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Peter Hager A380


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$65 for an incomplete A380??


This should not be released yet!  ESPECIALLY at that price!


I was about to buy it until I looked at the system specs:

• CPU 2,5 GHz Duo-Core or better (no single prozessor)

• 4 GB RAM

• 512 MB V-RAM

It will have to wait until I get a new machine, whenever that is.

edit: Wanted to say I've found the money spent on Peter's planes well worth it. He models systems like no one else.

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I think I'll pass... $65 are pretty expensive when you don't get a realistic 3D pit or a complete FMS. The exterior model looks very smooth but not very detailed, and can't be very efficient with 1.5 million polygons, and you'd expect some amazing detail with all those polygons, and there are none. Even the textures look horrible and unfinished, and where are the normal maps?

I had high hopes for this aircraft but I won't be buying it afterall... This aircraft described with one word is overpriced, and normally $65 or for that matter a hundred bucks wouldn't put me off if this was as detailed as the CRJ-200, but this one is not worth more than $10-15 tops!

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I think I'll pass... $65 are pretty expensive when you don't get a realistic 3D pit or a complete FMS. The exterior model looks very smooth but not very detailed, and can't be very efficient with 1.5 million polygons, and you'd expect some amazing detail with all those polygons, and there are none. Even the textures look horrible and unfinished, and where are the normal maps?

I had high hopes for this aircraft but I won't be buying it afterall... This aircraft described with one word is overpriced, and normally $65 or for that matter a hundred bucks wouldn't put me off if this was as detailed as the CRJ-200, but this one is not worth more than $10-15 tops!

ouch man xD

haha I agree on some points but keep in mind the amount of work put into the plane

I'd say that its worth 30-40 in AMERICAN money I do not like that we pay in euros I love europeans im proud to be european but I live in america and use american money xD

lol sorry ranting

but If you're looking for a good quality A380 for the realistic way it flies and ok graphics I would buy

Keep in mind : dont plan on using in any detailed scenery: this thing is a FPS killer for most coputers

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I feel bad for anyone who buys that bird.

not only is the poly-count appalling but the fact he has no normal maps, no 3d pit, no texture quality whatsoever, and for 45 euros? i am utterly appalled and upset at peter for this. he puts the X-plane developer community to sham on this one.

so he makes quality systems, bah, i want something more for my money too.

The CRJ , once out will shake things up.

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Umm...well I know that he is going to update it, but still I think he should have waited a little bit longer. Wing flex isn't working, and interior lighting doesn't work either?  ??? But he does say that if anyone wants to make a 3D cockpit he would be willing to support the project, so I think Goran should work on that. And maybe somebody like Javier could make a better texture and outside model without using too many polygons. I'm not saying that they have to, I'm just suggesting that it would make the plane much better.

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Unbelievable, especially for your first OBJ plane. I'd give him $20...maybe, and I would consider it more of a donation than a purchase. *Shakes head*

Due to the ridiculous price, I have a feeling this will end up on the torrents before the new year. Anything payware will get leaked onto the torrents, but if you charge a fair price more folks will just buy it rather than steal it. When you charge an insane price though...well, he'll see.

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Really don't understand all of the negative comments: Flying Peter's A330s is an immersive experience, and I'm sure his 380 is even more so. Maybe it's different expectations: I don't care about things like wingflex, because I don't fly with an outside view, looking at the wings.

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Really don't understand all of the negative comments: Flying Peter's A330s is an immersive experience, and I'm sure his 380 is even more so. Maybe it's different expectations: I don't care about things like wingflex, because I don't fly with an outside view, looking at the wings.

I'm sure it's great, just not worth $65 for what you get.

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Really don't understand all of the negative comments: Flying Peter's A330s is an immersive experience, and I'm sure his 380 is even more so. Maybe it's different expectations: I don't care about things like wingflex, because I don't fly with an outside view, looking at the wings.

I'm sure it's great, just not worth $65 for what you get.

But that's a personal call. I'd rather have someone put a lot of work into systems modeling and making sure the plane hits the numbers than wing flex.

Which, I guess, is my point: a lot of the comments here are bordering on mean, which surprises me.

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Problem is, unless I missed something, he hasn't put the work into the systems on this one as he did in the past. (IE He has released the most expensive plane in XP history with only limited systems pages, no VC, no plug-in logic, and a good, but mediocre 3D model) Also, what most folks don't understand is that the actual size of the plane makes little difference in how long it takes to build it. Granted, a four engine heavy may take a bit longer, but you're still only building 2 engines, one wing, a half of a fuse, and an extra landing gear. Its exactly the same as building a 737 or something smaller, just the parts are scaled up. I think that's what most people miss when they think about obj: Its not the large size of the plane, but rather the number of small details you add to it...details that just aren't in this A380.

And quite frankly, if you're charging $65 for something, I think folks are well within their right to be as mean and cruel as they want. Payware is not a "let's all play nice" game. If he did it for free, it would be a very different story.

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Problem is, unless I missed something, he hasn't put the work into the systems on this one as he did in the past. (IE He has released the most expensive plane in XP history with only limited systems pages, no VC, no plug-in logic, and a good, but mediocre 3D model) Also, what most folks don't understand is that the actual size of the plane makes little difference in how long it takes to build it. Granted, a four engine heavy may take a bit longer, but you're still only building 2 engines, one wing, a half of a fuse, and an extra landing gear. Its exactly the same as building a 737 or something smaller, just the parts are scaled up. I think that's what most people miss when they think about obj: Its not the large size of the plane, but rather the number of small details you add to it...details that just aren't in this A380.

And quite frankly, if you're charging $65 for something, I think folks are well within their right to be as mean and cruel as they want. Payware is not a "let's all play nice" game. If he did it for free, it would be a very different story.


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Problem is, unless I missed something, he hasn't put the work into the systems on this one as he did in the past. (IE He has released the most expensive plane in XP history with only limited systems pages, no VC, no plug-in logic, and a good, but mediocre 3D model) Also, what most folks don't understand is that the actual size of the plane makes little difference in how long it takes to build it. Granted, a four engine heavy may take a bit longer, but you're still only building 2 engines, one wing, a half of a fuse, and an extra landing gear. Its exactly the same as building a 737 or something smaller, just the parts are scaled up. I think that's what most people miss when they think about obj: Its not the large size of the plane, but rather the number of small details you add to it...details that just aren't in this A380.

And quite frankly, if you're charging $65 for something, I think folks are well within their right to be as mean and cruel as they want. Payware is not a "let's all play nice" game. If he did it for free, it would be a very different story.

Thats so true. 1.5 million polygons does not mean its good. Infact its bad. Its the biggest waste of poly's ever and it he could have looked exactly the same with 300,000 faces and could have improved your frame rate by 20-30 fps. The texturing is very boring and the only redeeming piece of art was his panel on his last planes and he got rid of that on the A380.

His plane isn't even finished if you look at his site. Heinz's caravelle is better than that and we all know just how we feel about that wonderful piece of 2d artwork.

I'm sorry for insulting these people who work very hard on these add-ons but as nic says We can and have to be critical about payware if we want X-Plane to become as popular as MSFS.

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I will disagree.

As I said, I own Peter's A330s and find them wonderfully immersive to fly. Perhaps not everyone wants a plane you need to read a 125 page manual to fly, but I love it. I would buy his A380 in a heartbeat, but my machine is five years old and nowhere near fast enough.

I think the idea X-Plane has to complete with MSFS in terms of good-looking planes is faulty logic: X-Plane has been around for years, and isn't going anywhere. It doesn't need to compete with MSFS, and I think trying to turn X-Plane into an MSFS workalike will damage a lot of the things I appreciate about it.

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MSFS crowd don't like X-Plane because of the lack of third party add-ons that are visually appealing. Lets face it. X-Planes Add on market is a lot smaller than MSFS. I'm certainly not saying we should change to look up tables and data sheets or use DX10 etc. Im just saying that we should strive to make it a better sim.

X-Plane needs the third party addon's to draw the MSFS crowd.

I can see where you find peters aircraft immersive but thats just the panel. The outside is as important as the inside now days. And tbh, his A380 panel looks like a disaster. Solid colors everwhere. Its a textures nightmare.

He needs to step up his game and take some texturing classes (and modelling for those of you who know more about this plane than the average person)

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I would buy his A380 in a heartbeat, but my machine is five years old and nowhere near fast enough.

It probably would have been fast enough if he had not gone crazy by using 1.5 million polygons in the first place, and he actually advertises it as if it were a feature to show everyone "how good this plane is" when infact it's a framerate hog....

If his manuals really are 125 pages long then what does he fill it with? If it doesn't have a complete FMS, the heart of a modern airliner, then what else is there to write about, really?

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Sorry for a double post but i'd just like to say a big thank you to our host Javier! (maybe a mod could move this thread to a more appropriate section ?)  :)

No problem.. is like having a good conversation on your home after the party is over. Sometimes you are tired and want to go bed, others are the best part of the day (night)  :)

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If his manuals really are 125 pages long then what does he fill it with? If it doesn't have a complete FMS, the heart of a modern airliner, then what else is there to write about, really?

1) No plane in X-Plane has a "complete" FMS. And, let's face it, no plane in MSFS has a "complete" FMS. At best they will have an abstraction of an actual FMS which we pretend is the real thing. So, please, let us accurately define our terms.

2) What does he fill it with? Complete specs for the engines, modeled systems, graphs for take off V speeds, cruising and landing, V speeds for landing, tips on flight planning, etc. All the things you need to fly the thing accurately.

I think I'm done with this thread, as it seems others here have made up their minds without ever having used any of Peter's planes.

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No one wants this to turn into a debate. 

Personally, I do have Peters A340, and for the money I paid for it, it's not bad.  It's not what I expected, but it was probably one of the more better add ons for X Plane that I saw when I bought it.

The only thing most of us have an issue with is, it's a 1.5 million polygon plane (Way too excessive.  Not necessary to model that many polygons); by his own admission, it is lacking some systems pages.  So it's not like, "I finished it so it's time for release".  But he knowingly put it up for sale with missing systems pages on the displays for an inflated price.  That should be an early to mid Alpha version.  The texturing needs some improvement, and from what I have noticed, most people want an accurate representation of the aircraft for that amount of money. 

Sure, if you want a plane with some rudimentary instruments and systems that somewhat reprsent the A380, then by all means, buy his plane if you don't mind paying that much.  I have no doubt it is an accurate flight model.  But the systems cannot be programmed unless you have the FCOM and AOM.  And I seriously doubt Airbus Industries will part with that information lightly.  Personally, I have a lot of respect for Peter.  He runs his own website and does most things on his own.  But I believe if you're going to do something for a profit, make sure you do it properly. 

We'll see how it goes.  I'm sure people will post comments about it either here or at x-plane.org.

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