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VA Fleets - payware vs freeware

steven winslow

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Out of respect for Erik or Patrik, I decided to start a new topic concerning why a VA may require it's pilots fly certain aircraft.  First, I agree there are some amazing payware commercial aircraft available from regional jets and turboprops up to heavy metal.  I understand why people love them and want to fly them.  I tell our pilots to fly them all they want, but they won't get Air Northwest hours for flying non-ANW aircraft.


The main reason we require our pilots to fly ANW aircraft is because our hub commanders KNOW what the numbers should be in our pilots' PIREPS.  We don't use ACARS so all of our flight reports are filed manually.  If the fuel numbers don't jive, we know the pilot either did not fly an ANW aircraft of they were sloppy in recording their numbers and the pilot will be questioned.  Another reason is if or when there are issues with the aircraft or they need to be updated, we have our fleet director who maintains our fleet.  With such a diverse fleet, it is imperative that all of our pilots are flying the same aircraft.  That way we can make sure they all receive the same training on the same aircraft.  It's about uniformity.


There are several X-Plane based/allowed VA's available that do allow their pilots to use whatever aircraft they want.  If that's your cup of tea, join one of those.  I certainly understand the desire to fly more detailed, prettier planes.  I love flying my Carenado's but my VA doesn't have a GA program....and doesn't allow payware aircraft.  Doesn't mean I don't fly them a ton!

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My point is as the payware gets better for X-plane people are going to leave or not fly much for his va because they are going to want to fly there highly realistic payware.  


I fail to see how it's unfair to members that use the freeware version as long as both get hours who cares? If your happy with freeware fly freeware, if you want a more out of your simming buy more realistic deeper planes. 


My point to him is he is limiting his VA, If I was running it I would come up with a good mix of airliners ranging from long haul to  short haul and include some models that have a following in x-plane, so I don't mean fly whatever you want but don't go out of your way to exclude the best planes x-plane has to offer either



I am flying right now for my VA in the NGX..  if I did not wamt to buy a plane like that the VA has a freeware version for every plane in the United fleet..  If they said you must use the freeware version I would leave.  Some simmers don't care for a accurate FMC or flight model or the systems that the NGX offers so they choose to fly free ones.  


well I am decending into KIAD now so  please excuse any typos. 

Edited by mike10
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I personally only fly payware, no matter how inaccurate. I think they are close enough. It's a sim anyway.

There are about 5 planes that I fly freeware, but all GA.


Also, I use V9, but when I get V10, I will probably get the 727. If I have to fly the old XPFW freeware one for a VA, I wouldn't fly for them.


I understand your point, but I think you are excluding more people by disallowing payware. There is always a freeware alternative.

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I totally agree we are excluding some people who fly payware exclusively...and that's okay.  We have a lot of "old timers" who will never update to V10 and they are perfectly happy flying our available aircraft.  I'm not saying one is right or wrong.  We are a niche VA.  We don't really want EVERYONE flying with us. It's definitely a limiting factor to not allow payware, but don't underestimate the appeal of aircraft you can fly without major hits to your frame rates.  Most of our pilots fly payware on their time off.  Many of them fly for multiple VA's.  They get their payware fix when they are off duty from ANW.  They fly for ANW because of the variety of things they can do and fly.  From warbirds to airliners.  That's our appeal, even if they are freeware.

Edited by steven winslow
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I totally agree we are excluding some people who fly payware exclusively...and that's okay.  We have a lot of "old timers" who will never update to V10 and they are perfectly happy flying our available aircraft.  I'm not saying one is right or wrong.  We are a niche VA.  We don't really want EVERYONE flying with us. It's definitely a limiting factor to not allow payware, but don't underestimate the appeal of aircraft you can fly without major hits to your frame rates.  Most of our pilots fly payware on their time off.  Many of them fly for multiple VA's.  They get their payware fix when they are off duty from ANW.  They fly for ANW because of the variety of things they can do and fly.  From warbirds to airliners.  That's our appeal, even if they are freeware.


As long as your having fun that's all that matters.   

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If a VA has a selection of company livery freeware aircraft that are of acceptable quality complete with a 3D VC, I could be tempted. However most VA aircraft (in my experience) are old hand-me-downs of debatable quality and no VC, which (with respect) I would not touch with a barge pole when there are much better and more interesting payware aircraft available. A VA that refuses payware pireps is kinda shooting itself in the foot if it wants to grow. No disrespect but good luck!


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WAC is a VA in FSEconomy. I think we're pretty happy with the way we deal with aircraft. We have a mix of stuff that's available as pay- as well as freeware. All of them need to be earned, i.e. bought with the money you earn with flying the jobs available in the economic environment. I think we never had a discussion about if the fleet needs to be freeware only. There are so many possibilities, why make an artificial limitation like that?

Also, e.g. the Baron, one can have it as a pretty good freeare model or buy the Carenado version. We offer liveries for both, looks like this: http://scriptmymac.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=615

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I'd consider flying for a VA that offered routes with the JS32, MU-2B, CRJ200, or BK117. Maybe the C208, too. I have a group in FSE, and that's essentially what I use for my VA purposes (coupled with XACARS). Would be nice to have more people to interact with, maybe.


I'm not sure I have much freeware even installed (beyond what comes with XP). On the other hand, it's your VA and if you're happy with it, do it!

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Ok for the people who keep on wanting me to have payware stuff in  my Virtual Airline what don't you understand about: "All pilots MUST have th same options if they don't then some will have favortisim and I don't want any of that BS in my VA all pilots all equal, hence why I called it Pride Air for Gay Pride and to say that everybody is equal."???????

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Ok for the people who keep on wanting me to have payware stuff in  my Virtual Airline what don't you understand about: "All pilots MUST have th same options if they don't then some will have favortisim and I don't want any of that BS in my VA all pilots all equal, hence why I called it Pride Air for Gay Pride and to say that everybody is equal."???????



WTF...   Al Sharpton and jesse jackson are outside of my house protesting because I am violating the civil rights of others in my va by flying payware..  

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