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Installing the IXEG 737 Classic breaks the Flightfactor 757 autothrottle

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Hi there, something the team should be aware of - installing the IXEG 737 Classic appears to break the Flightfactor 757V2 autothrottle functionality.

Whether it is something to do with SASL conflicts; or something else would need to be investigated.

I have installed/uninstalled the IXEG several times, and the issue on the Flightfactor 757 only surfaces immediately once the IXEG is installed and it goes away when the product is uninstalled. I tried disabling ther Gizmo plugin after starting X-Plane with the FF757, but this makes no difference.

Does anyone know if there's a workaround or would it require code change, because it would seem there is a conflict between these products.

Many Thanks,


(P.S. message also posted in the Flightfactor 757v2 forum on X-Plane.org)


Edited by Cee-Jaay
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Hi Chris,

thanks for letting us know! We are aware that the IXEG 737 does not work with the newest version of XPUPIC - so if you use that to drive your hardware throttle there can be problems with the throttle not working on the 737.

However we have not received a single report about incompatibility with any SASL driven aircraft...and the 757 is a popular add-on, I think we would have more reports if this was a problem for all people that have both aircraft installed.

Do you use XPUIPC?

Cheers, Jan


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18 minutes ago, Litjan said:

Hi Chris,

thanks for letting us know! We are aware that the IXEG 737 does not work with the newest version of XPUPIC - so if you use that to drive your hardware throttle there can be problems with the throttle not working on the 737.

However we have not received a single report about incompatibility with any SASL driven aircraft...and the 757 is a popular add-on, I think we would have more reports if this was a problem for all people that have both aircraft installed.

Do you use XPUIPC?

Cheers, Jan


Hi Jan, I do; and had wondered what version I should be on.

I'm currently running

But I have found & downloaded the following (later) versions...

  • and;

...but never applied them (not knowing whether it would make things better or worse).

Does this help? If there is a version of XPUIPC that you and/or the devs test with, I'll happily try that.

Many Thanks,


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I think the latest does not work. This user:

reported working - so maybe does as well.

The XPUIPC program is not being actively developed anymore and if I understand correctly does some things that are not correct by X-Plane API coding standards - hence the interaction problems with Gizmo. Ben Russel - the developer of Gizmo - is aware of these problems but says that XPUIPC needs to fix it.

I know that some hardware relies on XPUIPC to work correctly - but if you use an unsupported freeware program...there is always the possibility that things go wrong and there is really no one accountable to fix it.

Good luck, Jan


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Thanks guys, I only have XPUIPC installed because a VA 'tracking' plugin requires it to read sim status, I don't use any of it's control assignment features.

BTW I found here: https://vasystem.org/support/vas-acars/x-plane/,

So will give that a go.

Grateful to hear others don't have the issue between the IXEG737 and the FF757, suggesting it's a local issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A disappointing follow-up...

Flightfactor 757 is still broken with the IXEG installed, despite trying the version of XPUIPC recommended above.

Is there any decent troubleshooting possible because I know from a software development standpoint these kind of integration issues are an absolute nightmare to resolve between multiple commercial parties.

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36 minutes ago, Cee-Jaay said:

Is there any decent troubleshooting possible

Thanks for the follow up - even if it wasn´t satisfactory.

I don´t see anything else I or we could offer - especially since this kind of incompatibility does not seem to be widespread (you are the only one to report it, in fact)...which makes troubleshooting even more difficult :-(


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I can also confirm I've not ever heard of this conflict between IXEG and FF. This is the first time since IXEG's release 6 years ago. It doesn't make any sense, really.

Only thing I could think of is some weird AI conflict? Is X-Plane trying to load the IXEG aircraft as AI when you have the 757 in use?

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