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When is the next update?


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There have been a tonne of confirmed bugs identified in the first 2-3 weeks and only 2 small updates before that. None of which have fixed the audio related crashes, which make the plane unusable for the most part.

We've seen nothing since September and am wondering if there is still work going on to sort the issues out?

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On 1/29/2024 at 4:00 PM, AngelOfAttack said:

Let's hope they are taking time to work on FMC and Autopilot function, as promised before release.

This is a lot of work, if it was so simple, dont expect it to be done any time soon as it is going to be updated to use xp12 data instead of its own.

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I'm too old to believe in intention.
I immediately bought the new version of IXEG, believing that it would be revived...
And it is as it was. A few corrections and .... and ...... ?????

I love this project, but a bit of disappointment... and that's it...   ;-)


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6 hours ago, Bulva said:

I'm too old to believe in intention.
I immediately bought the new version of IXEG, believing that it would be revived...
And it is as it was. A few corrections and .... and ...... ?????

I love this project, but a bit of disappointment... and that's it...   ;-)


I guess you never read anything, FMOD is happening now, FMS getting rewrite( thats to use xplane data, that is a heck of a lot of work), it already has new flight model, I believe new textures on way. Really, I guess they should of just dropped it and annoyed more people, Bests 737 out there. Is a lot of work to upgrade to XP12 why do you thing some planes still slowly getting upgraded.

Disappointed in the disappointed.


Edited by mjrhealth
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I can't help the dissapointed.   There is a quite well known phrase,  "Disappointment is the difference between expectations and reality".   We have tried to be as forthcoming as possible with setting expectations by telling folks it will take the majority of this year getting converted to FMOD and improving the FMS....but beyond that, there are also very big changes necessary 'under the hood'....big and time-consuming.   Folks think that its always 'evolution'....just incremental work, but with tech,  eventually the patches get too heavy.   There is a very major overhaul of the "black box" bits to ensure future compatibility and the IXEG's continued existence....a rewriting of nearly 70,000 lines of code in a new language (that took 3 years to write originally) , stuff you won't see  but I have to do to keep the IXEG compatible for the future.   Guess what...its going to be silent for even longer while I work on the FMOD and code refactoring / FMS.  Settle in...enjoy some other wonderful products for X-Plane,  but know that it is not abandonware....and we won't be charging for updates for years to come probably.


Edited by tkyler
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On 2/1/2024 at 5:36 PM, tkyler said:

I can't help the dissapointed.   There is a quite well known phrase,  "Disappointment is the difference between expectations and reality".   We have tried to be as forthcoming as possible with setting expectations by telling folks it will take the majority of this year getting converted to FMOD and improving the FMS....but beyond that, there are also very big changes necessary 'under the hood'....big and time-consuming.   Folks think that its always 'evolution'....just incremental work, but with tech,  eventually the patches get too heavy.   There is a very major overhaul of the "black box" bits to ensure future compatibility and the IXEG's continued existence....a rewriting of nearly 70,000 lines of code in a new language (that took 3 years to write originally) , stuff you won't see  but I have to do to keep the IXEG compatible for the future.   Guess what...its going to be silent for even longer while I work on the FMOD and code refactoring / FMS.  Settle in...enjoy some other wonderful products for X-Plane,  but know that it is not abandonware....and we won't be charging for updates for years to come probably.


How the progress?


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