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Yup, it's another world beater...


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I bet the Anderson Estate might be a bit bemused to see something they own the rights to being sold without thier blessings :)

When I was visiting Wellington I went to Weta, they have one of the Thunderbird 2 TV models sitting on display.....not as big as you would think, but would love to have it in my office at home :) Having watched the youtube vid of the xplane model I think I will leave my money where it is.......I reckon this should be freeware instead.




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One thing that always creeped me out was the sidewinder and those rockworms off the 'pit of peril' and the first thunderbirds movie.

My favorite part was the launching sequence, and finding out what machine T2 had inside its pod. If I were to ever be part of making the show, I'd do the fireworks.

To move the mouths, I heard, they had an electric servo that twiched open when you flicked a switch. The guy flicking the switch had to do it quite frantically I guess!

According to my book:


Trolley Power: 1,000 b.h.p. high-compression dual-turbine engine... yay!

Screw power: nuclear-fusion-powered electric motor.

Drill bit: Consisted from formula C30/1, a cahelium-derived alloy... where do they come up with this stuff!


There is a cahelium and graphite sheild to the nuclear reactor that powers...

2 variable cycle gas turbine engines operating turbo fans at low speed and supersonic combustion ram jets at high speed. 12 variable cycle turbo ram cruise/trim jets in tailplane, plus another 8 chemical turbo fan jets.... did you get that X-objectware??? :P

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Ha, given the interest, I'm sure someone will one day do a cool ultra detailed high quality science fiction thingy. Nothing that breaches copyright of course. I bet commercial rights to do any of the mainstream stuff would be prohibitive - but Matt and Trey would probably be chuffed! Complete with sound effects! 'You killed KENNY!'

i hate to admit that I'm yet to watch that amazing looking movie. Ugh, the south park movie was 'bad' enough (read, right up my alley)

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If you are referring to the Thunderbirds movie where the Tracy kids take over then yeah, it blew chunks!!!! As they say "shite in shite out." If they ever make a new Thunderbirds movie following the exploits of the real crew then it might be passable, until then rent the dvd's and watch classic "marionation" in action :)




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