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Posted about the Saab 340 on the org, now it's gone


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know how mean xplane forums is. so i posted that the saab 340a was coming out for x aviation and they took it off. you dont have permission to see it

"Don't you think it's a little rude to come to a country where you don't speak its language?"

"You're not welcome here"

-Nicolas Taureau, X-Plane.org Owner, May 23rd, 2009, X-Plane Congress

Edited by BWolf7
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Sorry to hear that, guys. Nicolas Taureau (who runs the org) is known to do things like that.

There are many other pro-consumer communities out there. Participate there instead. :)

sorry i was using slashers account (relative i thought i was using my account). its ok cameron hopefully he didn´t take it out right away and some people read it.

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so once i send a thank you letter to nicholas he never responded
Dear Nicolas,
        I just wanted to thank you all those times you helped me, when I was new to xplane.I wanted to thank you also because you always responded to me very fast. I know that administrators have a ton of other things to do, and personal things to do as well,but you always took the time to rewspond me.Once again thank you.



i take it all back

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I am sorry to make that off-topic post but yes ...




Shame on him, he will miss the best turboprop plane of the year, and probably of the X-Plane 10 adventure ...




"Taureau" in french, it's a Bull.

It is traditional in many areas to place rings in bulls' noses to help control them   :)

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Back on topic, I've emailed Chip n Simon in the hope they'll do a full review of the Saab on xsimreviews.  Their reviews are much better than just a snippet mention on another forum.

Just too bad their website really sucks. I've told them before that little things such as a "read more" button would help clean up a lot of clutter. If I'm not interested in reading about something, I shouldn't have to scroll through the entire article. OH! There's another big wall of text I don't wanna read.. If they only could spend ten seconds extra on each blog post to add that "read more" button, it would become a lot easier on the eye. And mind. And the scroll wheel.

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I don't see the problem with scrolling. We have to do it on every website.  It bothers me more than it's often two weeks from one article to the next, and I spend more time hitting their website daily to find nothing's changed.  I know they've been off sailing and Chip did say months ago that he'd like someone else to take over the reins, but current management's either got their eye on other things or it's just slow.


That said, a year ago it was updated almost daily because there was new content.  But I have noticed that for months the xplane world has been slow, devoid of new items as xp10 users wait for things like the 340 and the 737.  For those of us on xp9 there hasn't been anything of note for months.  I don't think I've downloaded one single thing at all this year. Nothing.


At this rate I'll have to start doing liveries again..... :(

Edited by Nicola_M
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Quality over quantity. A great user experience does not include scrolling page after page until you find what you're after. Headlines are enough.

Imagine scrolling through every topic and replies in order to check out a particular topic you're interested in.

That's why there's short headlines and excerpt, to tingle your interest. If you're interested in a given topic, you click the title to read more.

Edited by OlaHaldor
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