSFS developers watch their market slowly shrink, the developer will have to decide to either develop for X-Plane, or to find another way to make money. Some will jump over to X-Plane. Some will go elsewhere.

The situation is roughly analogous to the state of PPC-based Macs in the Apple world. There's still a large installed base of PPC Macs (typing this on one), and they are still perfectly useful for almost everything you can think of. But there is no more development for them, and as OS X marches forward they're slowly being left behind.

I would expect the tipping point for MSFS developers to be X-Plane 11, which I expect will move solidly past MSFS in almost all areas.


MSFS is dead because development is stopped and the current version is as good as it will ever be. It will not be able to take advantage of any new technologies which evolve over the next few years, so any new eye candy or increases in performance other than those based solely on more efficient processor performance will bypass it altogether. X-Plane, on the other hand, will keep going.

More than not, MSFS has always been a base platform to build on. New third party scenery such as Orbx has pumped a lot of new life into it, which really is making the sim better than ever. So the competition is still there..........at least for a while..


This is a truly epic, but i also agree that FSX is far from dead! ORBX are taking that sim to new levels but you need hefty hardware to run it, which isnt to badly priced nowadays, and if your buying a new PC you shouldnt be looking at anythign less than a i7 920 at the prices they are now.


I instantly purchased this when I saw the email this morning.  Freshly downloaded, I'll install it after work and after the honey do list is done this evening, I'll get up in the Tecnam and give it a go.

I can't WAIT for scenery that's the caliber of Orbx to come out.

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