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MU-2 for X-Plane 12 status.


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18 hours ago, tkyler said:


Its already in place.  you can see it in THIS VIDEO.  (if the link is working...seems to be down atm)....anyhow, the effect is a bit exaggerated for testing purposes.  I may put in a preference that lets you set how "much" rain you want on the windshield...its pretty subjective on how much rain one expect to see on the glass for a given level of rain.


ok, but is it coming in a future update or is it already incorporated in the latest release?

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that was poorly worded, sorry.  "I have already put it in place in my development work, so as to be part of a future update for V12"  It is not in place in the currently available version.

With X-Plane's RC4, released today,  I think X-Plane is in a good place to resume Moo tweaks.  I'll probably release updates in two stages.  

1)  Visual changes, i.e. the rain effects and tweaked lighting...which just looks nicer.

2)  Flight model refinement.

I separate out the flight model refinement because it performs reasonably well in XP12 and most users, (me included) enjoy the more visual and sensory aspects of simming rather than 'by the numbers', i.e "we put in gas....we fly....make sure no needled go red, and enjoy the ride"

Chasing numbers always involves more in depth tweaks, longer testing period, and frustrations fighting X-Plane's default models and I don't want to withold some of the cooler XP12 visual features while flight testing/refinement takes place.  


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3 hours ago, tkyler said:

that was poorly worded, sorry.  "I have already put it in place in my development work, so as to be part of a future update for V12"  It is not in place in the currently available version.

With X-Plane's RC4, released today,  I think X-Plane is in a good place to resume Moo tweaks.  I'll probably release updates in two stages.  

1)  Visual changes, i.e. the rain effects and tweaked lighting...which just looks nicer.

2)  Flight model refinement.

I separate out the flight model refinement because it performs reasonably well in XP12 and most users, (me included) enjoy the more visual and sensory aspects of simming rather than 'by the numbers', i.e "we put in gas....we fly....make sure no needled go red, and enjoy the ride"

Chasing numbers always involves more in depth tweaks, longer testing period, and frustrations fighting X-Plane's default models and I don't want to withold some of the cooler XP12 visual features while flight testing/refinement takes place.  


thank you for the answer and as always your work is excellent, thank you very much for this as well.

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Just wanted to throw this in, I have had surprisingly good luck with the most recent version of the Moo in XP12 RC6. Did a night flight in it last night with 0 issues and all the lights and systems looked and functioned great. I've included pictures from that flight. I was pleasantly surprised with its performance in 12. 

However, today I go to start the Moo and the RPM stagnates at around 18-19% and even though the ITT and fuel flow spike, light off never occurs. Engine start is impossible. Tried battery starts in hot and cold weather, tried GPU, tried fuel enrichment. Nothing. Starting through the menu shortcut starts the engines but as soon as the selector switches are placed in "crank" the engines shut down immediately, almost as if they're skipping into stop. 

I understand that since the Moo isn't "officially" supported in XP12 support will be limited but I'm curious if anyone has any ideas or has experienced similar behavior. Thanks!


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16 hours ago, swapilot48 said:

I have had surprisingly good luck with the most recent version of the Moo in XP12 RC6

For the most part I myself have too.  The lighting even looks pretty good...but there are some areas that need touch-up due to X-Plane's new lighting system...but I'll admit even for stickler like myself, they're minor.   My real "todo" before declaring this 'XP12 compatible' is the flight testing, i.e. dynamics, trim and AP behavior.  It MAY be that those are all "in line" with the XP11 version and after verifying such, I'll just declare this 'XP12 compatible'.   Of course XP12 'compatible' doesn't mean  'optimal'.  I still want to get back to 'chasing the numbers' with regards to EGT/ SRL/FF/performance, etc. 


16 hours ago, swapilot48 said:

However, today I go to start the Moo and the RPM stagnates at around 18-19% and even though the ITT EGT and fuel flow spike, light off never occurs

I encountered this myself just yesterday the first time and put it on my bug list; however, I have not been able to repeat it yet.  I've started / shutdown / restarted the engines several times now with no issues, BUT....it did happen .........  I just don't know the circumstances or sequence causing it yet.

Can you not start it under any circumstances ever?  A fresh load of the aircraft for example?



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29 minutes ago, tkyler said:

Can you not start it under any circumstances ever?  A fresh load of the aircraft for example?

I will try again today. I did restart XP a couple times in between my start attempts to no avail. I didn’t try reloading the aircraft through the menu. I’ll report back on anything I find today.

Glad to know that she looks as good to you in 12 and she did to me. Honestly, the flight dynamics on that one flight I did felt fine, if not a little better than 11 (slightly more touchiness to it which feels about how I’d expect a Moo to behave). Only thing was in the flair it kinda just wanted to drop but that could be my poor sim airmanship :lol:

And sorry for my ITT / EGT mix up haha, I fly a PT6 IRL so I’m used to ITT. But a new job on the horizon could put me behind a TPE!

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Hello there!

First post here for me... Just purchased the MU-2 few days ago and flying it in XP12 (and enjoying it a lot).

Despite lighting and rain effets which need to be tweaked/implemented, it's very stable on my end. Still need to dig into the POH which I found and I'm sure I'll find some discrepancies as it's been reported here but jeez... Love this plane!

It's definitely for me the best aircraft purchase for X-Plane so far! Thanks for the great work!

Also looking forward to upcoming improvements and Realsimgear/XPReality GNSS devices to be ported to XP12!


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Hello all.. New to the flight sim world, but not new to the MU2..  Just downloaded 12 and the MU2 mod, and the Realsim G500..   I still see the advertisment for the G500 in the game even though the mod is installed, should I assume that is just something to wait for until it is ported to ver 12?



MU2B60 owner..  :)

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6 hours ago, mu2b60.marquise said:

Hello all.. New to the flight sim world, but not new to the MU2..  Just downloaded 12 and the MU2 mod, and the Realsim G500..   I still see the advertisment for the G500 in the game even though the mod is installed, should I assume that is just something to wait for until it is ported to ver 12?



MU2B60 owner..  :)



Uh - is this you lol.

Also obligatory screen: tde4w321m68a1.png?width=3832&format=png&

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Actually, yes.. lol  I started the Youtube channel to educate potential buyers of the plane to be honest..

So far, it is easier for me to fly..  I think I need VR to make this work for me, never realized how much I look around..

Baby pictures below.  My cockpit is very similar to the one modeled.  Do you think there will be a 750Txi version in this sim?



Edited by mu2b60.marquise
cockpit pic
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1 hour ago, mu2b60.marquise said:

Actually, yes.. lol  I started the Youtube channel to educate potential buyers of the plane to be honest..

So far, it is easier for me to fly..  I think I need VR to make this work for me, never realized how much I look around..

Baby pictures below.  My cockpit is very similar to the one modeled.  Do you think there will be a 750Txi version in this sim?



Wow, super excited to have you here!

I actually used a bunch of your videos to try to learn to fly the sim version lol. So far I haven't been able to touch the 285 TAS you usually seem to get :lol:

The only 750 I know of is from RXP: https://reality-xp.com/, but I've got the RXP 530 and 750 Touch and only the 530 is integrated into the panel - unless I'm doing it wrong, which is a possibility. The RXP 750 Touch seems to work mostly fine even though it isn't in the panel.

Only Tom can say what his plans for the MU2 are.

Definitely curious to hear your thoughts on the sim version, especially once it gets updated to v12!

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3 hours ago, Leviathan said:

Only Tom can say what his plans for the MU2 are.

well definitely to improve it where it needs it :)  ...Regarding the 750Txi, that's more on Garmin probably as RealityXP just 'ports' their simulator.

As far as other plans...David has kindly offered to provide some performance data, which I'll seek to incorporate into the Moo.  I see my imminent Moo 'todos'  (things I'm unhappy with) to be...in no particular order or priority:   Flight model improvements (chasing numbers),  EGT, Fuel Flow, SRL behavior, performance, etc....more liveries, and the first 2-3 seconds of the engine starting sounds (gear whine).     To me, those are the basics at least.  Not quite sure what I'll look at after that just yet.  

As far as timing, I am indeed full time on X-Plane...but the holidays and IXEG work have taken precedence while Laminar has gotten XP12 stabilized.   I'll tend to rotate every few weeks between projects and 'binge' the work and the IXEG is getting the binge treatment atm; however, the Moo's turn is coming back around quite soon....and I have a 3rd project in the works also that gets chipped on 'nights and weekends'....but won't take on any more than 3. Better to have a few quality pieces that I can maintain for years than get all strewn out with new models.


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Thank you for the welcome, and a lot to learn ( sim setup and add on's etc ) for me here..  I did order a decent yoke, and throttle setup , so hopefully that will make the adjustment a little better.  Currently uploading some raw video for TomK to use his big brain on and translate into more realistic performance of the MU2

I don't think it will ever be possible to simulate the yaw aspect of the real plane, meaning - it is a VERY trim sensitive plane, and when you are flying by hand, there is a lot of re-trimming based on airspeed and pitch..  either side of 150 knts, the Marquise acts very differently - not sure you can model that, but it is almost like a boat coming and going off plain.. if that makes any sense..    Same with cross winds, if you keep the wing low into the wind, it is sane.. if you get that wing high, it will turn you and make a mess of your approach, etc..

Anyway, looking forward to give some feedback when I can.  It is a pleasure to meet you guys.

Tom here is that startup sound I think you were going for.. 

4-Blade Hartzell - https://photos.app.goo.gl/ngMWtTE4cZWGUvyB9

5-Blade MT - https://photos.app.goo.gl/k6GCpqUMDi2r5fDi6





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FYI @mu2b60.marquise I got the RealSimGear G500 and it crashes my sim as soon as I power on. Not sure if you've had similar but it's been quite the fiasco - had to roll back to a XP12 backup, but in theory just removing the RSG plugin (until they get it updated) should keep it from crashing. So back to the RXP 530 and 750 for me, which have both been super stable.

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On 12/27/2022 at 9:30 PM, arctic85 said:

That would be great if true. As I understand, it has the advantage its database can be updated with a Navigraph subscription.

Since the TDS package is based on the Garmin trainers (just like RXP), I can't imagine that would work. The limitation with Garmin data is the same...

Now if we want a native 750 GTN or GTN TXi using XP's data (or a custom Navigraph set), I fear there's no way around than talking Coop into coding one :)

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12 hours ago, daemotron said:

Since the TDS package is based on the Garmin trainers (just like RXP), I can't imagine that would work. The limitation with Garmin data is the same...

Indeed... I thought I had read something that made me think it could be updated by Navigraph but actually no, you're right, it comes with AIRAC 2104... Just the same than RXP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The MU2 is "waiting in the wings" at the moment, while I work on the IXEG V12 process.  The MU2 works tolerably well enough in XP12, whereas the IXEG does not work enough in 12 to even fly it....so I need to get those customers taken care of and I'm working towards that atm.  As soon as the 733 goes out the door (more than a week, less than a month), I'll go back to the MU2 and make another series of passes to leverage the V12 features and start improving the performance model.  It won't get left out in the cold.


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